Q meter in taxi

By speedy2010 •
Q-meter in taxi car how does it work? taarif should be 0 or 1 inside doha? waiting time Qr charges has to be 10 minitus continious or total of stops before charging waiting time is maximum 10minutes then it will start charging?and if car is driving waiting time will acount every stop even 1 minute or ? any body knows?
"1" for inside Doha
"0" for outside Doha
if the driver pushes the button to start the meter and the indicated number is zero then its a daylight robbery my friend. You will be charged bigtime! If this happens to you again, ask for the receipt... No receipt. No pay. If he gives u the receipt, file a complain againsts the driver get his Body and Plate number (usually the same)... The only problem with this one, Karwa's main office is at the Industrial Area near Barwa housing projects.. And Oh! their office is still within Doha.. watch out for that zero tariff :p
Not used karwa... Call Karwa am sure they will give the information