How many Days of Maternity Leaves is for Women in Qatar
Femalle workers in Qatar is given with total 50 days of maternity leave with 15 days before delivery and 35 days after the birth of child
I think it is less for such a rich country
The detail topic is dicussed here on Maternity leave for Women worker in Qatar
MM: some couples have no choice - both need to work in order to make ends meet
Brit, You have to admit the difference between the babies brought up by a part time mom & day & night committed family ........
do woman come here to make babies or make money??
MM: So what you're saying is that wives should not come to Qatar and leave the extended families behind
Mufti, No wonder the mess in this world is due to improper birth & after care of a child ............... For a balanced personality a close care & love is essential by the grand parents & aunties & uncles of the infant .........
15 days before delivery is too less. When a person is in a difficult situation and could not concentrate on work, it is better leave is granted.
In Kashmir we have a law which allows women to avail 2 years of child care leave apart from 90 Days of maternity leave.
Mufti: There has to be a balance - Yes, the leave should be sufficient - but also, the company should not suffer through prolonged absense.
What has richness got to do with maternity leave. Poor or rich country , sufficient days should be allowed in maternity leave.
One can take 10 days extra if the need be ........... some hubbies won't be happy if their wives would stay home for a poor excuse .............
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