Lay on the beach and party all night?i reckon you...
Me too is looking for good Indonesian restaurant. Been...
Technofreakie, sorry but im a bit confused.
You did the right thing!Am so proud of you.
Yes, i understand both of you are sooooooo in love but...
Man,man're really trying your very best to...
You wanna have work experience or you wanna be with...
So, are you telling me that he is more important than...
Ofcourse his parents didnt agree with the relationship...
Is that really possible?LOL.
If it is, I wanna...
Lay on the beach and party all night?i reckon you...
Me too is looking for good Indonesian restaurant. Been...
Technofreakie, sorry but im a bit confused.
You did the right thing!Am so proud of you.
Yes, i understand both of you are sooooooo in love but...
Man,man're really trying your very best to...
You wanna have work experience or you wanna be with...
So, are you telling me that he is more important than...
Ofcourse his parents didnt agree with the relationship...
Is that really possible?LOL.
If it is, I wanna...