hmmmmmm it seems that, WTH i'm outa...
In islam, Minarates are not essential for building...
thank you brit, i was just about to post it
carol your approach is a bit bias, muslims in europe...
hahahaha thanks for the laughter Good...
i second brit and PH, stay away from in-laws! can...
try dafna near Ashghal and Kahramaa towers during...
Muslims are the second largest community in Switzerland...
it's not enough, you should ask them to provide...
birdie, the questions were too easy as long as they...
it seems that,
i'm outa...
In islam, Minarates are not essential for building...
thank you brit, i was just about to post it
carol your approach is a bit bias, muslims in europe...
thanks for the laughter
i second brit and PH, stay away from in-laws!
try dafna near Ashghal and Kahramaa towers during...
Muslims are the second largest community in Switzerland...
it's not enough, you should ask them to provide...
birdie, the questions were too easy as long as they...