Regarding the apartment please check this classified....
Did not check QL for almost 2 days, what is happening?...
who is this guy? Benefiting from people editing their...
there would be no parties tonight .... how about that?...
I'm doing fine buddy, how is life going on with you?...
noting much is there and the guy wants me to work for...
Let's just get some masks and invade the streets...
Since 2005 and I'm hearing about this one, but never...
Grab your pillow tight tonight, don't try to open the...
that was nice to hear and know. Have to warn the people...
Regarding the apartment please check this classified....
Did not check QL for almost 2 days, what is happening?...
who is this guy? Benefiting from people editing their...
there would be no parties tonight .... how about that?...
I'm doing fine buddy, how is life going on with you?...
noting much is there and the guy wants me to work for...
Let's just get some masks and invade the streets...
Since 2005 and I'm hearing about this one, but never...
Grab your pillow tight tonight, don't try to open the...
that was nice to hear and know. Have to warn the people...