Grateful for Qatar's tolerance

had this story forwarded to me by a friend from italy about christians being arrested in Iran. she asked if i was worried for my family in qatar. i was grateful to be able say 'no' and explain that qatar had a policy of tolerance.
given the amount of religious/cultural disagreement that goes on in QL this is something for which i am grateful. my hope is that as revolution spreads through the arab world that the push for democracy does not break into sectarian violence and minorities are not persecuted for their beliefs not matter what they are.
in this area the qataris have proven themselves to be enlightened leaders.
Why do you guys talk to this moron?
Right... 'No Offence' means I am going to offend you in a big way but please don't hit me back as I can't take it.
The moment someone puts no offense at the start of the comment, I know it's going to be something offensive so I avoid reading that post :P
Putting no offence first is nonesense if you go ahead and offend people.
Its like me putting no offence to Indians, but all Indians smell and have small dicks. I'm sure WK will say, that's ok because he put no offence first.....
Are you 12?
Hindus practicing their religion were deported in the past as well.
God bless Qatar for its tolerance, but it has deported Christains in the past it deemed to have been preaching too much.
As for Alladin you are just another religious bigot. No better than a fascist. Let people worship in peace whatever country they live in
I have recently picked up the habit of worshipping the House fire from a Qatari maid. So I can't play with fire! It will be like playing with understand?
Thank God I will be burnt before I go to hell! Once burnt I will be fire proof and enjoy the hell fire.
Article 35 of the Qatar constitution: "All persons are equal before the law and there shall be no discrimination whatsoever on grounds of sex, race, language, or religion."
An full English translation of the constitution can be found via the Qatar Embassy to the United States.
I believe this is what truly distinguishes Qatar from many other nations in the region and will benefit it in the long run.
OK Agree.
I dislike the idea of any person not being allowed to practice their own religion in any country.
The West have a lot of negatives going for them at the moment but one thing we do; we allow other religions to practice.
If you follow a religion and you keep to the faith; you accept another’s person belief and respect it.
There should be no need to exclude a religion on any ground.
If you are totally dedicated to your faith; it does not matter who ‘preaches’ at you; you will have the confidence in you and the faith you hold not to be swayed.
I do not know why anybody would be threatened by another religion; they are all good in their true form.
Why do we need to fight over which is the better one?
When they are all as good.
Ameen, sister!