Just tired of the hypocrisy on this site and in this...
If people where interested they would go to islamonline...
Speaking as a former journalist I think the fact that a...
I've talked to a police officer here Oryx. Positively...
Ooppss sorry UKENG. Too many threads and I'm getting...
UKENG I've never had any faith in religion but seem to...
Yes Oryx, but if we bitch about what happens in the UK...
No you don't Oryx, I don't give any Christians credit...
FS how do you know these people don't believe in God?...
So what are they doing Oryx besides preaching at people...
Just tired of the hypocrisy on this site and in this...
If people where interested they would go to islamonline...
Speaking as a former journalist I think the fact that a...
I've talked to a police officer here Oryx. Positively...
Ooppss sorry UKENG. Too many threads and I'm getting...
UKENG I've never had any faith in religion but seem to...
Yes Oryx, but if we bitch about what happens in the UK...
No you don't Oryx, I don't give any Christians credit...
FS how do you know these people don't believe in God?...
So what are they doing Oryx besides preaching at people...