Coin shortage in the world's fastest growing economy?!!

Guess what?!!! I'm tried of collecting cheap chewing gums and toffees from various super markets and groceries!! There's a designated drawer in our kitchen for these items alone!!!
Is it because of an acute shortage of coins or/and businesses taking opportunity/advantage of the situation and exploitation of poor consumers???? Would these same businesses accept if the consumer fail to provide exact amount????
Imagine the profit alone from not rendering exact change to 1000's of customers daily and monthly basis???
Is this ethical?? Is there anyone listening???
It's not about silly change or coins lying around!! It's about one's right,sentiments of exploitation and cheating
I think we are just wasting our time here. We can not change them .. it has become a normal practice for them to offer chewing gum instead of coin. Just accept it.
as I fail horribly to accumulate coins, and since there is no one particular item that requires exact change, i rather waiver my right to both the coin and the gum. If i go to supermarket for weekly shopping, I stand to loose a maximum of 3.96 QR assuming each time they owed me a worse case scenario of .99 QR Loss am willing to live with compared to the nuisance of having coins rattling all over my car!
on the other hand, I have stopped using cash in supermarkets, and this way they charge my credit card exact change and I get to keep the difference.
Always try to consolidate your shopping; you save on fuel, you save time and you save COINS!
It's become a situation coz consumers neglect to ask for the exact change,may be due to reluctance or not to waste time for a silly change!!! either ways businesses are exploiting the situation!!!
If I'm paying a large amount it goes on the credit card, so I pay to the exact dirham. For small amounts I:
a) always demand the coin. If I wanted chewing gum I would have bought it!
b) carry a 50 dirham coin in my pocket everywhere just in case. I have a small dish by the door with 5 or 6 in it and always 1 in the car :o)
My gosh. It is just a small amount for you to audit and have an account for that for 1,000.00 customers as you have mentioned as profit. Of course not. It is profit if you do not receive your change, but they are offering you an alternative, chewing gum for instance which in itself entails cost.
As our QL members here mentioned, they do not mind for these small things, and I myself would mind some other bigger and worthy things.
Live and let live.
Refuse to accept cheap products & in worst case gift it back to the counter staff. There is no actual shortage of coins. The situation is created & we accept !
Exactly!!! But every one should start demanding their change correctly.
i believe members of QL should set example and start a campaign against this practice so this may be slowly influential to the community and eventually eradicated
Pretty Simple,If you are not happy with the gum/s that they offered then refuse it and simply ask for your coins.
its really a bad habbit that is spreading like infeciton ,,, simply refuse taking the gum, claim you 50 dirhams .. i have done that few times and it worked everytime
I agree! It became a bad habit of some of the supermarkets here. They don't even ask if it is ok. They'll just hand you a chewing gum in exchange of coins.