What a sickening case! If she did cheat no bloody...
LOL, ya I should have.
Svelte makes good...
What snessy! That was sarcasm! And here I was going...
He thinks there's no sex trade here?
What does red meat have to do with AIDS?
Oh blah! Sorry! Thought you were looking for waffles...
All of the brunches in town have waffles (up to you to...
That's the problem snessy, if he got it whenever he...
But if I always put out when my husband wanted it I...
It's getting quite dull being told what horrible women...
What a sickening case! If she did cheat no bloody...
LOL, ya I should have.
Svelte makes good...
What snessy! That was sarcasm! And here I was going...
He thinks there's no sex trade here?
What does red meat have to do with AIDS?
Oh blah! Sorry! Thought you were looking for waffles...
All of the brunches in town have waffles (up to you to...
That's the problem snessy, if he got it whenever he...
But if I always put out when my husband wanted it I...
It's getting quite dull being told what horrible women...