In most parts of the world Khalid there's not such...
Happy Anniversary Someonenew!!!!
There's a big difference between Boyfriends &...
Lebaneseman, Muslim men can take 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives...
What does a case of abuse have to do with how the West...
Only 5 years!!!!! No wonder. Try 10, then you might...
svelte, I think bachelorhood fits a particular time in...
LOL Brit, maybe off-white ;-)
Lebaneseman I've...
There's no guarantees about anything when it comes to...
Yes I do Lebaneseman, it's obvious everywhere you look...
In most parts of the world Khalid there's not such...
Happy Anniversary Someonenew!!!!
There's a big difference between Boyfriends &...
Lebaneseman, Muslim men can take 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives...
What does a case of abuse have to do with how the West...
Only 5 years!!!!! No wonder. Try 10, then you might...
svelte, I think bachelorhood fits a particular time in...
LOL Brit, maybe off-white ;-)
Lebaneseman I've...
There's no guarantees about anything when it comes to...
Yes I do Lebaneseman, it's obvious everywhere you look...