Survial money for Doha

By shining_anuj •
I am indian and i had offered a job in Doha for 12000 QAR per month.. I am bachlor.. Will it possible for me to survive in this money and can save upto 4000 from this salary...All expenses like accomadation , transpotation is included in above salary
Sufficient for you to survive..
Just pack your bags and move in here(doha)..
you can save alot from that money
Since you are a batchelor , you can select a decent sharing accomodation for 1500 and your food for say 1200 , transportation may be 1000 and phone for 500 and miscelanious for 1000 and the rest is for you to decide and i am sure it is a resonabely good offer and you will be comfortable. I do not agree that cost of living is that high in doha.Please remember you may not get this offer in other parts of Middle East . Please do not miss out the offer listening to most of the above comments.
Hi man, 12,000 QR is a big money. for an amount 1000-1500 you will get a sharing bachelor accomodation. You are alone so no need of a flat or full house.
If you cook yourself, your monthly expenses will be around 1000 QRS.
Transportation, if you know driving and have driving license, less than 2000 per month you can take a rent a car. Or otherwise, you can buy a second hand car like Honda City etc., for below 25,000 QRs through finance from DOMASCO.
You can save a atleast 90,000 - 100,000 indian money per month.
If you are a lavish character, spending money like anything, every evening visiting the bar, weekend movies - then 12,000 per month is a too small amount.
Now, its up to you to choose the BEST!!!!
Chk this link.
Similary as DRMANA and Priya said u have to be kanjus if u come here to save as doha has become expensive as while taking the offer people in india just follow the conevrsion rates to indian rupee and take the offer without knowing the actual situation so pls calculate as per DRMANA and ur living standard. if accomodation is provided by the company then u can save but accomodation is not provided then u have calculate properly abt ur expenses.
even if not kanjoos u can save easily above 6000
if ur kanjus, u can save money here, like 5000.
Accommodation(bachelor): 1000QAR for a room in shared or 3000-4000 for apartment
Food: 500-1000QAR as per your eating habits
Tranportation: 1000QAR
Telephone: 100-500QAR as per usage
Hence, you can easily save from 5000QAR upwards as per your lifestyle.
you will die of hunger. search the ofrum and you will get an answer