Why is it weird Brit?
Anyone born with clothes...
tallg...hahahahaha...silly bugger!!!
tallg yes I realised that :) And its certainly not...
ok so what you're saying then is newspapers are all...
eeewwww, LOL rizks!!! hehehehe
"Quit hanging on...
tallg for arguments sake, isn't the original source QL...
Morning KSA, long time no speak buddy. How's it goin?...
Rizks buddy, atleast let my name appear right before...
Rizks, its written between the lines...I need to do...
Good morning Rizks...I dont know but wherever she is...
Why is it weird Brit?
Anyone born with clothes...
tallg...hahahahaha...silly bugger!!!
tallg yes I realised that :) And its certainly not...
ok so what you're saying then is newspapers are all...
eeewwww, LOL rizks!!! hehehehe
"Quit hanging on...
tallg for arguments sake, isn't the original source QL...
Morning KSA, long time no speak buddy. How's it goin?...
Rizks buddy, atleast let my name appear right before...
Rizks, its written between the lines...I need to do...
Good morning Rizks...I dont know but wherever she is...