Women in Qatar?

By interested •
I was wondering what the average woman in Qatar wears, native women not foreigners. I also would like to know what life is like for women. I also have the same question regarding men. I am just curious, I have heard Qatar is a wonderful place and I can't find this intformation elsewhere. If someone could reply I would appreciate it. Also are there any customs or holidays i should be aware of? Thanks for your help.
i want to know what women in quatar are interested in, i want to know what they love the most, get back to me if you have an answer to my question
Hi, My name is Lauren Hammond and I am a final year Sociology student at the University of Birmingham in the UK.
For my dissertation I wish to undertake a research project on young Qatari women, both whom live in Qatar and in the UK and investigate the perceptions they have of their body image (which includes appearance, clothing, eating habits, weight, diet and exercise) and the reasons for this. The main aim of the research project is to discover whether living in a western society affects Qatari women's body image.
I feel the study can tell us a great deal about Qatari women, an area in which not much research has been carried out.
I am looking for women from the age of 18 upwards and who are fluent in English to take part in interviews which will last around 15 minutes.
The names of participants will not be written in the study and will remain anonymous.
In order to carry out this project i really need your help!
So if you would like to know more about the research, have any questions or would like to take part please message me and we can take it from there!
Interviews will take place in Qatar when you are available!
Aisha i thought your comments on Qatari women were great! Would you like to take part?
Thank You
Lauren Hammond
Aisha, It was nice to read your reply. I'm glad that allah has create a more thing among us. you are one of the best of allah. that's why I'm getting more ideas from you. alhamdu lillah.
I have a one question. Can you explain me the women who likes to go heaven what she should do . there are 4 to 5 steps? please tell me
I'm new on this site, and I'm not really sure how it works. Anyway... I'm from South Africa, and I would like to know what the interests are of Qatari women (if u know what I mean). Like do Qatari women wear make-up? are they influenced by western ideologies/ way of life? etc.
see what it's like it's ok! a person can wear what they would like, as long as it's respectful.
Hello Ql fellows :)
From now on , I will try to select some interesting old threads and revive them . While reading those posts I just felt nostalgic though I was neither here in Qatar , nor a member of QL at that time. It's just amazing how words can survive and people "vanish". This should make us think twice before posting any comment. Maybe after years some other people would read them and value us through those lines. A special thought for Aisha . I've heard she's married now, but It's a pity she's no longer around here.
Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Thanks Lili.
Hello don.......
She can wear anything she wants actually peopple don't really comment .
, but if your looking for the most acceptable style that would not get stared at then i'd have to say it's modest ,unrevealing clothes....long skirts and sleeves are preferred...also they don't really like trousers....I'm just telling you what i heard from the Qataris i work with...i don't know about the beach..if the social function your going to is all expats then obviously u can wear what you want.lili.
We really would like a little info on this if someone could answer.
My wife is curious about clothing and styles there for Western women. I guess in particular she would like to know what's acceptable and not acceptable shopping, at social functions, at the beach, at work, etc.
My wife is curious about clothing and styles there for Western women. I guess in particular she would like to know what's acceptable and not acceptable shopping, at social functions, at the beach, at work, etc.
Can you confirm that the gutra originated as a camel hobble and that the bedouin took it off the camel and placed it "out of the way" on their head and that the fishermen never needed a camel hobble and subsequently don't wear them?
I was told this a long time since in Kuwait many years ago but many people don't believe it.
I'm getting the stutter (modified comment is below)
What about real Qatari meals... that is what I missed here. The houses are difficult to enter. The restaurants are mostly Egyptian or from somewhere else, but is there some origin "cuisine qatarienne" or an outstanding delight?
The other countries around offer sweets in all shapes, colors and degrees of hardness.
Is MAJBOOS Qatari? What is Qatari? What likes the family who does not run away from home to the FastFood or TakeAway? Do the women ever cook here? Love is going from the mothers hands over the meals into the stomachs of the family.. but do expat Qataries dream of Mama's meals and want to return back home because of that? Or is there only the remembrance of the Indian Mate who makes everything?
The live beneath the Abayah, where mothers reign. Is the Qatari women the queen over house and kitchen? Or does she just dwell with her children in a house where she has certain executive powers?
Please, give me some answers to calm my hunger..
Q.U. College of Business and Economics
and President of Diva Divinita..
In May 2006 opening its doors
wow... aisha
nice n clear explanation u have given
eventhough i'm an indian girl ..i like the way u answered
it's really mentioning abt the beauty of a muslim female
why covering their body.
Sit back and relax with your life here ...
Very true Novita :)
I always use to say that Qatar is much more suitable to the families thank singles.
Life only can be understood backwards, but must be live forward.
Hello ... u will be fine in Doha. Qatari people are very friendly. Very large 'white' expat community in Doha. Either British or American, followed by the rest (French, German and Danish).
Woman will have no risks working in Doha. I have plenty of expatriates girlfriend who works in Doha. Either as a teachers or administration in a company.
So looking forward to come to Doha ... sitback and relax with your life here.
Hello Suzan
Thank you for answering ... I am looking forward to the move to Qatar, we both love city living so do any off you know of a good place to live there were there are expats around??
I love to play golf and bridge so i hope there are some good ladies groups there.
I love people so i am looking forward in making new friends..
I am shore i will love it as i know when we first went to Beijing china poeple said it was not good, i had a great time there and loved ever min. I am a great believer that live is want you make it and live is to be lived.
Hello AusM
Thank you for answering ... I am looking forward to the move to Qatar, we both love city living so do any off you know of a good place to live there were there are expats around??
I love to play golf and bridge so i hope there are some good ladies groups there.
I love people so i am looking forward in making new friends..
I am shore i will love it as i know when we first went to Beijing china poeple said it was not good, i had a great time there and loved ever min. I am a great believer that live is want you make it and live is to be lived.
Hello AusM and Suzan
Thank you for answering ... I am looking forward to the move to Qatar, we both love city living so do any off you know of a good place to live there were there are expats around??
I love to play golf and bridge so i hope there are some good ladies groups there.
I love people so i am looking forward in making new friends..
I am shore i will love it as i know when we first went to Beijing china poeple said it was not good, i had a great time there and loved ever min. I am a great believer that live is want you make it and live is to be lived.
I agree with AusM, and its nice to see people liking the place since a lot of people hate it and its not nice to hear that. I like it too specially because I like the calm environment. Qatar will become a really nice country but needs time, but they r really growing fast!!
Hope when u get here Victoria u like it.
Best wishes
Hi Victoria,
I moved to Qatar three weeks ago and really enjoying it. Its a really relaxed place. At the moment, the city of Doha is one big construction site, so you do have to be in mind that it may not appear picturesque to start with, however, it will be truly nice city once complete.
Hi every one ..
My name is Victoria and i am new to all of this but here gose...
We are moving to Qatar in July and would like to learn as much as i can before we come, we will be there for the next 3+years ... we have just done the last 4+yeas in Beijing China and loved it.. I am hoping that i will have just as much fun in Qatar..
Hello Ayman.
Thank you very much.:)
I wish you a nice day. :)
Chelina P
As an Arabian and a muslim I want to thank you for your attension to those details and for your caring about the feeling of our people.
Welcome to Qatar,
Dear Aisha.
I was away from the computer for a moment, and didn't see the chatbox.
I'm sorry.
I hope to talk to you another day.
Have a nice evening. :)
Chelina P
Hello butterfly.
Thank you very much. :)
You are very helpful.
I'll also try to find some books on the subject, to learn more.
Thanks again, and have a nice evening.
Chelina P
Hello Chelina,
I am a non muslim female also and I find that dressing modestly is best. Short sleeves are ok, although you may want to avoid spagethi straps or anything that shows your shoulders. Anything that goes until below your knee is also ok. I try to avoid bright colours cos they seem to attract more unwanted attention.
You may want to cover your hair or even wear an abaya if you wish. Some western women cover themselves just as muslims do. Your choice. Many arabic,asian and western women do not cover their hair.
OK, here are some Don'ts
Avoid "Public displays of affection" with your husband.
Do not eat or drink in public areas during Ramadam's daylight hours.
Don't take pictures of locals without asking for their appoval fist.
Don't use your left hand to eat in public, give things or shake
hands. (Actually, is best if you don't shake hands altogether)
And Dos:
Be very patient when dealing with Banks, Qtel, or anything that involves customer service.
Be very patient when driving.
Be very patient when others, accidentally or intencionally, offend you.
Be very patient when queuing
Be very patient from May to October, as the extreme heat will force you to stay indoors all the time.
I hope you and your family settle well here. All the best.
I am also new to this site, but this topic has been very useful for me. :)
I have a question too:
As a foreign not muslim female, how do I dress in public to show respect?
Would it be okay for me to cover my hair eventhough I am not a muslim, or will it be provoking to some?
Can anyone give me a link to a guideline that states do's and don'ts in Qatar? I do not want to accidentially offend anyone just because of my ignorance. :)
I am looking very much forward to going to Qatar. It seems like a fantastic country, with great people.
Thank you, and have a nice day. :)
Chelina P
Thank you GIASI! That was really helpful.
I'll be interested to know other people's perceptions/opinions on this.
OFF TOPIC: I'm new on the site, so can somebosy tell if there is a such thing as PM on here, and how to do it?
MM... ill try and answer some of your questions... others might disagree but here goes.
Unless considered "mahram" which basically means people you cant marry, social mixing of sexes is not usually allowed in muslim culture. When the sexes mix in a non social context, women will be covered.
Most women WILL have met the brother in law, but again she would be covered (usually only the face and hands are exposed) and it would never be alone. Another family member would be there.
Dating as seen by western cultures is not allowed. However, engaged couples may be allowed to go out to public places together in the company of a chaperone (usually a member of the girls family). In fact, this is very similar to, say, victorian britain's culture.
Older generations are the same the world over. They will always think that times were so much harder in their day, and that "kids these days dont know how lucky they are"
Arranged marriages are still the norm here. However, it is common for the bride and groom to talk to each other and see each other beforehand. Alot of marriage to cousins takes place as the background and family of the couple is seen as very important. Its more a marriage of families than just individuals.
Brothers and sisters go out regularly.
Qatar does have seasons, though u might argue its only two... summer and winter. It doesnt get very cold (nowhere near 0 Celcius), but having acclimatised to a sweltering summer, 10 degrees is relatively cold. Deep inland deserts can dip below freezing at night though.
Hope that helps
Since all of you kind souls are up for answering questions, i have a few of my own if you don't mind:
Please bear with my lack of insight/knowledge on qatari culture...
* Can men and women (relatives, not just immediate family- aunts, uncles, cousins etc) sit together in a room? Or do the men and women have to be separated?
* I have read somewhere (in these words) that 'the average qatari woman has never met her brother-in-law'. Is that true?
* Is dating allowed?
* How do the women of the older generation view the 'lifestyle' of the younger generation... in terms of having more opportunities/freedom etc?
* Are arranged marriages to relatives still common in this generation?
* Do family members (brothers and sisters) go out together? Like would you catch them at a restaurant, beach, mall etc?
* Okay, this question has nothing to do with men or women, but: does it get cold in the desert? Do you have winter? LOL
Sorry if these questions seem stupid, but I've always been curious... have a laugh if you need to!
Look forward to hearing some replies.
Thank youuuu Baaaabs!Thank you :-) Yes I grin from ear to ear lol
Okayyy lets just stop talking about my lolz guys,plz.. Its not my subject here.
So sorry interested.
hey Aisha
it aint bad sain "lol" when it meanz laughin out loud rader den laugh out loud. but even if u don laugh ur ass off after ur statements or dumb jokes in reality i bet u probably have a grin ova ur face or atleast a smile. so don feel stupid coz ur a cheerful n jolly person.keep rockin. hav fun in the Eid wit ur granpa.
Super7 i feel stupid! I'll never say lol again!
that may be better than my own words>>>"lol" because ofcourse its way better than my own "words" !
lol! No But I say it after any sarcastic statement or any dumb joke or any stupid expression I make.
Excuse my poor English!!
Yes lol is laughing out loud but
"Heyyy, I'm back.
I found you something in a site that may be better than my own words lol,"
Did you laugh out loud after that?
If so I am envoius as you are obviously very happy if you laugh that much
Excuse me if I'm doing something wrong , but this is my first try on the internet.
I'm just wondering if I can get in tuch with some one that could give me information about working in Doha .
I'm a retired photographer and I might get a job to cover an event in December. We , my husband and I , work as a team, husband and wife team.
We will stay at a hotel in town. Are there any risks involved with a woman working? This might be silly questions , but when we don't know we will ask anyway. We are not muslims , we are christian.
What are the perception of " white " people. We have heared that beeing from America be a risk factor in the Middle East but what about Qatar?
We are Swedish citizens not Taiwanese that showed up when we registred.
Something wrong with my typing I guess L O L .
And on the matter of the calendars and holidays, the official calendar used in Qatar and used by individuals alike is the Gregorian calendar ,the change was made in Qatar from the Hijri (lunar) calendar -which was pre-Islamic- to the Gregorian calendar was in the early 80's .
People in Qatar really look at the Hijri calendar during tow moths where religious events happen while most of the other 10 months for some Qatari's are pretty much ignored and unless you read it somewhere you wouldn't know witch day of the lunar month you're on.
Qatar has 3 main holidays with other holidays for other religious groups arranged individually by there workplace which is pretty much flexible since religious freedoms are a constitutional right in Qatar (just like it would be if I worked in the States or Europe).
And the holidays are the Eid alfitr 4-10 days depending if you're in the private sector or government (10 days being the government holiday), Eid aladha 5 days
( but if your going on a pilgrimage you can get a 20 day holiday from work, and that’s a one time exception that you can use and if you want to go again you have to take a personal vacation over the 5 official days) hope it wasn't confusing!!.
And finally the national day on the 3rd of September.
The Abaya & Thobe . . . . .
I would like to say something in this subject, the Abaya (for woman) & Thobe (for men) are dresses from our national heritage that have changed a lot along the years and are not religious dresses, some do incorporate religious tones while others don't, but it has to be known that its not –by law- obligatory to wear by woman or men Qatari or otherwise.
As Qatari's are 25% to 35% (depending on the fluctuating number of foreigners in Qatar at any given time) of the population you will see by that definition -depending on where you are in Doha- more colors because more non Qatari's are here.
Again in Qatar unlike Saudi Arabia wearing an Abaya ,Hijab, Burka,Thobe or even a jeans is not regulated nor is it imposed on anybody ,that doesn't change from the fact that Qatar as a country is conservative BUT its being conservative dose not go as far as to impose a certain dress on the people or regulate it .
There are times when woman do have to abide by the law and have to show there faces ( if they choose to cover it ) for security reasons for example when taking an official photo for issuing a driving license or national ID or a passport and at some security entrances and exits (airports . . etc.) Other than that it’s a matter of personal preference what to wear really.
As a Qatari I find wearing our national dress (that dose differ from other Arab & Gulf countries) a matter of national pride more than any thing else really.
PS: running around stark-naked in Qatar is illegal LOL
What about Qatari kids , they r wearing colors , I have seen, but some of them r using "Abayah" and "ghutra"...
I thought only married women have to use "abayah" ?
Laughing Out Loud >>>>Thats what it means.It's used alot in the internet world
Thanks for your advise, me too, I am curious about the lol and lool, what does it mean?
Why do you write lol after almost every sentence?
Thanks again for replying as always I appreciate it!!!
Yeah, For you it's kinda dull.But we are used to it.
You are right , you have a point but this is how it is:-)
Sorry that you don't see much colors lol
Hmm everything seems fine and dandy..
But dont get me wrong sometime the cultural things here like dresses are too dry there is no color. Either white(men) or black(women) :-) this is my only say people who are used to seeing different fashions and colors in their cultural its kinda boring...me no judge qatari culture but just my "obinion" :-) But white color is justified cos its hot here like its 2 miles away from sun but black on ladies (scratching my head) i dont understand...:-)
Get well soon and happy new year to all...cheers
If I wanted to look for schools in Qatar I write : “Schools Qatar� …
But the searching has more rules .I don’t know much about them but I just do what I told you :-) I’m kinda loser when it comes to technology lol
Anywayyy, You just stick to this site : www.google.com
Its easy I cannot live without it!
cool ! You know I've just came from the hospital and feeling really sick .For the last three days I’m too tired that I cannot sleep when I need it the most lol. Guyyyys It feels really good to read your sweet replies, I’m cured lol…Ah! and I’m out of words!
Anywayy, about the weddings or special occasions indoor, We have separated places. Women celebrate alone and men alone :-) Unless if the men where related to the women, Like the large families. In a wedding for example, The ladies wear exactly like ladies in your places or even worse lol, you know like they are getting an Oscar or something lol, But when the groom arrive they all but their Abayas on until he leaves then they continue celebrating and dancing! Heyyy I know you think it's crazy but really it’s kinda cool and comfortable too .We are used to it, even if it sounds funny lol
Angelooo, lol son you have a lot to learn :-) Welll, from the searching engines :-) You just type some clues and then it gives you some sites that includes the words you are looking for.For example: If I want to search about the name “Angelo� I just type it and I will find 37,400,000 results!
You are full of information. Thank you for bearing with my ignorance, I really appreciate it. Sorry I have another question, if women wear the black abaya on a daily basis, what about for weddings or other special occasions/holidays? Thanks again!!! :)
There are a lot of calendars!!! I had no idea! Thanks!!!
Hey Aisha,
I luv the way u make your sentence with the characters, - Please accept that as a compliment.
Question: how do u get the links?
Question: also, from where do u research these site, how do u know where to go??? - Kindly advise
Thank u in advance
I got you this from a site :-) :
The Islamic calendar (or Hijri calendar) is a purely lunar calendar. It contains 12 months that are based on the motion of the moon, and because 12 synodic months is only 12×29.53=354.36 days, the Islamic calendar is consistently shorter than a tropical year, and therefore it shifts with respect to the Christian calendar.
The calendar is based on the Qur'an (Sura IX, 36-37) and its proper observance is a sacred duty for Muslims.
The Islamic calendar is the official calendar in countries around the Gulf, especially Saudi Arabia .But other Muslim countries use the Gregorian calendar for civil purposes and only turn to the Islamic calendar for religious purposes.
What do people do for fun?
Well a lot of things, stay at work, go to the mall and hang out, the mall's are pretty hitech here, u have multiple cinema halls, fast food joints - pretty interesting ones (KFC, Pizza hut, pizza inn, etc) some even have a sort of lounge where u can sit and while sipping a coffee from Starbucks, or Opera Cafe, watch the world go by, when I say watch the world go by, Qatar has a mix of nationalities so it is literal. Or else just stroll along the corniche.
Over the week ends provided u have a 4x4 u can go dune bashing, inland sea, camp out at the Beach. etc,.
Let us in, what u have in mind and maybe we can tell u if it is possible.
The lunar calendar is what most people use, going according to the sun and moon(I Think), and then u have the arabic calender, the sikh calender, the hindu calender etc. each one has a different year. According to the Lunar calender we are in the year 2006 but according to the other calenders the year is different. This is my little knowledge. Hope it helps.
Sounds like a lot of fun. When there isn't a holiday such as Eid, what do people do for fun. Especially married couples? Thanks everyone, I appreciate you helping with my curiosity. I like learning about other places!! Also, what do you mean by lunar calendar, I feel very ignorant right now, sorry for my dumb questions.
The first eid any year is after Ramadan which last for 29 or 30 days, so the first eid this year is around 22 or 23rd oct and followed by the second eid about 2 months down the line.
There are a lot of activities during this period, and the whole of qatar gets decked up.
Oh come on Butterfly!They're not exactly sunglasses! they are just glasses with light colors lol eyes can be seen.And not every body wears them (I do because of my eye short sighted)
Interested, Eid is a special islamic celebration.We have two days a year (Two Eids) one right after the month of Ramadan , Eid al-Fitr, and the other one , Eid al-Adha, the feast of the Hajj.
When exactly this year, well I don't really know because I've lost my Arabic, lunar, calender lol, now my mom is asleep, tommorow I will tell youuuu.See ya
People wear glasses indoors? That is a little strange in my opinion but I won't judge. Anyways, thank you for all of your help. Especially Aisha, and your english is very good. I have had conversations with much worse. I could hardly tell. But for everyone thanks again. By the way what and when is Eid?
By butterfly on Sun, 2006-01-01 17:15
seem to wear sunglasses indoors>>>>>>>>lol
Not getting into the religious-traditional side, I like the Qatari traditional dress. Ladies look ever so elegant on their abayas and men look clean and smart, how do they keep it so white????
Even when they try to hide their beauty, they look gorgeous.
The only thing I don't like is that everybody seem to wear sunglasses indoors, don't know why...
Regarding Holidays, we have the Eid holidays thats twice a year for 3 days each and then there is the 3rd of september holiday. All fridays are holidays. some people are luck to have all Saturdays as holiday as well.
Qatar is like any other cosmopolitan place. Come and have some fun, try out the country, u will enjoy it. It is very safe here.
However, men do not wear that all the time.When they are walking or doing any other kind of sports they most of the time wear trousers and shirts.
Heyyy, I'm back.
I found you something in a site that may be better than my own words lol, Sorry I know my English sucks.
Here it is:
The ethnic roots of the Qatari people are as varied as the many tribes that inhabited Arabia in ancient times. Qataris often distinguish themselves from expatriate residents by wearing traditional clothing: the thobe (a floor-length white garment) with a ghutra and egal headdress for the men; and the abayah (a floor-length black robe) with a shayla headdress for the women. In Qatar, the men’s head cloth will be either a solid white or a pattern of red and white. The colors have no religious significance, but may have tribal or cultural significance to the individual wearer. Most Qatari women choose to wear a black headdress; however, a different- or multi-colored scarf may also be worn. Some women wear a full or partial face-veil while in public places in order to maintain personal modesty. Non- Qatari men from selective Middle Eastern and Asian countries may also have distinctive clothing. Head wear is often a public sign of national origin.
Thank you for such a thorough answer. I really appreciate it, you helped give me an idea as to what life is like for women in Qatar. I appreciate all that you said and explaining why. All that you said makes sense and I definatly respect that thatnks again!! Now of someone can help me with the men side LOL!!! :)
Link Text
I found this picture :-)
Most of us , Qatari women, weare “Abayah� on our clothes if we were getting out .( you know that black long kinda dress) , I think it’s chic ;-)and we of course wear Hijab ( you know,hair cover) We don’t have to bother doing our hair every morning lol.. that's the minimum. There are other women who prefer to cover their whole body including the face.
No , Seriously, Let me tell you why do we wear it. It’s not only because we are Qataris.Actually We don’t have to wear that specific color in Islam, but the idea of covering is from it.
Let me get you a verse from Holy Qur’an:
"Say to the believing man that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that will make for greater purity for them; and Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; and that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what must ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands..." (Qur'an 24:30-31)
Okeee dokeee
Another last statement I found in an American site :-) :
A Muslim woman who covers her head is making a statement about her identity. Anyone who sees her will know that she is a Muslim and has a good moral character. Many Muslim women who cover are filled with dignity and self esteem; they are pleased to be identified as a Muslim woman. As a chaste, modest, pure woman, she does not want her sexuality to enter into interactions with men in the smallest degree. A woman who covers herself is concealing her sexuality but allowing her femininity to be brought out.
That’s what we wear and why.Your other question “ what life is like for women� Well,I don’t know about others,but I like my life:-) Women in Qatar are getting their rights I guess. Hummm, We vote, we Drive, we have the choice in everything in our life.Still, men are taking care of us lol, I don’t think I hate that ;-) Even If your husband has like lower salary than you, still he should take no money from you unless you decide to give him some lol , otherwise he should pay for almost everything in the house and for the kids. I like that :-)
What else? Yes, There is a female minister and a female university president
Look at the minister with the Emir here:
Link Text
About men, Let the guys answer that I have to go now! Seeee ya