is love forbidden here in doha?

By arabia hellua •
im a lady who lives here in doha. met a local man and fell in love. i just came here to work, never in my wildest dream that I would be involved with a local man(Qatari). doha, qatar will always be special to me... well, nobody knows what will happen. we are against all odds. everyone knows that it would be almost impossible for a qatari man to marry other nationals...
sad but true, nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. is the saying "love conquers all" true?
we'll see....
in shaallah.
i have a lotz of friend's fall in love with Qatari guy
egypian,etc.some of them they get married baut after a year the guy just dis appear.and some of them they sell to his friend's.luckily she go back to her home country but the guy don't stop doing bad thing to other lady.
because his good looking guy.and he can cheat so many u must think i know it's to hard specially if u love that guy.were just human being to feel in love.
goodluck and as i'd said think hard take care.
Arabia sweety, those praying and Ramadan things arent habits darling, they are a way of life. 10 chances to 1 if he is dating and sleeping with someone out of marriage they are neither habits not requirements.
"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock - Will Rogers"
no, it did not just like what everyone is expecting. i left my job and career. i left doha for good.
You could have been wiser.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
So I take it didn't work out Arabia Hellua? Shocker.
aren't these men afraid of the consequences they got to face? what about those praying habits (5 times a day)? those ramadan habits and all... oh well, i'm wiser this time. i learned so much from this experience and thanks for all those constructive criticism.
The guy is probably using you, qatari men can marry anybody they like. If their family dont agree they can still do it. Im a qatari man and if I wanted to marry anyone I could hes just bullshiting you.
excuse my disappointment :)
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
I believe that's a pretty sensible response. That is what she is to him. Or was...this threads pretty old.
You said -
"Why is this thread still going. People he doesn't want to marry her, simple as that. She's not worth the effort or the potential hassle from his family. In plain words Arabia Hellua you're his W**H**O**R**E either accept that or dump him."
I thought you are one of the better/sensible ones.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
Everything is fair when love is war...good luck...with everything.
Advice though, never keep your hopes high when it come to love coz godforbid it isnt meant to be...the fall is extremely hard...
the decision to be made is quite difficult. whatever it is it will be excruciatingly painful & entails hardwork. But at the end of the day, it will be u & urself alone.Whatever decision u'l make " u will be the only one held responsible."
i think u've heard enough already,this thread can go on like forever but reading other people's opinion might just aggravate the situation.hey smartypants, search ur heart & stop whining about it...Destiny is building bridge with the one you love....make sure u'l be building ur bridge to the right one otherwise WHAT A WASTE.
... Love is not forbidden.Lover's are. And display of love by lovers in public is a crime.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
Based on the different opinions and comments that I have read about your concern, I would suggest that you better act now before it will totally put u down at the end. The relationships that you're into wont end up in marriage. I have experienced that and even my friends, its really painful at the start because of the time you have spent together. I feel and symphatize with your feelings, but think of this, you keep on trying to build a good image of your man or of your relationship with him, but you know (i know ur smart) that at the end of the day, that guy wont be yours. He will soon marry a local woman.
While you are still young, MOVE FORWARD, forget him, set him free, (& urself 2 from this craziness..sorry) I know God will give you someone who will love you and will be your "MAN".
I believe that you have still plan of raising a family and you know that it wont be possible with him, why waste your I have said..Better to MOVE NOW than its too late.
C'mon you are not the only person who fell in love with a Qatari guy and leave...There is a perfect guy for you out there...........
All the best and I hope you come up with your senses...
Trust me Arabia Hellua. A few months from now, you will look back and see that this is the luckiest escape you have ever had! Love hurts and life is unfair but there's a reason for everyhting. Believe in God, destiny and above all that there is someone better out there for you. xx
it would be best if you will end this for you know that your relationship will lead you nowhere.
you can share your time with the person you have future.
now im starting to move on and start a new life. easier said than done. but i trying... thanks guys.
you need to wake up sweetie...
this guy set down the guidelines from the beginning...WHY would he do that if he never intended to marry you from the first day? Because he didn't want any strings attached. Yes, he probably IS good to you...if you are having a relationship with a person, why not be good to them or they will leave. Qatari men can marry whom they choose but a lot of them choose to just have affairs and not worry about the rest of the issues.(ok not just singling out Qatari..that's men in general!)
You say he's do you know that? I know of many men here that their wives live elsewhere so they are living the "single" life. You've never met his me..there's a reason for that...he doesn't want them to know you exist. any man who loves someone will take them to meet his parents when he is serious.
Some people on here say not to listen to the posts..but in that, you should always wonder if they themselves aren't in a similar situation but won't face facts also. The truth hurts but you CAN stop the pain and stop being used by someone who has no intention of completing the relationship. Move on...cut ties..yes it will hurt but not as much as being used will...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
i broke up with him.
I think its very hard to think situations like that esp when your working. It just gets your concentration out of u.
yeah, after all these pages of yes-no advices :lol:
sob-sob... :-)))
Arabia, where are youu-u--uu-uu??? An audience is waiting for the end of the story!
run away, this love is not for you.
"Well its very sad that you are going through this but i agree with Darude and Jasskat....if you are happy with the current arrangement, enjoy it but obviously you want more out of this relationship and maybe you should be kind to yourself and find someone who is proud to be with you and to introduce you to the family. Good luck..."
"para mi amor esta loca"
that reply u posted on arabia's prob was really refreshing. i needed to read this forum to help me get rid of my helmet out, so to speak..and be out of a similiar situation that she's in.
what u said there was brutally true.
now im more sure i have to break up with my man.
lol. this forum is like a free therapy. :)
"para mi amor esta loca"
I agree to world are not alone... your love story with this qatari guy are one of the many stories that i've heard .. stories of a different culture woman and to an arab man .. some love stories succeed and happily ever after but some end up with nothing..
Love conquers all.. as saying said but DID he ever tell to you " YES, LETS GET MARRIED IN PHILIPPINES ( WHY in PHILIPPINES... coz there is no DIVORCE LAW) and I WILL NOT ASK YOU TO CONVERT but just respect my belief and my culture.." if yes! he is really in love to you.... if not... and he is always telling " INSIALLAH... we will get married.. " think twice and wise..
hi! :) just an opinion..
you're already living in doha, so what seems to be a big fuss over ur relationship? in retrospect..personally, i think u shouldnt be bothered too much if he's keeping u from his family. maybe he wants to act on it but he cant because of cultural differences, now if that's the case that's not his fault. if i were u id just be thankful that my partner and i are in the same city. im in a long distance relationship with someone in doha..the prob is i am not. see, i got bigger issues. =) im just saying, love is not forbidden there..but i guess, a love with different cultures is a major obstacle.
hmmm...i know a lot of couples who's been in serious relationsip for years and years but never gets married. hmm, instead of trying to be in his "world" )re:not exactly the location), why won't u ask him to put effort on being in yours?
then again i really don't know the way of living there so i can only say too little too much.
"para mi amor esta loca"
"If he is a local like you say, He will never mary you,,,
Local guys like to have g/friends for outside their own country. They cant do with a local girl what they can with you...easy to see why he has not introduced you to the family. why would you spoil a good thing when you can live in both worlds... local man at day and party believer at night.......
You never know if you never go"
"para mi amor esta loca"
Even if he want to be with you, he will have to obey the rules. And the first wife will be the one suggested by family
that was gay ...
Love is blind as far as the eyes can see.. You will never know you are in love until you finally attached yourself into the consequences. Getting married is not entirely the best answer to finalize the love matters. Ask yourself.. are you ready to enter a much complicated situation? sometime people marry of the same kind but still complication arises. The decision is all up to you. Try to feel whats within you. ask yourself if it will be acceptable to you, to your family and the people around you. But primarily it will be YOU to decide on this. If you know that it is really love what you feel and you will be secured for tomorrow then go for it. a small percentage of people marrying other nationals can be called "by love" most of the situations are because of "call of practicality"
*sob*sob ..
I have seen the light
*sob*sob ..
Sinful love is forbidden in all Muslim countries. All Muslims, whether they adhere strictly to the teachings of Islam or not, know that fornication/adultery is a major sin in Islam. If a Muslim dies and he/she didn't repent from his sin, then that person will be punished in the hellfire if God does not forgive him. I assume that you must be Christian/Catholic. I know that your religion also forbids fornication.
If you really love your boyfriend and he really loves you, then the best thing for the both of you to do is to return back to the teachings of God Almighty by ending all physical contact with each other. It's not even permissible in Islam be be alone together in the same room.
Love of God is far more superior than the concept of love between human beings. Take time do some serious soul searching. Ask God to guide you both to what is correct.Help each to Paradise and not hellfire. The more God fearing you both become, the easier it will be for the both of you to end your relationship or go foward and marry only for the sake of God.
It's a major sin in Islam for children to disobey or displease their parents...even as an adult child. Unfortunately a lot of Muslims still practice nationalism and racism. They follow culture over Islam. So if your BF starts learning and practicing his religion then he will know when it is permissible to go against his parent's wishes.
Stay away from each other. Learn about God and what He expects of human beings and start living your life morally correct.If he's striving to become a good Muslim, perhaps he will become even more attracted to your new and improved character and Allah will make it possible for you to marry. And if you should decide to embrace Islam for your own self, then that's even better. You'll understand each other even more. If you see that whether you embrace Islam or not, and that you've become more God fearing and he runs the other and he's still calling you to sin, then you don't want to marry someone who is sinful. A sinful Muslim, cannot do justice to you. He doesn't fear Allah enough to abstain from Haram. Perhaps he will replace you with another non-national if you don't succumb to his calling. If he doesn't repent he will not be able to do justice to his future wife either.
hi how r u i am jack u r so maganda if u want to know each other add or text me at [email protected]
life has no reverse option, think forward!
he loves himself more than you. Can't see the future for you 2 at whatever the reason. it hurts but u have to get out of the relationship.
Oh ffs cut the love crap...its not about love its about culture and family.....and they will indeed step in the way if they don't like you and the man will follow them not his heart...get real...
after reading all this comments by people my advice to u is many wil advice u but dont decided for u at first we are not there for advice when you fall in love with this guy now you see urself in corner ha ha ha i am your guys type believe me can show love and everything use high tactics to keep the relationship going but wont dump you either but when my right time come to marry you will be shocked i marry another lady which even i didnt had relationship with so all men are same he has his card under the table watch out
jacki qatari men should ask a permit from goverment to mary another arab lady and for sure a filipina and it is not that easy to get the approval,sorry but you are wasting your time if he is serious he would marry you by now
No prob, nice to see that you recognize you were being rude, that's a positive fact ;)
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
i am sorry
MJS: She's just sharing her doubts, no need to be rude
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
Yes Indeed I did. I wake up with it every morning and I still feel the same - possibly more - every day. Yes QL is the love of my life. It is a wonderful medium of communication with a wide range of contributors from Qatars multi racial community. These people care. They are kind, thoughtful, coonsidered and share their every waking moment thinking of ways to improve our lives in this vibrant city of unrivalled culture and wondrous beauty. Hic! Gin Time! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Support Peru! Wear a Bowler!
local guy using a foreign girl for sex....geez that's new.
Blah Blah Blah ....
she is stupid a bimbo ...
who cares who or what she marries ...
Blah Blah Blah ..
@ timtan what ???? butt out . . . mind your own dam business ... .. ...
freedom of speech ! ever heard of it ..
i am just expressing how i feel towards that poor sob .
I had the same case, im arab and i was in love with filipina, for two years. and i was dreaming to marry her, but we had so many obstacles made continuity of our relation impossible. so we had to break up for the sake of both of us. it was so painful, but i had to accept it, we knew no marriage will be between us, and shes getting older, so i had to let her go,she might find her Mr right.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
if he atleast try for the marriage ..we can belive he loves him..he is not trying it too.. if he is afraid of his family why did he loved her.
I have friends who haven't married 'virgins' and they're very happy.
So I'm sorry but you'r 'realism' is incorrect.
@sanrio, nobody said it's impossible, it's just VERY HARD.
One of my uncle's was rejected in the past. It happens and marrying a foreigner is not easy in Qatar.
It's sad but it's true and I truely hope they change this.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
dont waste your time with him,,. i dont think he is going to marry you .. i know may qataris who married labenese christian females .. if he want he can marry you.. he is avoiding u by saying lot of obligations ..
he can take goverment aprovement and he can marry you its to hard to get this aprovment it will take from 6 months to one year to get it but its not imposible and this office for this kind of aprovement is in alnasar street behind FFC dear its POSSIBLE
WTH is wrong with u boy ...
poor Girl ...
poor Poor Girl ..
did u get to marry him then ?
how did this story end ..???
Qatari guys are allowed to marry whor-- sorry i mean their Girl friends .....
Qatari chicks a no no ..
did arabia get that chick(twist it) she wanted to marry >?
sorry, i just came back from vacation and gotta get back to work. i'll keep u posted. i hope next month won't be that hectic. hang in there. RAMADAN KAREEM...
no more posts? I was rather enjoying the progression of this one, how everyone turned out so sweet and got sick of it in the end....
No update arabia?
It's never gonna work out
It is not about converting or wearing abaya, marriage in arab world is more complicated. As arab mentality one can forgive many things and accept many differences but there are some things out of control such as a simple example if you are't verigin be sure he will never marry you or will marry you for only physical attraction but you will be always in shade untill he leave or feel unintersted. But if you planning for some money so go ahead otherwise it is no way
i tried before and it is not working at the end no matter you or him tried to work out.....sorry for being realistic
you sound like a really nice person and it just makes me angry to see you treated like this..Do you want to spend your life with someone who is ashamed of you? or always hiding and looking over your shoulder? Its clear to anyone independant that you deserveto be treated
I know a fillipina girl who married Qatari but she always seats back seat while they go out, he drives and she looks like housemaid! poor her....she never met his parents even a day now they are almost 2yrs married , they went to fillipines and got marry there they are not official here in Qatar bcz he fears his family. and you want to know why he married her? bcz she was crying everyday saying he waste her time and he just played with her for many yrs , so the Qatari boy just felt sympathy and felt sorry for her , in order to continue getting what he wants and make her feel secure so he told her we go to ur country and marry there! she is just there but she is not a real wife bcz she has no right to see him any time she wants, she has no right to go out freely with him and now he is gona marry one of the Qatari girl not from his family but from here. not only that he told the fillipina girl they will never have babies!! bcz his family will come to know and it will be problem.
another story:
A morocon girl fall inlove with married Qatari who promissed to marry her, now they are 7yrs without marriage , he is paying her house rent,food and anything she wants but not marriage! if you say maybe local woman are not good to their husband thats why they go and have an afair with other woman u r wrong bcz no any man who will say no to that `thing` i think u know what i mean..the morocon girl she thought oh well as long as he pays my rent and food and i get pocket money then we carry on without marriage its ok. but years went very fst and now its 7yrs she was young and pretty now she is starting to become old and still not married! NOW she is crying and begging him to marry her, and for ur information : if a man will be sleeping with u for many yrs without marriage and u agree forget if one day he will think of marrying you , thats why u see poeple in other countries where its allowed to stay together without marriage u will see couples are together without marriage for 30 yrs to 40 yrs till they are old, bcz the man thinks why headache? im getting what i want. sorry for the long comment but i pity you and i feel for you. as one of the comment someone told you clearly we muslims if a man will sleep with you then u have to know its hard to marry you. take care and move on..
I dont live with example..Reather I prefer to be an example!
have you read the book, 'He's just not that into you'? That's an eye opener. I don't care what excuses a man gives, if he wants you, he will pursue you and do whatever he can to marry you, if not then you're wasting your time and need to move on..........
OK, times up. I think you have gathered all the opinions your going to.
So, after digesting all these fine points of wisdom and experience, both negative/positive, can you share with us your thoughts for the future? Have you learnt anything here? Whats your next move? How do YOU see your future with this guy?
Good luck whatever you decide.
You're not very welcoming to negativity are you? This is a simple thread to answer.. he did reverse physcology on you... and you fell for it... he said he can't marry you, you thought eventually he would and decided to try to change him... You can never change a Man.... he said all that to actually get you interested more... now your in a rut.. and blaming everyone else when they give you the truth... leave now or just be the loser in the end... let him feel the loss before you.... get over yourself... and learn to accept criticism positively....
Never say Never for fear of Forever!!
huh?..this thread still going?
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
i did not mention names here.... keep cool pal! just keep going.
after days of consulting QLers, have you spoken to him since?
did you find any of the advice ppl gave useful?
are you going to share any updates with us? if no, need we discuss this any more?
I wasn't under the assumption I was being ill mannered... and to be honest Arabia you are NOT taking all advice with the same gratitude. I used no vulgarity, and harshness is open to perception. If this is ill-mannered, vulgar and harsh you will never survive if he did marry you.. his family would tear you to pieces.
Why Everybody is pre-judging this guy?
maybe he is in love with her ... really,
a qatari man could marry a non qatari woman, but, she should be the second wife.. which is not easy for somegirls, but it is ok for others,
i think women like men with money, villas, and annual expensive vacations.
as a lot of Lebanon ladies, you can be wife number 2, have fun and nice easy life, and in case you want to play around, you can find another ( when he got no time for you ).
as somepeople was telling you, there is a local usage to marry only a local, this usage became a low,
you can travel with him to Eygpt and marry him there.
you should not convery to Islam only to marry him, it is not necessary.
for sure his family will accept you more if you are converted to Islam, but it is not a valid reason.
i cann't see a reason you want to marry him? i think you are engoying each other no ??
love is a big lie, don't belive in it , else, you are scrowed.
if love is true, then Why he should go against his family ? why don't you accept to continue like this ??
i think the answer is cuz you want to be more secure, you want to marry cuz you want to be secure with him.
i'm i right ?
maybe you will tell us later
arabia, obviously you cant find anybody else better than him? the one who will marry you and take you as his 'legal wife' ?
ill-mannered? Hmm, i guess telling you serious sentiments wil only be recognized as bashing to you. Anyway, love conquers all arabia hellua! Even if he laid out his cards from the very beginning.. Maybe he was just wrong? What was he thinking?! Oh, is this what u wanted to hear? Good luck chick. :)-------------------------------------------------
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
no one's upset. keep it cool, and i'm open to anything you people would suggest. set the limit, vulgar words are just too much. be decent enough and pls don't show the whole world how ill-mannered u people are.
Arabia, you only lash out at the ones who are being the most straight forward about your situation... and go gooey-eyed for the ones who feed you lines like "love can conquer all" and "never give up hope on love". Face up to it sweety and look around at what 90% of people are telling you. And just for clarification, you are the one posting your story and asking for comments and advise and getting upset when you get it.
It's not forbidden here to love....ïts "making love" that is forbidden here (if you get to that point ;) ).
kidding aside, no, its not impossible. A lot of locals are married to foreigners.
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Live Life w/ Loose cash & Nothing to Lose|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Whatever floats your boat, hun. After all you sought advice in the first place.
We are just being realistic here.
Stop kidding yourself.
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
gypsy, amoud and janeyjaney.... just keep going.
kind of situation, I know of a lady who lost her job and got deported on a similar kind of a story
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Are you suggesting that he may have some sort of vendetta against her??
Breakups occur daily in this world..
thinking the Arab male mentality, if you think you can terminate this relationship you may be dreaming ... his pride is at stake and he may not let you go easily ...
I am sorry to say that but no one has raised this point so be careful of what he may feel or do in return if you attempt to leave ...
Good luck
"The best way to predict the future is to create it".
Arabia hellua, get over yourself.
╬ Jai Guru Deva ╬
I'm sorry arabia hellua, but you're the one talking about your love life (or lack thereof) on this forum. Not me.
I am starting to agree with Gypsy here.... there are like 182 posts on this, a majority telling you that he is using you for pleasure and will never marry you and you still hold on to hope. I don't think it is Gypsy that needs to get a life here....
my dear, pls get a life.
Arabia Hellua if you didn't want to hear the truth or our "nonsense" opinions why did you post this little story on here? Obviously you don't want to hear the truth, you just wanted people to sympathize with you and tell you "love will find away" and all that crap. Wake up sweetheart.
teena maria
Love is like a fairy tale there will always be a happy ending!If he really loves you then he is ready to conquer all if not,then its time for you to move on.They maybe right,they maybe wrong but still the decisions is in you.Whether to continue the relationship or put an end on it!Feel your heart closely & u will find the answer to your questions.
Cheer up!
An excellent point!
teena maria
Love is like a fairy tale,there will always be a happy ending!
teena maria
Never throw stones when we live in glasshouses. Each person has his own story to tell and has every reason for such story. I will not stoop down to your level.
I wonder why you people are taking things personally... It's just a forum, keep it light. And to that person out there who doesn't believe that this is a REAL thing, no one's forcing you to believe. What's the prob??????
Yeah, that's right everyone is welcome to give their opinions and views since this is a forum. Reading nonsense comments is just a waste time.
It's very obvious that some people here are uneducated and ill-mannered. Not my level...
you could convert to Islam and you dont hAVE to cover up. It's not a forced rule or law.
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
You don't have to like what I say Arabia Hellua, but like it or not, it's the truth.
If you can say this to arabia hellua just like that. you are judging, so you must be doing the same thing. you are pointing finger and the rest of your fingers pointing back to you.
It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid, then don't say it.
You have obviously never been in love.
To give oneself fully to another, without asking much in return..
To feel your heart beat faster and your pulse quicken when he/she looks into your eyes.
To feel the outragous joy and happiness when he/she is nearby.
Losing all that is not easy..
Will I ever get a second chance ?
why don't you ask him to marry you on your home country?well,that is if your really single..better ask yourself lady...maybe its not love..i think its just missing your dick back home..LOL
in gyp defense, she is a part of the form and of course all treads are interesting. She reads them to see if anything new is in the tread. You haven't really contributed any new information on your topic. You seem to be repeating the same sentences/ideas in each reply. You are getting different advice from many people and you haven't made any logical rebuttal to anyone up until gyps comments. I stand by what I said before I don't believe that your story is real. Maybe you are writing a book! who knows for sure. But gyps is right I have always felt that a woman that has been in a relationship with a man for that long and doesn't want to marry her, for what ever reason will always remain his best w.h.o.r.e. So good luck being the lucky "hoe" at least when he marries the real w.h.o.r.e he will have you on the side. Cause trust me this kind of man will need it, as you know it won't be long before the real "hoe" will get on his nerves.
Ok! I admit, I am encouraged by what others write, so I felt like speaking my mind.
Let me know when the book is coming out!
I feel the same way
I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.
If you cannot tolerate and digest the things written in this forum then LEAVE!!!! There are tons of other forum topic olut there. That's not a big issue, why do you keep on opening this topic and reading and knowing what's going on???? Quite intriguing... LEAVE!!!
Blunt suits you!
Everyone else is being benevolent, I decided to be blunt. :P
I broke on page 1, this is the second break. I can't stand stupid people, never could.
You you finaly broke! Couldn't take it any more..
I'm surprised at you.. I thought you were made of stronger stuff..
Why is this thread still going. People he doesn't want to marry her, simple as that. She's not worth the effort or the potential hassle from his family. In plain words Arabia Hellua you're his W**H**O**R**E either accept that or dump him.
thanks for the recommendation of this book. and don't worry, im willing to hear from all of you. I wouldn't be offended.
Ever read the book "He's Not That Into You"... try and find it at Virgin.... staright from the mouth of men
if you both are serious about this and rilly want to be together. you can still travel to other contries and get married but!! dont come back to qatar. they will force you to divorce and you will be banned from entering qatar. and if you are (Christian - Jewish) you can still marry him without converting your religion. abaya and hijab is upto u as a personal choice and upto your husband as well (i'm not saying its not required but everyone's free to choose his lifestyle and religion) so its bout u guys only u can decide if u wana do it or not.
wish u luck
(((God has created the man kind Free, why do we Enslave ourselves?)))---(((Only God can Judge me)))---(((Don't mess with me unless you'r Ready to Bleed)))
hay honestly in my opinion... he's not that serious that's it he might like you but he doesn't love you. it's just that you are believing on what he is saying because you love him.
your blind, there are Qatari's marrying Filipinas. Come to think of it, if he can do everything to you outside marriage why will you think that marriage is still needed?
besides, sacrifice is one of the love branches.
Just an opinion, I'm sorry if you got offended.
the time would come soon.
I can both empathize and sympathise with you. Life is a learning experience ..
I agree with most of what you say, but if you have to "suck it in" or "humble yourself" because of the other person, then he/she is not worth fighting for..
Time heals all wounds and life goes on....
when you lose something that matters most to you, you hit rock bottom. its not easy giving up something or someone who means the world to isnt easy seeing the person and knowing you can never be. its fucking hard to let go of someone who makes you so happy, makes your life worth living, makes your mornings worth waking up for...its not even the slightest bit easy.
but things like that do happen. and you suddenly take a step back--not because you want to....but because you have to. you love the person too much to not give him what he wants. so you suck it in and take solace in your friends. its a HUMBLING experience. it makes you realize that not everything is permament. people come and go. some stay. some dont. others have a reason for showing up. others dont.
be thankful for small things like that. because sometimes, they turn out to be the biggest surprise in your life---but your greatest blessing.
live. laugh. love--till you can love no more.
life is sweet...
nice abuabdulla... you've given the best possible answer for the question asked by the lady... hats off..
This story has a very predictable ending...:x
Mindcrime you may be right as i think that the women of the other region may seem more attractive to a man beloning to the some other region. It is one's choice.
But it is should be made certain that the relation ship should be legal as per the moral ethics and religion. The societies where the women or men can keep relation ship without strings attached are in too many problems.
A friend of mine is married to a local and they are terribly happy. Compormising fairly between culture and tradition, not just the woman does all.
But then, case to case basis.
God luck and wish you happiness
sori ka na lang acheng sa aken sya in-love charing joking wink. keep smiling mind your wrinkles.
whatta non-sense comment.
just kidding.
the heart is truly treacherous...
Most Qatari families don't want their children to marry foreigners. So what. Its their perrogative. Qatar has a indigenous population of just over 200k. Perhaps, they are afraid of losing their culture or heritage..Again its up to them..
Qatar is still a young country.. It wasn't that long ago that Blacks and whites were not allowed to marry in the USA or South Africa..
Times change and I am sure Qatar will evolve gradually..
thats outrages!!!
he must be really tight with his family and he has great i would say fear not respect!
i'm arabic muslim married to an Austrian christian, later on she converted to Islam.
at the begening no one was quite excited with my decision but at the end it's my life and when they saw how happy iam and how i'm running things as a married man, they were quite impressed.
actually, some of my friends envy me now as i'm the only one with piece of mind, no arabic crazy step mother breathing down my neck!!!
good luck dear...
Adnan, as with just about everything there is a double standard. There are a few instances where Qatari women have married non-Qatari men, I know personally of one such instance (he is an American convert).
Qatari families are not happy when their sons marry non-Qatari's, and this instance with girls is a little easier to regulate than with the sons, I think you know where I am going with this. I have been here in Qatar a loooooong time and seen a lot of things :)
Amoud i think that non Qatari men cannot get married to Qatari woman. I do not have any interaction with qatari guys in my office becasue they are very less but on one time i did talk about it.
A local qatari guy who is our company PRO was procesing my Residence ID after medical, when one of my friend told him that i am single and looking for a good Qatari girl as well. I dont know but they laughed so much after that he told me that dont even think of trying it even, the end will be horrific.He then told this in my native language as well and told me to be cautious (he speaks Urdu as well).
Well never mind but i am sure it is very serious matter.I took lot of care after that.
She's already emotionaly involved...If she wasn't , she wouldn't want to get married..
No i think that in Arab culture (as well) they can marry foreign women and in the past history of 100 years there are some examples, but dont know about Qatari men specifically.
It is now the equation between you two and only you can judge the suitability. Luck always counts in these things but dont get emotionally invovled so much before any legal commitment.
Is call the law of the man eater or woman eater.......
Get out! with what ever dignity you had left on you before is too late.
He can marry you, if he says it is impossible he is lying. I have Brit friends who have been married to Qataris for 20+ years, and also have friends who have just married Qatari's. He can get permission to marry a girl who is not Qatari. As for religion change, it is also a cop out. 3 of my friends who have been married for 20+ years, only 1 has converted to Islam, and get this, one of the ladies now has a Qatari passport. He may be struggling with family isues but that is something totally different.
The general idea is that we western women are a load of fun, have had many "no strings attached" relationships and will sleep with our boyfriends out of marriage. Sad I know, but as one Qatari friend once told me in referring to his Scottish girlfriend of 5 years "Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free"
Come-one,, take it easy he can marry you,,, he has take some approval from the interior ministry if they dont give him the approval.. i dont think something can stop the love or even couple who like to marriage..
i think u have to have a time to talk with him about your relationship future,, the love must have end :$ which is marriage :(
so you have to close this story,,, and 1 good think if u like to continues ur love storey and happiness dont marriage, he he he
"Or it could be this way also, I cant ask anything like where this relationship would go because I'm just scared of the answer that I would get."
ok i hate to be harsh but what kind of relationship do you have if you cant talk to this man instead of asking the most important questions you post it on the net for help.
my advice is if your worried about the answer you know what it will be and if you ask at least you wont be in limbo anymore.
i dont think you should listen to other ppl all that you are getting are biased opions if you really need to know just think about it yourself and you will know what to do!
hi good luck to you im English and im engaged to a Qatari its hard but it does happen have the two of you talked about it? meeting the family is diffrent here the chances are you will meet the women and not the men till you are married just remmember it does happen just not that often so good luck
first of all i am glad that you appreciated my answer regarding your personal issue. and i would really feel more happy if my advise would turn you out for something good.
well being very honest the thing bothering me is that 'why do you expect him to introduce you to his family?" i am sure this isnt a part of love or relationship.
all what you should expect from his is 'himself', his loyalty and his love rather than thinking about his family.
as i told you before also that even my religion does not make it compulsory for a matured man to be answerable to his family in terms of his marriage.
i agree that your man must be different, different from other Nationals. i am born here in this country so ofcourse i do and i have been interacting with these people every day, every time. i know all fingers aren't equal, there are always exceptions in every community and specially as about Qataris trust me most of them are with golden hearts... but yeah as i said there are always exceptions.
i dunno what to advise you on this whole matter but what i would suggest you is to just ask him very frankly and honestly about the future and scope of your relationship. just ask him what does he expects from you being his girlfriend.
and lastly, regarding what you had asked, lemme tell you that it isnt like that atall that if an expat lady is introduced to Qatari family they disgrace them or rate them cheap like their khadamas... ofcourse some might be of this type, but majority of them have a good respect and hospitality for everyone they come to know.
Peace be upon you.
For goodness' sake, you have instinct enough to ask people in a public forum- have you asked him?? If you HAVE, you obviously don't entirely trust your instincts: mainly for the reasons outlined above. Find your self respect, go with your instincts and leave him to it... he'll probably marry into kind and find another girl for extracurricular that he can fob off with the same guff.
YOU, on the other hand, could be out loving life and erm, yourself- which would be a good start, no? Sorry if I sound harsh:(
The vast majority said NO do not carrry on, So how many days more do you want to keep this thread running. Cmon girl wake up and smell the cofee. The writing is on the wall. NO. Now its your choice,.
Bye Iam out of this thread now.
I just feel this thread is ahoax and she is just carrying on asurvey here.
I have three Qatari friends who had a similar problem.
The first one is a self-made millionaire and he married a British girl without the consent of his familiy. He said:" I can afford it".
The second one did not marry the Lebanese girl because his mother was against it. He would have lost all financial support of the family.
The third one left the country to marry a German girl because the CID was after him in Qatar. (He belonged to the secret police, too). He came back after seven years because he could not make it in Germany. He is married to a Qatari now.
Now you see if your guy resembles one of these and then you know how it may turn out.
Get this book (if not at Virgin, order from Amazon). It's an easy read and a good story. It might help you understand men who come from a Gulf Arab culture and point out some of the pitfalls before you go too far.
the more you give them hard time, the more they beg:D
and why do you think our brain is located over our heart? hmmm, i wonder why?;)
thank punky, but please note, I didn't say DO this or DO that.. I am sure SHE is the one who can chose her way.. and again, hey you never know what might happen in another 1,5 years or 3 years or whatever... everything is possible.. if she is willing to wait and see, well.. it's her choice.. if she wants to get married any soon, it's better to find some other groom, coz this guy is not ready for this step in the near future, and not sure at all whether he ever will...
"love me for what i am for simply being me, but if you're only using me to ease your fantasy, you're really not in love so let me go...i must be free!" :)))
Very well said!! I think arabia doesnt need the advice,she knows what to do. she knows. she is just probably trying to find someone to justify what she is doing with this man.someone who will actually say that it is ok even if-
arabia they are rigt.
but if it pleases you so much to be used over and over and over again- who are we to stop you
go ahead and let yourself be used and used until nothing-not even self respect is left for you
in the end it is only you and you alone who will suffer
not them...not us... but you
"Life is too short to make it shorter"
arabia.. I understand what you are saying… the man said to you from the beginning that he will never marry you, right? and he came up with this excuse that he is not gonna marry you NOT because he doesn’t want, but because he is NOT allowed to marry you, right? But you thought that may be by the time your feelings will get stronger, and he will change his mind and he will fight for you, correct?
So here we try to explain to you, that if he WANTED to marry you, he could do it long time ago, no need to wait for 1,5 years! But.. he never even introduced you to his family..So again, not because we are negative, or not because we don’t want you to marry him..
but simply based on your own words :
-he said he won’t marry you, coz “he is not allowed";
-he never introduced you to his family;
and based on our knowledge:
-if he wanted he WOULD marry you
- 1,5 years is kind of enough, specially for arab men, to decide either he wants to marry you or not;
So… based on all above, we can come to the conclusion that he has no any intention to marry you, no matter what he tells you.. at least, not for now…
so....We ALL agree that AT THIS POINT the guy doesn’t WANT to marry you. And then some of us try to prevent you from getting hurt even more and suggest you to leave him and to move on, others suggest to fight for him till the end…
But what we all trying to explain to you, that your mind is blinded by his statement that he kind of "would love to marry you, but he is not allowed". This is a false statement! Coz we all know: if he wanted, he could.
Now the decision is yours: either to keep this relationship, and wait and wait and wait (maybe he really will change his mind one day? who knows?)… or just to move on right now and try to forget him and find the one who will be more than happy to have you as his wife…
... and this will be YOUR choice, not anyone's else...
So good luck to you in any way that you will chose!
now, virginity comes along the way...
Now let me take some advantage of this subject and ask to arab women how they like to be treated because my girlfriend told me she doesn't like arab men.
Arabia: I ain't sure but as far as i know, muslim men only marry with virgins, someweeks ago in Germany, a man got the divorce from his wife because she wasn't a virgin, both were muslim.
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
good one, thanks. i like comments like these. i just wonder why some people here are fuming!!!! silly... keep cool. life is so sweet.
Things happen for reason my dear! maybe if you're patient enough, something good will come up. trust in faith and your feelings, the good feelings is when you're in love and you don't care what other people has to say. let the wind blows your way to your faith. keep smiling and never let this problem bothers you. never entertain problems, let the problems entertain you! :P
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
Soon it will be over..the feelings will be faded..Good luck
hmm yeah
cuz clearly u've got other issues!
GOODLUCK! anyway!
not my problem at all...
we met in December. We got married in March. We just did it, because we both wanted it. Anything else would have disturbed me a lot!
no not very easy, when curious
then leave the thread! easy....
u are very naive.
instead of asking all those questions here..ASK HIM!
i want to slap u, maybe u'll wake up. it just seems like u know what is goin on but wont fight for it either?!?! a real woman demands respect. doesnt just let men take advantage of her knowingly!!
I hate women who do this to themselves. i have had alot of friends who continued to hurt themselves for their men! i slapped some out of it!
are u scared to ask him these questions or have a heart to heart conv. with him about this?
get off the net,go do something about it, stop all the whinning and cryin! show some spine woman! do it for urself. dont u love urself?
this thread is a lil suspicious. u repeat alot of the same things when not asked or mentioned!! why?
i am a filipina... :) are you in doubt??? why? well, it's a cliche already. once you are with an arab man esp qatari you're branded as a bitch... quite unfair but that's how the community sees it, and im 100% sure that those people out there posting comments got d same thing in their minds... "he's not gonna marry her, why is she still hanging on???" money.
am i right?
I have been reading all your statements in the forum! your tone, and grammar seems to get better. Is this a true issue with you or are you doing a survey on what people think about muslim men marrying non-muslim women in Qatar? You also keep mentioning over and over again that you are not in the relationship for money or sex! When in fact that not many people have mentioned in the thread! What's up with you girl are you even filipinya?
Trust me you are not a loser. You are a bit discombobulated about what true love is. And believe me I don't think the people on this form think you are a gold digger or you are with this man for money. As a matter of fact I am willing to bet that there are millions and millions of young girls and women in you position right now. I know cause I used to be one of them. My only point is is that he is there for the sex and companionship. I am basing this on the words that you posted in this forum. If he can get what he can get from you with out marrying you then he will until his parents and he decide it is time for him to marry. And to "heck" with what people say about filipina women being gold diggers, White, black, chinese, latino, arab all kinds of women are gold diggers and there are all kinds of men like the one you have. So don't worry about such things. Just work on getting your heart right with you and God. I know it will hurt you more than it will hurt him when you eventually break up. But honey you are young and time will heal the wounds that you will have. Also I wanted to tell you that I posted a question on this forum once and and I got a lot of support. I was recently married and I also converted to muslim. I had doubts about my marriage to a muslim man after the fact and turned to he internet for advice and I saw so many negative things about being a muslim and having a muslim husband. Lucky for me that I found this forum because for the most part the people here gave positive and constructive advice. So take what you are learning for the people on this forum and make a decision on where you want to go with this relationship.
Good luck arabia
Have a heart to heart talk, confront him but not too direct and if he really does love you then he will devote himself to you and ignore the boundaries of his culture. If you see no future with him, move on, there are plenty of other nice guys out there. I'm not sure about the lady asking a guy to marry her... it does seem a bit off, but it may just be a cultural issue. If the worst should come to pass hang out with your friends and family to pass the time and all will be forgotten ;)
cheers and good luck =)
Like another person said here; he does not have to marry his cousin or someone his family chooses for him. He can, if he is a real man, marry anyone he wants to. AND, here's the big sign, he would NEVER sleep with a woman he wanted to way. He would marry her and take her honorably as his wife in front of his family.
I would cry if I were you too. You were used and you are realizing that now. But also remember that it's a HUGE shame on him for doing this. He was up front with you from the beginning and you can listen for those signs next time. What a nice example of a Muslim man, isn't it. Shame on him really. You are not from this culture and you didn't understand. Now you do. Now things will be different for you and you can make the right decision next time inshallah.
I congratulate everyone who are in love? It means you are in a normal state of mind.:D
then the 2 of you leave...
why stay in the thread?
i feel the same with britexpat
Is the wink for me? :P yes it's true! life is so sweet. :P goodnight girl.
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
life is so sweet...
Just listen to love songs and try to understand what goes wrong with your love life. :(
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
**post edited!**
Take King Edshel advice:)) couldn't agree more on that!
Alarm Bell /big sign his family dont know.
that is MASSIVE
He may have laid his cards to you but not to his family.
If he had been serious he would have told his family before he started dating you.
I go along with Reniel here ............
Qataris do often marry ladies from other nationalities, so it is possible.
But in your case, if this mans feelings for you are not strong enough for him to be man enough to stand up to his own family, then walk away from him now!!! He's a loser as far as you are concerned, cut your losses. Sounds like he is using you for one thing only to suit himself, then discard you when the time comes (at his convenience).
Listen to what people are telling you here.
Sorry, but something doesn't seem right!
its not like a right or wrong thing' issue.
the thing is most of them end-up marrying someone not like you whether they love them or not. thats what most people see and thats what they are writing on this thread. and its not about culture and tradition, if he loves you, he should be man enough to fight for you ke pinay, indian, nepal or sri lanakan ka. he should know that you deserve more than 'cant marry you because' excuses.
good nite everyone
... the QL'ers only can tell you what they think ... but the decision is all yours.
just like what i said, he laid all his cards from the start. possibly, i was just too optimistic and full of assumptions that things could change.
and pls don't think that i'm holding onto this man for sexual/financial reasons... that's a bit silly
i thought, being through a lot of hardships together is enough.
that's what i thought, things would change...
i feel like crying... (stupid right?)
He can marry whom ever he choses, but is he willing to choose to marry you is the question.
You need to discuss this with him.
tra la la
mmmm, this mans love life, in the sense of being married has already been chosen for him, don't go there, he'll break your heart!
what are u guys trying to tell me? the right thing for these local men to do is marry their cousins?? or marry who their parents want them to marry??
do you think it's the right thing to do?
marry someone you don't like, someone you don't even know and worse someone whom you don't love. no feelings at all.
after marrying someone you don't love, what's next? infidelity. these men won't stick to their MANDATORY WIFE.
is that the right thing to do to justify that they embrace their traditions and culture?
pls don't take things personally, i don't have anything against the arab culture. i respect that.
One of a MILLION stories I've heard - SAME STORY, DIFFERENT WOMAN and it always ends the exact same every single time. The men turn their back on the woman and never look back.
Sorry for this brutal honesty but, yes, they start relationships with non locals because they will sleep with them while the local woman will not. I mean, where are you going to be with him intimately? Does he take you to some private apartment or a hotel? Qatari men are absolutely allowed to marry non-Qataris. There is a process for it. If he's not marrying you, it's because he doesn't want to marry you. If he keeps telling you that his family doesn't agree......most likely he's never even mentioned you to them and it's his way to string you along thinking that it will be some fairy tale that he went against his family to marry you because he couldn't live without you. He most likely won't if he hasn't by now. It is true that Qataris have married foreign women, but if a Muslim man has been sleeping with you for the last year and a half, there is no way he's going to marry you. Sorry for this, but that's just how it is. I always feel so bad for those women I see dating the locals. Those men are just getting something for free because you allow them to. Think about this - how much does the Qatari man have to go through to marry a Qatari woman! He has to go to her family, her father and brothers, get their approval, get her to accept, pay for this huge, extravagant wedding and go through SO much just to take this woman as his wife. Why are you giving yourself to him for nothing. That Qatari woman knows she's special and he treats her that way. That's why in Islam we don't have intimate relations before marriage and that's why we cover ourselves. . .this man is disrespecting you by being with you. You are better than that.
I wish you a very good Luck ma dear
Things are more like they are now than they ever were before.
Oh I just saw that he even told you that he wouldn't marry you from the beginning. Sorry sweety, you did this to yourself. These men and this culture is not like other cultures and it's pretty complicated. Don't get involved with another man in that way - if you start a relationship with intimacy it will most likely stay that way. Start a relationship on friendship and inshallah he will respect you and the relationship will be a real, caring, loving, healthy relationship and partnership rather than this taking from you and you just giving it. Don't spend another minute on this man. Just try to end it telling him that you respect yourself more than this and he should too. That you are a woman just like his sisters are women, and deserve respect and to be honored. You don't really have a right to be angry with him though. While what he did was beyond wrong, he was honest with you from the beginning and you went along anyways.
Don't be hard on yourself. It's a totally foreign culture and mentality - lesson learned :)
...its always difficult to talk about relation things in a open forum cos you get 100s of different replys and they confusing you maybe let not others decide for you,decide for yourself!
all the best
because they dont know him and they dont know anything about your relation with this just talk to him very frank and open and straight,and dont leave bevore you didnt get all your answers.and yes,its not wrong even to ask him if he would marry you,because its normal this days when a girl asks her all the best to you and again,its more then a year now,dont give up so easyli,ask again and again untill you get all ur answers.
in the end. All the answers here are conflicting.Some say its Ok but the majority say get out of it now.
It all depends what you want out of life.
If you are happy and content now and you are ready to face a very hurtful breakup then whos to say.. go along.
But if you start thinking with your mind and not with your heart then you would realise there are only downsides to the relationship if you wish to call it that. From what I see its only one sided. You give he takes.
Remeber guys dont think with their mind. they think with their d..k. Get my drift.
Best sit and ponder and take a quick but well thought of decision. Fster the better to save you heartburn.
dont get upset if some would tend to generalize. for ten months here in doha, an officemate then a new friedn here has the same story as yours, falling in love, fought for it then they end-up wondering, why their BFs could tutn their backs on them just like that.
u dont ask 'will u marry me?'
ask what are his plans for you, is marriage part of that? if yes, when? where? will he able to stand-up for you if his family turn their backs on him because of you?
seems like u are generalizing qatari men :)
a lot of women out there are sexier and prettier than me. i just hope its not all about these.
it's hard to break up with someone who's good to you right?
please don't lose your temper/patience on me, i just want to have your ideas and opinions.
move on to a man who would be proud to introduce you to his family and even prouder to make you his wife. You sound like a sweet loving girl and you must believe you deserve much more than this. Wishing you all the very best of luck.
is it normal for ladies to ask for marriage???
will u marry me???
There's no such thing as love, its just an illusion. Perhaps if he knew there was no future, then why did he approach u?
By the way, ask him to go to MOI and get permission to marry u. There are hundereds of Qataris married to non Qataris, even non arabs.
"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter" - George Galloway.
where one partner wants commitment and the other one doesn't. The usual result is that one partner becomes an EXPAT!
where one partner wants commitment and the other one doesn't. The usual result is that one partner becomes an EXPAT!
Why dont you ask him then about where your relationship is going? If you have been with him that long you should feel comfortable enough to talk about anything!
tra la la
hamdulillah, no cheating at all. no signs of infidelity. we never talk about marriage or meet the parents.
he's not the typical arabic man who would change his gf in a span of 3 weeks or less.
well, thanks for the post.
You've been with the guy for more than a year and I guess you know him better than anyone.
During this period:
- Did you caught him cheating on you?
- Did you saw him showing interest on other ladies?
- Was not he there for you when you really needed him?
- He never mentioned to you anything about marriage?
- He never told you anything about future plans for both?
There are many questions to ask and from there you would know the answer yourself if he is serious or not.
Some people do see only one side, never think of the other. Hearing from other people, having bad experience with others does not mean that you should face the same or have the same end.
Many people would always try to generalize, ohhh see this is an Asian girl with an Arabian guy ... Look look this is another Asian girl with an European guy ... As if those girls are not also humans or have the right to love and live their life like the others.
The society look in the middle east is not fair sometimes, they won't accept this based on the culture and strange believes. God made the difference between people only in the good deeds that they are doing. Not the color, nationality or whatever.
Simply the culture and traditions here won't make this meeting a pleasant experience or a nice thing to do [meeting the parents]. So don't pressure the guy with this one, maybe he can talk to them first and if they would ask him to or would show a sign of agreement. That would be the time to go and meet them.
Anyway, you know the guy better than anyone here ... Just try to isolate yourself as much as you can
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
i agree with kenyaqueen...i think he is just fulfilling his desires on you...try to move sure you will be in love again...alot of guys waiting out there...
true enough... can't say anything more.
nice reading your opinions, anyone is still welcome to post.
and by the way, LET ME CLARIFY AGAIN, MONEY IS NOT AN OBJECT IN THIS ISSUE. hard to believe right??? We are not one of those qatari-filipina relationship.
So, what is he waiting for? a cousin to marry him?
Are you trying to tell me that these local men go out with non-arab women bec of intimacy??? there are a lot of arab women out there who are playing around...
Novi and Gypsy are correct.Like Abdullah mentioned that there is nothing against a Muslim marrying a Christian or jewish girl, as this very common in Lebanon even Yasar Arafat wife was Christain.
I think the truth is that he does not really love you enough to be bold and brave.. Love is not for the faint hearted it takes sacrafice. I dont want to give you a lecture. Ask your self you what do you really want? Coz it is pretty that your relation to this guy is what we say in England, a bit on the side..
Arabia.. You already know the answer. It's right in front of you. Why should you prolong the agony?
And don't say that your relationship is not "cliche" or whatever, when we're in love we think that OUR love is the best and different from the rest (wow, it rhymes!). That's what love sometimes does to us, it gets to the point where it's a bit surreal (but nice).
They are right, do what your heart tells you but God gave us brains too to take care of the heart when it gets lost.
I hope you'll find clarity. ;)
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
is it on Mondays??? :-) i thought it is on Fridays....ah yes maybe Mondays...because Fridays is family day... ;-)
I agree with apple...
If you are just "IN" for a BF-GF relationship, enjoy what you have..but if you're hoping for more, stay away!
"before getting into the relationship he laid all his cards to me that marriage is almost impossible. but why is he still with me? and he just keeps on saying that he wouldn't want a local lady to be his wife."
I think you cannot blame him if you'll get hurt in the end because he already told that MARRIAGE IS IMPOSSIBLE RIGHT FROM THE START. ALSO IT'S EASY TO SAY HE DOENS'T WANT A LOCAL AS HIS WIFE..why be miserable with him if you are bound to me happy with somebody else who is willing to offer and give you more than what you would want!
as the saying: "there are many fishes in the ocean"..
(correct me if this is wrong??) you'll only get hurt if you allow it!
there is nothing worth fighting for. it is very clear from the beginning that it is impossible for him to marry her. So it's as simple as that. he just want to satisfy himself and she obviously is hoping for an impossible love affair to end up in an altar.Move on and dump him.sorry arabia ,your body is just being sexually abused . a waste of your know what? i pitty you for believing that this guy is different from other arabs and that your relationship does not only evolve on sex and money.Hey, wake up.
don't listen to people, sometimes it is really hard here, but both of you have to fight if this is what you are facing.
arabia hellua ... listen to what Gypsy said. It is very plain and simple...
1)by all means do not hesitate, tell him what you want from that relationship. then remind him with his promises. ask what are his plans, where is the timetable for that? at 29 he should have that.
2) 'this man is different from other arabs' my friend told me the same story. he's single, 30 yrs old, not that rich compared to other qataris, she was even introduced to his brothers (no more parents), he refused to be married to his cousin, went to the Philippines twice, etc...
but after four yrs, he eventually married his cousin, then he wants to keep her since he dont expect to be happy and he 'truly' loves her. sweet no
The only reason he can't marry you is because he doesn't want to. Stop kidding yourself sweetie and move on.
you're right i think...
should i demand him to introduce me to his family?
what i wnt is this man to have the initiative to introduce me gto the family without me asking for it.
can i ask once more? what's the usual reaction of the family when a non arab lady is introduced to them???
is it like a mortal sin? or it just reminds them of their kadamas and all???
it's nice reading the thread from u guys. most of them are brutally frank but its the reality. someone's asking if my man is married, no. he is single.
it hurts though, somebody said that it's possible that the only reason this man is still with me is because he get what he desires.
this man is different from other arabs, i just don't know how to explain to you guys. our relationship does not only revolve with money and sex (sorry for the term).
this relationship that we have is NOT a "CLICHE". I know most of u are thinking that the reason why im stuck with him is because of money or material things. No, not like this. Im aware also that we Filipinas are known to be gold-diggers. I'm sorry, there could be some but not all.
This local man is just an ordinary man. He's not a rich and famous qatari (everyone thinks that way when they hear the word "QATARI").
Well, I think being matured and old is not enough when it comes to this kind of situation.
Isn't it funny if I will ask him "will you marry me?"
Or it could be this way also, I cant ask anything like where this relationship would go because I'm just scared of the answer that I would get.
There was a time already when his mother is askinh him to marry a local lady but he refused bec he doesn't like her. He's 29 now.
I don't know where this craziness is leading us.
so sad. I feel like crying again... I'm such a cry baby, such a loser.
Pls feel free to say anything, i wont take it personally.
You have already answered your questions. If a man introduces you to his family within 4 to 6 months of a relationship it is a good sign that there is real love there. Your boyfriend is probably thinking somewhere along line of yeppie! yum!, yum! Why should buy the milk when I can get it for free. He is just not ready to marry right now and it sounds like he has his life all mapped out and eventually he well dump you and move on. I would suggest that if he is getting sex from you on a regular basis that he won't want to dump you anytime soon or at least until he meet a traditional wife and even then who know he may keep you on. If I were you I would move on cause as long as you are giving him his yum, yum he won't be going anywhere.
I am always excited to go to sleep! In anticipation of the new experience I will find awaiting me.
listen dear, first of all lemme make u very clear with the fact that there is no such rule that a national(qatari) cannot marry an expat. so there will be no difficulties in matter of government.
as about converting your religion, its good if you agree with the religion of your guy and are ready to believe in it, but hamdulillah, islam is a religion which does allows a muslim man to marry a christian or a jew girl.
and as about you said that he havent yet even introduced you to his family, then i would also like to add that its not necessary for the family of a guy to interfere in his this personal matters (after he is matured), he has the total right to marry anyone even if it is against his family wish, but none theless he is supposed to provide you with all your rights being his wife and has to fulfill his responsibilities and duties towards u.
but as you said that this man already told you that marriage is not possible in your relationship then i dont understand that why on earth are you still stuck with him! its very clear that if he is not gonna marry you then he is only playing around with you, fulfilling all his desires.
though being a muslim, i would suggest you to get out of this relationship because as you said that the man is not ready to get married, then you are just wasting your life behind him and he is doing nothing else than increasing his sins, to which he will be answerable to the Almighty.
Peace be upon you.
why? you want to meet her? :P
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
what about me no music for me:/
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
very difficult to give an advice, only you can decide for yourself.
如果您認為我是母狗! 您應該遇見我的媽媽!
waaaaaattaaaaa long comment you posted guess you are getting bored at home.
of cuorse pinay take care of each other, maybe you just dont see it...
anyhow can't just make a decision because evrybody seems to be telling you to end it and to open your mind and all that...and you are a big girl, I know somehow you know how all this is going to end up if not sooner...right?
you can enjoy the moment now and cry later,after all it is not everyday that you get to be in love.
"Life is too short to make it shorter"
Oh don't get me started on this one AGAIN (says the American Christian woman married to an Arab Muslim man).
I agree with JassKat... and Darude... and Salax....
I know lots of women - Filipina, British, American - married to Qatari men. Some converted, some didn't. Some wear abaya, some don't. All are raising Muslim children.
Lots of guys, not just Qatari guys, string women along and give excuse after excuse about why they aren't ready to commit.
Arabia hellua, you are the only one who can decide if this guy is serious and wants a committed relationship. Love does not necessarily conquer all. You need to get to know him well enough to know how his family feels about it and how big of an influence they will have on his decision. In some families it's huge, in which case marriage wil probably never happen. Other families are less strict and it's not a big deal.
Good luck.
hey kabayans does anyone remember inday badiday?i think she is needed here, keep it up arabia hellua, this kind of post will make us SIKAT...
I know the ways of women; they won't come when thou wilt, and when thou won't they are passionately fond.
It's like survival...
The women wouldn't do what they got to do if they make a decent salary.The guys are screwed.They just have to get what they get.... Am I in the right thread???
Anyway you know what I mean...
You can't teach experience
You can't teach experience
yeah, BL.. i am also impressed by the lenght of Vegas' speech!!!
you can feel he is really pissed
wow.. such a long monolog...
methinks you just broke your one liner rule ;)
What are you thinking???
Kinda pisses me off as it hurts the filipina reputation...
Think filipinas...
I know alot dont have internet...
Spead the word filipinas...
take care your own....
Everywhere else I been filipina take care of each other??? Why not here???
You can't teach experience
Well its very sad that you are going through this but i agree with Darude and Jasskat....if you are happy with the current arrangement, enjoy it but obviously you want more out of this relationship and maybe you should be kind to yourself and find someone who is proud to be with you and to introduce you to the family. Good luck...
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter & those who matter don't mind.
Why do you ask other people to keep your feelings to man or to stop???? Enjoy by present moment... maybe you will never meet someone like he is.... don't think about family or his money - if you love him - enjoy with him, work and be happy!!!!!!! Good luck!!!!! And don't lose your love........
i have a filipina client/friend married to a qatari.
she is chaka (isn't that pretty), but this shows how powerful love is.
and yesz they are still living together here in Doha, with three beautiful children.
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
I have one Filipina freind fallen love with Local Man, When she ask him to introduce with his family, He always say after two months.Now its been 1 and half year still she is waiting for two months..
ms. a. are you sure your bf is single???????/
After the game, the KiNG and the PAwN go into the same box.
-Italian Proverb
better stop building castles in dream and GET BACK TO WORK
You are right Da, there will always be an excuse until this girl finally ends it with him. He wont end it because he is getting everything he wants from it.
Once you meet the family though, you can be sure he is serious.
tra la la
he will come up with excuse my family is out of country
or its too early to talk to them
or they are odd with me these days
and blah blah blah and in end he will say oh sorry they refused you can go.
If he isn't willing to introduce you to his family, walk away before you waste any more of your feelings on him.
tra la la
that aint happening never forget it gal. if you think he is serious aask him to introduce you to his parents family.
"well, before getting into the relationship he laid all his cards to me that marriage is almost impossible. but why is he still with me? and he just keeps on saying that he wouldn't want a local lady to be his wife.
cupid's arrows just keeps on following me..."
Arabia hellua: Would like to let you know that i'm having a similar situation, differences are that my girlfriend is morroquian and not qatari and i'm portuguese but she also keeps telling me that she doesn't want a local for her husband. :)
Just hope will turn ok for you, i also didn't met her familly but that's because she doesn't want them to know about us, when we were at Morocco, we had to go desert places because a boy and a girl can't "french kiss" in public, single girls can't go private with single men, etc....
And, to marry her i'll convert too, will you convert for love or because you truelly belive Islam?
Only God Can Judge Me
الله فقط يمكنه محاكمتي
I am you and you are me, if you love i love, if you suffer i suffer
أنا أنت, و أنت أنا, إذا أحببت نفسك أحببت نفسي, إذا عانيتَ عانيتُ
If he want to marry you he will introduce with his family, If he cant do that, than it mean its sure that he cant marry you becasue of his family/rellgion, and culture.One More real thing is they compare Other nationality gilr with House Maid.
But its will be really hard to you end this relation..becasue love is like war easy to start hard to forget and end.
wish you all the best.
In most of the Middle East, Marriages between "ARAB" men and non Arab women are discouraged, both by the state and the culture...
You are a mature female and must know what you are letting yourself in for.
No-one can make the decisions for you. I would suggest a sincere heart to heart with your partner.
Hope it all works out for you.
ask him where your relationship will go! filipinas ARE NOT LOW MAINTENANCE!!! it so happen, we are caring and loving people!
love will find its ways...
~~~ There is no substitute for victory yet there is risks of too much oversight... ~~~
Love knows no boundary! I know someone who fell in love and married a Qatari! She was a devout Christian but have to embrace Muslim (as they say for the sake of love). Not to mention, you are working in a Muslim country. Sometimes, religion plays a vital role in a relationship! Hope you make the right decision! Marriage is sacred (thats how it should be)
He may be in love with you but I guess there's no more he can do to lead your relationship to marriage.
He is bound to marry a local lady in time.. where will you be? It's hard but you have to look out for yourself too.
You have come to this realization, maybe it's time to do something about it rather than prolonging the "idea" that things might be different and can eventually work for the 2 of you.
This is where I say, "Reality Bites!"
It does, hey.
╬ Sotally Tober ╬
you have a hard decision to make but sounds as though you will be hurt more if you don't end it, hurts but being together years then ending will be worse.
oh well, i can't say anything more....
love can lead to insanity...
ok, its clear now. i have to end this. i work here, in his country and he's just around... we're ok, no other issues except this.
why did i ever enter into this kind of relationship.
it all boils down on me..
thnks guys...
just forget him and move on....i'm there :) single handsome and when i squint my eyes i look pinoy whatever that means lol
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
if he cant marry you because of those issues, why continue? maybe your dreaming of a fairy tale ending just like my friend.
she had a 4-yr relationship with local man which she ended a month ago becase her man eventually married his first cousin. during those years he promised her that he will do everything to marry her even though its nearly impossible because she's an asian (my friend though is naive enough to accept all this without seeing any concrete proof for four years).
i dont understand, why would they feel like that? discrimination? bec their housemaids are filipinas?
then they will just end up marrying someone they dont love, then infidelity comes in, then????
i hope these issue in their culture would be justified.
in shaallah...
I advice you make consultation with him and made decision together, he maybe strong man and can break the boundary or you reach agreement to end this together, but i think you should not take unilateral decision.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
Is love forbidden here in Doha, you ask?
No... It is allowed... but only on Mondays...
They call it the American dream because you have to be asleep to see it... --George Carlin
I know its not easy and I am not qualified to give you advice. You have to do what you think is the best thing for you and I wish you all the best.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
so, should i end this? i know it may sound so stupid but it's not easy as it sounds....
Filipina girls are often fun, sexy and beautiful. They are also often natural and un self conscious and laugh easily. As you say, he can probably find intinicy with you and have a lot more fun with you than he can with a local woman. Its almost impossible for him to go out with a local woman.
I am sure that he does want you but saying love conquers all is not enough. I am sure he also loves his family too. No matter how this turns out, someone or many people will be hurt. Like I said before, the cultures are just too far apart.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
if these local men cannot marry non-qatari ladies, then why do they start a relationship in the first place??? for fun? play? or intimacy-that they cannot get from qatari ladies unless they are married? is it like that? or filipinas are low-maintenance? that's why they stick to us?
that's so cruel.
well, before getting into the relationship he laid all his cards to me that marriage is almost impossible. but why is he still with me? and he just keeps on saying that he wouldn't want a local lady to be his wife.
cupid's arrows just keeps on following me...
love conquers all!! you'll never know so dont lose hope!!
Why dont he break the boundaries of this Arabic culture and marry you, if you are (a believer). I am sure he would have opened a path for many.
Poverty is not for the sake of hardship. No, it is there because nothing exists but God. Poverty unlocks the door -- what a blessed key!
- Jalaluddin al-Rumi
I am sure he feels a lot for you but he won't marry you. If he was serious he would have explained to you all the difficulties and consequences and would have introduced you to his family. There is too much of a cultural gap and in the Arab world "face" is very important. Marrying you would cause his family to "lose face".
I feel sad for you but it is better to face up to the realities. It might work if he was prepared to leave Qatar and live with you in another country but it is unlikely he would do that.
In any event, I wish you luck and hope things work out for you.
Just call me Tigasin. That's what I'm talking about
converting to islam is not a problem, wearing abaya is not a big deal :) we've been together for a year and a half but i haven't been introduced to his family.
saying i love you is so easy right? but its not enough. so, i don't know if im doing the right thing. still in a relationship with a man who is torn between the family culture and love for me.
would these local men lose something from the government like benefits if they marry non locals?
is this cupid's fault? stay away from the arrows!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
for me, races and nationalities really doesn't matter.. it shouldn't be an issue as long as you two love each other.. there's just the question of religion...
I know one filipina marry a Qatari man..
And this man is really good man (according to my stepmum).
Some Qatari marry other non Arab nationals if this Qatari already adopted the modern civilization! specially those who studied in European countries.
But of course you have to convert your religion and also wear Abaya! If you really want to marry him!
keep crying
this will be good for you...until starts feeling relaxation.
i feel like crying...