Landlords will be able to increase rents

Did anyone else see this hidden in today's Peninsula:
"The amendment will also make sure that landlords will have the legal right to review existing rent contracts and demand increased rentals in view of the current economic situation worldwide."
Sounds like all the basic provisions of the rental law are now being undone.
There's no mention here of a rental increase cap, so perhaps the new law will allow landlords to increase the rent to anything they see as reasonable.
[mod note: Thread restarted due to excessive abuse and racist comments on the original. Apologies.]
Then I guess I just won't read it, and keep dreaming :D
"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the
longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."
Unless you are reading today's Gulf Times, in which case you'll find a prediction that rents are due to rise again in 2010:
"Amidst the new supply of apartments, residential rental rates in Qatar are projected to witness upward revision by 2010 as the two-year rent freeze lapses, according to a recent study conducted by Global Investment House. "
Who knows what to believe?
Here are my 2 cents (borrowed)
They'll be entitled to increase but probably won't; if this news is true:
"Housing oversupply imminent"
"The larger grows the island of my knowledge, the
longer stretch the shores of my ignorance."
at this moder age, people still are racist...
you can't change it
for suhail:
thts y am here, cos i duno wht is the rent thing in qatar. since i told earlier tht i lived with my parents and lived in the compound tht the company where my father work provided. and according to my dad, if the housing where i live is for rent, the cost of rent in my flat is around Qr. 7,500 - Qr. 8,000. per house. and u have no idea how many houses in this compound.
Silvia i was asking about the rent and increase ...the Law which will enable landlord to increase rent
well there is a virus on the prowl. trying to show whos the boss.
[mod note: Thread restarted due to excessive abuse and racist comments on the original. Apologies.]
wheres all the comment?
sorry donn work tht i have to finish it.
wheres all the comment? i duno whts going on after my last comment. beside i dont know wht were u asking DONN>
[mod note: Thread restarted due to excessive abuse and racist comments on the original. Apologies.]
removed for hijacking
removed for hijacking
dont talk stupid, ok?
I used to have a timber home. I much prefered it to the style here, but the climate here is different.
I can't imagine the cost of medium to high end accomodation rising due to excessive supply.
But given the success of the Barwa program there is quite clearly a lack of affordable housing at the lower end of the market. More cheap accomodation is being demolished than built, so I can only imagine that it will be the poorer sector of the market that is really going to suffer.
Westener dont have such houses there in their own country. Most of the US houses are woooden made...and when a storm like Katrina comes they are just swept away...we must have sympathy on them...
Majid give some charity for such people..we are human beings...
Landlords or greedylords....whatever????????
landlord will not decrease houserent of bloody westerners....
(sarcastic.... lol)
the mods had deleted the comments which is just right since majority of the comments are based on prejudice and ignorance.
anyways, i do hope that the landlords will not increase the rents. i mean, what are they thinking?! with the oversupply of housing here, they still believe they can get away with overpriced, faulty accommodations?
usapa na...
Silvia where have u been ..???? i am expecting your comments on the same..
all are gone bro