after my work i go back to my house then when im already outside my house there are 6 young qatari outside maybe 8 to 12 yrs old. when i need to go out my car they come with me , try to spunk me,,, and they need to get my bag and say bad words to me,,,, when i run going to our house they throw me stone,,,, they didnt respect lady.... i dont know what their parents teach their children...... what i must do for it will not happen again to me...can you advice me???
Even though how scary it is, do not show them that you are frightened of them. Hold your ground, and while you are in front of them pretend or actually call someone or the Police. It happened to my husband. A group of young arab boys went inside his car as he was parking and asked for money. When my husband refused, they ran and took some of his very important documents from the car. What he did was ran after the boys and forgot he was outnumbered. But he held his ground. The boys in the end returned the documents to him and said "sorry".
These are some of those undisciplined lads who are trying to scare the hell out of us expats. Do not be afraid of them. If they throw stones at you, call the Police. This should not be ignored.
CaLL the police ASAP when you see them near your building.
report it to the bldg owner, so he will do the necessary action to help you.
Go to their homes and ask to speak to their mothers. You may need to take someone (preferably female) who is fluent in Arabic.
Explain calmly "Your child is throwing stones at me and I would like him to please stop" - no drama, no tears no histrionics. Just say it in a polite tone, no "he's a terrible child with no training" - that's an attack on the family and will not be tolerated.
In my experience, (and I've had this same thing happen to me elsewhere in the Gulf) the mother will be embarrassed, agree that the child shouldn't be acting that way, and in my case, invite me in for tea.
Hope this helps.
with my respect to u aliakhatoon when i start my post i respect everybody and never say bad word
i think u heard for what happen for this qatari gay which killed from rasism gays in UK from ur country
what i mean bad gays u can find it every where in the world,
pls next time if u want to send post respect other
respect u cant buy but u have to let other to give it to u
Hi.... what aratch is saying a a load of rubbish. Sorry aratch but i have to correct you that she would not have children throwing stones at her around the world. Ive travelled and lived in a few countries and i have never seen or heard of such behaviour.
What i would suggest is get a man to go with you and discuss this with the family in a mild manner. If you think you can handle the situation by yourself then go and talk to them politely. If they have any manners hopefully they may tell their children not to do it again.
See if this works if not get back to us and we will see what other alternatives there are.
Go and talk to their parents...if they did next time....i have handled such kind of kinds sumtimes i beat them hahahaha..
sorry to hear that but what happen to u will happen every where in the world specially u said they are young and their family for sure treat them will but in this year u cant control them 100%
my advice to u next time just take care and be sure there is no one there before u go home
GOD BLESS all of us