Lebaneseman, Muslim men can take 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives without the permission of their 1st wife. In a divorce they automatically get the children, in Qatar and many other Muslim countries women cannot travel alone without their husbands or fathers permission, Muslim women can't marry anyone other then Muslim men, but Muslim men can marry Jews & Christians. Women are granted a lesser percentage of inheritances, etc etc etc etc so on and so forth. Therefore I stand by my statement that if I was a Muslim woman I would never get married, it's too slanted in favour of the man.
Lebaneseman, Muslim men can take 2nd, 3rd and 4th wives without the permission of their 1st wife. In a divorce they automatically get the children, in Qatar and many other Muslim countries women cannot travel alone without their husbands or fathers permission, Muslim women can't marry anyone other then Muslim men, but Muslim men can marry Jews & Christians. Women are granted a lesser percentage of inheritances, etc etc etc etc so on and so forth. Therefore I stand by my statement that if I was a Muslim woman I would never get married, it's too slanted in favour of the man.