By blue_coffee •
Its been quite long since i got this issue in my mind.
i watched the local news channel telling that there was an alarming increase of infectious disease such as HIV in some asian countries!!!
I really dont undestand it fully, where it all started from or where did it originate...
was it really from chimps or from this vaccine they so called polio vaccine?
\Good to know we dont have places here...where you can buy and sell red-meat made to order!!! Where in Dubai...a lot of places like this continously operates...obviously put the lives of the people at risk!!
i hope those with great minds finally discover the treatment for the disease...
long live to all!!!
"Good to know we dont have places here...where you can buy and sell red-meat made to order!!! Where in Dubai...a lot of places like this continously operates...obviously put the lives of the people at risk!!"
People make choices. Might shock you to know that even in Qatar choices exist. It's up to the individual to decide whether he's going to protect himself or not.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
"Resident Attention Seeker"
He thinks there's no sex trade here?
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
the sex trade that goes around....
You won't fully enjoy a swing unless you raise your feet from the ground......
May be the red colour has something to do with it??
What does red meat have to do with AIDS?
"We submit to the majority because we have to. But we are not compelled to call our attitude of subjection a posture of respect." Ambrose Bierce
well, HE knows best when to pull the reins...
If not, the little innocent guys will make this world a much worse & horrible place to live .. then it already is !
I think there is a blood test before marriage for the locals...I wonder if it is strictly enforced?
In India Christians have this requirement...but it is never enforced....they dont ask for the certificates...wonder why?
LOL. Love that. Someone who is all powerful bullies the little guy if he doesn't do what he wants!
i think HE is Tit for Tat !
God sounds a bit mean then. Not a loving person at all.
i think 'incurable' diseases are punishments from God !
As soon as the great-minds discover the cure for one... we seem to have a new - fatal - disease somehow .... from a much much greater source !!
Time for ppl to cure their wrongdoings rather than hoping for treatments/cure for the terminal diseases ...
Oh people in Qatar have the virus too. Its reported in the newspapers every now and then.
eh? man that is confusing first thing in the morning. HIV from the polio vaccine? Really? Red meat made to order? You are so confusing.
To put it simply, you are at risk if you engage in high risk sexual activity. You are an intravenous drug user. You have a blood transfusion where the blood is not properly screened for HIV antibodies.
It originated in Africa and some types of monkey's have a similar strain to the Human version.