i want puppy or cutie dogs

By pretty_eickjah •
hi everyone... i love small doggies, or puppies. if anyone there need someone of taking care for their cutie dogs, i can help you, i can adopt the dog. please only the small dogs. like shitzu, chiua-ua or any small dog. please give me an email.
whoever found sitzui dog in muntazah near al meera please contact this number 55432427 he was chips and newly trimmed
is it still free on QAWS if i want to adopt a puppy or dog?
hi , how are you ? it's good what you doing really. i just wanna say that my dog died 2 years ago, a car crashed him, it was bad accident, so sad.
seriously it's good what you doing, continue like this, i love your work.
Imad from morocco.
A lady, who was swimming topless in the sea, decided to make a run for her towel, but covered her nakedness with her hands/arms....
She only realised how useless that procedure was when a little boy ran up to her and said: "Lady, if you are going to drown those puppies, could I please have the one with the pink nose?" ;-p
Damn, you're good :O)
hmmmm.... so now its free..... thts not fair!
I love puppies two !
If I adopt a dog, can I donate two cats ?
we know.... the puppies with noses ranging from pretty pink to dusky brown;-P
they welcome donations very much so ....
their FB link is
they always update the dogs available for adoption in there...
If you have questions feel free to ask them ...they will certainly reply
is there any charges if i will adopt a pet in the qaws?
Go to Qaws or dogs in doha.
they have dogs of all sizes
they have websites and FB pages