Blocking IP address

Can somebody tell me why should mod block anybody's ip address. I have seen ppl's id getting blocked & posts being deleted, but why should my ip be blocked. My controversial posts were not deleted.My id was not blocked, but my IP address was blocked.It happened a long time ago, but recently I came to know about it because I recently started using that ip address & realised that the ip address is banned on I am really curious what did I do wrong?
yes I did.
did you try to login using firefox? otherwise it seems that you have added by mistake QL site to the restricted sites in the internet options
So it is not an issue of your IP then. This method will allow you to access things using different IP address than the one you have.
Thanks peter, but that too doesn't work
OK do this test plz
Open explorer, go to any website that lets you bypass proxies. Go to Qatarliving from there and try to log in.
I will PM you a website name that allows you do that.
Let's see what your issue is.
That is not my work place ip address, It is at my home place.And turning on & off the router really doesn't work. All the other equipments which I attach to that internet connection also can't access QL. Secondly, my laptop can access QL site from all the other ip addresses. Lastly, it's not my account which I can't open. It simply says that access to the QL website is denied. I know for sure that the ip address is blocked, but I don't know why & how??????????????????????????????
IP addresses are DYNAMIC!
Meaning even if they do, it won't help and the blocked people can join again simply by turning their router off and on.
Blocking your hardware address could be done if only one specific computer can't access an internet site.. But I don't think QL is that advanced and they really don't need to be.
It might be a restriction from your service provider or an issue with your computer's security.
sun: I am facing almost the same problem right now and i cant login to my QL id from my office computer and i had a feeling that i am blocked or something like that but i was surprised when i can access my account from any other computer and after the investigation i find out that i am not able to login to my account even from any computer in our company network.
so i guess that it is just a matter of restriction of from your company network admin otherwise try to delete the cookies and temporary internet files and let me know.
finaly i would like to thank QL admin and mods for thier efforts in this site
nothing is impossible
Or is it possible for people other than mod to get somebody's ip address blocked from QL by some other trick
TB I looked into every other possibility, but there is none. Only that particular ip address is banned by It's true that I had posted a controversial forum topic from that IP address, but surprisingly the post was never deleted from QL. Only my IP address is blocked.
Thanks Tinkie....i'll be careful next time... :-)
I just this morning I posted "New Informative and Business Directory Portal"
That had been deleted this afternoon.
I my view, i haven't violated their rules.
Just earlier, I reposted same subject with same taught and meaning with my previous post, and still now waiting for it to be delete just to prove that something is wrong with my first one.
Yet still now,,,is there..
So that confirms QL are not been transparent...
Hope they explains why they deleted the first one...that should be done also with my repost forum.
Actually the funniest thing is this was done in early 2010, but coincidentally I stopped using that internet service just before that. So I didn't even know all this time that my ip address was blocked. Only recently when I started reusing the same earlier ip address, I realized that it has been blocked. Note that I have always been on QL all this long. The person who got my ip address must have been a big time idiot, not to realize that.
And I thought they respected freedom of expression at least on QL.
Everything is possible! (At least in Quantum Physics).
Is it possible that some influential person can get somebody's id blocked on QL even if they have not broken any rule of QL?
I wish one of thge mods would answer my question
nope, I am very sure I never did & if I did why didn't they block my id or delete my post. The reason they didn't do it was that there was nothing objectionable in them.
You can use a different device (computer). Each computer has a unique IP.
Do you have an address? congrats
You might have broken the forum rules.