Qataries are soooo Helpful...A Big Thank You!

I wouldn't be in my workplace this afternoon if not for
the help of the two Qataries who helped me change my car tire when it blewed out on my way home along the way past Education City.
I was driving slowly but helplessly, flashing the emergency lights, trying to get home with my daughter and my son at one o'clock pm. I know it will make the situation worse if I drive with the tire but I had to bring my kids home and to get to work on time.
Then suddenly a car signaled and told me to stop on the side. So I pulled over and he told me he is going to change my tire. He is in a purple military uniform. He was so quick because he really knew what he was doing and where the tools are located. After few minutes, another car stops, a cruiser and without hesitation, the driver just gave a hand to the first man not minding his white thoub might get dirty. Another two Qataries in Landcruisers stopped and offered to help. It didn't take more than 15 minutes and we were back to road.
I was really surprised, that with so many cars passing by, yet only Qataries just came to offer help.
Even the police here in Qatar are helpfull when they found you on the street fixing your wheel. That's one of the good thing here in Qatar.
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if you don't want to rely next time on someone stopping you can also just call Raha they are an Auto Assistance company that you can call and they come and fix your car on the spot. they work like AA in Uk and ADAC in germany. It is really nice to see something so professionally set up here and I signed up immediately. Having said that it is nice to know that there is still nice people out there Qatari or not.
i agree with u the same thing happen with me in sand dunes...2 qatari came n help me out.....
nice to here that
i believe the author of this thread, there are really very nice qataris out there...god bless them. i also posted one of my unforgettable experiences here (see the link above)
What a contradiction? Never dreamt of such.
I am soooooooooooo thankful to the Qataries they gave me a job, villa accomodation, big car to drive, flights back home. How much more can I thankyou O my dear Qataris..:-))
I remember when i was a kid my Mom forgot her purse over our car top. And when she came back from the shop she didnt even notice the purse again. We drove the car and the purse eventually fell down. Some Qataris noticed the thing and took the purse, me after our car flashing lights and signaling to stop, my Dad was kinda shocked as in what has happened they then overtaked us and stopped our car, came to us and told my Dad that ur Wife has forgotten her purse, on checking the purse was all safe along with the money =D
Mariam, in every society there are always good, bad and ugly!
Well, helping a woman is a gentle act. I hope i get the chance of helping one also. But since most of them are driving better and newer cars than mine, they do not require such help from me. I drive sometimes my gfs car. She got 2008 model. Women I neeeeeeed heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp LOL
Well, gud for you. Qataris are nice peoples. Well, most of them.
Thats the advantage of being a Female!
do they do it also on men? At least for old man?
"dgoodrebel will always be the rebellious good one"
lool brite....
You can't teach experience...
My Pink Kia broke down and everyone avoided it. WHY :(
PM, thanks, I read his posts about the Muslim "race".
samer, we expect a man to be able to change his own tires, so unless we feel he's struggling, many won't stop (but some may stop).
We wouldn't want a lady to do it herself, even if she can.
I think it makes a difference if a man was in trouble instead of a lady
All that love, and hate for the Qataris...
People like Gupta1967 are so locked in their own prejudices that they can't open their eyes to the truth.
hey guys grow up when someone is talking about there experience let them talk why are we changing the lines. Gupta i am an indian and even we were helped number of times by qataris dont create a negative impression about them till u dont experience and remember all fingers are not same Samyauk and Mercia comeon buddys dont get into this filthy conversation we are here to discuss our views comeon lets be together
Qureshi your right..
not only qataris all the arabs r very helpfull n there is also one more thing i will like to mention abt arabs that they always off there head lights when a lady cross the road.....they respect alot........
Just a thought.. no offence.. may be Qataries are the only persons that is free and have nothing to do in this country..
eiy eiy I need a pint a Guniness not wine to get me sense back..Hicup..oopps..
Have lost the thread or am on the wrong page...
HE WHO DARES WINS finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of vocka, a pockage of Prunglies , tha mainder of bot Prozic and Valum scriptins,... and now you are still here?
This is the last time im going to explain this to you because u seem retarded im going to explain it as i would a 5 year old:
"Night, night, sleep tight, dont let the bed bugs bite"
is a cute way of saying goodnight to children.
Now, Mr Gupta was acting like a child by the way he put his views across by calling us all dickless and by saying because he is Indian no Qatari would help him.
You following?
Ok now i said dont let the Qatari's bite instead of bugs because he obviouslt has something against Qataris which he has a right to if he chooses...
Its called "A JOKE" the whole thread if u read it is about a nice lady who got stuck and some Qatari's helped her out.
Are we on the same page...
Now why we are all pissed is not because of his opinion its thw way he said it and the words he used...
Ok im done.
P.S what does my profession have to do with anything..please grow up.
Your out of date by about 16 yrs ... but keep trying.
Like that time you lost your Femidom!
Mercia, just keep using NLP and "timelines" to deal with issues and problems in your life!
Now shes banging on about harry potter lol.. I think shes lost it..
Truth sometimes hurts.
Profuse apologies my dear. It was HR... wasn'nt it? Hardly Rideable. No wonder you dont know if Qataries bite or not! Enjoy the wine.... LOL
that was a nice experience of urz
if anyone from any nationality is good with u ..of course that person is good for u not only qataris
but i do agree with u if some people say these landcrusier qataris r not good..i dont believe that..most of them r really kind hearted and nice in person
SamyaUK there are not retarded they are
Cat fight I love it..meow..
Too much Harry Potter. It is a free World. Are you that insecure you cannot speak your own mind. There is racism here...but not from Gupta. Dracula? ... how old??
[The account "Gupta67" has been deleted.
Signed: NOT A MODERATOR, Drac!]
Wow since when did i become a school teacher lol and what a retarded thing to say, i had too much wine tonight damn i definatley need a glass now after reading your stupidness.. and your irish loool please... she calls me a twat loool.. :) and who was the one about 5 minutes ago commenting on someone elses bad language.. now now miss mercia.. behave...
seems like silly school teacher has had too much wine tonite. Night Night Miss Twat.
Go my Chelsea girl, you know how to do it.. If that does not work then I always available to come along with my eastside
i am just a member and i am responsible for my language!
i hate trolls!
i hate trolls speaking bad about good people!
if you are one, i hate you!
if not, i not!
Bloody regards,
Define racism.
About 4 other people commented about how retarded Gupta was being why did u choose to call me a fool... Go to bed!
Silly woman... Its a saying "night night dont let the bed bugs bite" i was winding Gupta up for being so stupid with what he was saying.. And yeah he was giving his opinion and i was giving mine on the shit that was coming out of his mouth... Mind your own business and dont call me no fool, the only fool around here is Gupta and u...
SamyaUK, it seems to me that you are the fool, you know that Qataris bite! naughty girl. Gupta was only giving his opinion as we all are.
I take it that Dracula is a moderator. Can I repsectfully request that he or she moderates their own language.
I live in Abu Hamour too :P Where is my garlic...
All my neighbors are Qatari and they are peaceful and quiet people!
P.S. I'm living in Abu Hamour Cemetery, row 3, grave 101.Knock twice! :) offense !
her ;-) .. but my land cruiser is always around ;-)
I came here in 1995 and I am still here, because these things happen here! And I could tell you a hundred similar stories which happened to me and my family during the past 14 years.
Gupta/charan got banned anyways... Wasnt Gupta the name of the terminal cleaner in the movie "the terminal" with tom hanks... Hmmm....
That is proven mariam. I agree with you. Everytime we cross to the other side of street with my 2 children qataris are always the one who stop and give us way. They even give a sign to other cars who attempt to go and not give us a chance to cross. It happen to us many times. And there are times that they will smile at you. Maybe its means hi. Salute to qataris.
Gupta man calm down my son.. Just make your comment need to get the hump about.. This about Qataris not Indians mate..
Time for bed now Gupta.. Night night sleep tight.. Dont let the Qataris bite lool.. Fool
Sounds like somebody has been getting a grip of something else. Wise up. The could not give a damn
Good job Qataris!
I was just thankful and amazed, after alot of comments to Qataries driving landcruisers, they have a good heart behind...
"There's nothing we can do to change the past, if it teaches you a lesson profit from it then, forget it."
This is part of the Qatari education. When you see a person & specially a woman in need of help, breakdown, they will stop & help. This is the rule of the desert.
Fortunately I have had the same experience with Qataries helping me out whenever I had car trouble.
Nothing like blowing your own trumpet, I am most sure they would not have stopped for me being an Indian and in their eyes a lesser person.
I bet that really put the cherry on your cake today and made you very happy. People are essentially good at heart arent they.
Thank you QATARIS!!