Where to live in Doha?

By CanadianTeacher •
My husband and I just accepted a job in Doha as teachers at ISL for September 2013. We are currently trying to figure out where we should live that will be a good place for our 2 kids ages 3 and 6. Our school will be providing the accommodation for us but I want to have a say. I really want to live near people and places to go with the kids. Ideally I want to live near the water. Any recommendations? I would like a very new and modern place as I am anticipating a very difficult transition from our home in Ontario, Canada.
There is this really nice compound with small houses for a family like that in thumama
try the pearl or west bay these places have easy access to shopping centers, malls and other recreational activities that your family can indulge with.
I doubt if the school's allowance would stretch very far in Westbay or the Pearl for a family of 4. I hope I'm wrong.
Best places are west bay & pearl,Diplomatic area near corniche where europeans/Americans live.Asians & Arabic live in Najma,national,Mansoora,Feeraj bin mahmod.gharaffa,Al saad
Depends on your housing allowance, but to live near the water I would suggest the Pearl for you!
You won't have a say if the employer is providing accomodation and not an outright allowance. There may be a little choice if more than one home is vacant when you a arrive but don't hold your breath.