Learning arabic online

By SunnyLucia •
Hi everybody,
Before I move to Qatar, I want to learn Arabic, online. Because I think it would be nice to be able to communicate not only in English but also in Arabic. Any suggestions for websites?
Thank you, sorry I mean Shukran :-)
its quiet important to learn 3 languages the wide spread common languages: english,french and arabic
there are various learning centres and sources here if ud like to learn arabic.
its really gr8 that ur intiating to learn arabic.
gr8.go ahead.
best o luck
look up sites like Qatar Visitor (http://www.qatarvisitor.com/index.php?cID=412&pID=1051) or just google 'arabic phrases'.
once you're here, look out for beginners classes around Doha.
Thanks for the suggestions, nice torso by the way haha
I'll visit those websites
Here are some sites I could suggest,
You can start from the very beginning. The best thing is, its free
so enjoy!!!
Here are some sites I could suggest,
You can start from the very beginning. The best thing is, its' free...
so enjoy!!!
I will take lessons when I'm in Doha then. I know most people in Q speak English, but I think it would be good and also fun to learn Arabic as well.
You don,t want to late for only learn Arabic. you can manage everything by english. widly english is speaking here.
English is the main language over here. Most speak English and very few feel the need to talk Arabic as the Arabic people are well educated and speak English.
We pick Arabic up as we go along and the times we use it are very much apprecited by the Arabic speaking people.
You may be better doing a crash course in Indian dialects as Indians outnumber anybody over here.
Very much true Saeedkan, I guess about 90% here does. Still, it's a good initiative to master the language if you're planning to stay. Arabic is very much different from Dutch obviously, I find my beginnerstraining here in Doha very much useful and can't imagine doing a selfstudy on it (which I tried before I arrived). Afwan.