The Good Qatari

My business partners were on the way back to Doha from RasLaffan yesterday and had a tyre blow out. Now, they were stuck in the middle of nowhere, and having opened the car boot to get the spare tyre out, they found out that other than the spare tyre, there was no Jack or any other tools to do the job.
Being stuck some way away from Doha, they were about to call the hire company and was prepared to wait the few hours it would take for someone to come out that far.
However, before one of my partner could go back to the car to pick up the phone, a white landcruiser pulled up and a Qatari man jumped out of the car. He spoke absolutely no English, but my partners were surprised that he just smiled at them, pull out his jack, lifted the car and changed the tyre. He completed this in minutes whilst my partners stood there amazed and gobsmacked. They tried to help him and thank him, but they didn't think he understood as he just smiled at them.
After finishing the job, this man just smiled, jumped back into his landcruiser and drove off whilst waving goodbye.
Now that is hospitality you don't see everyday! They were so pleased and surprised, as was I when I heard what had happened, I had to write a thread, just to say, "THANK YOU" whoever and wherever you are!
loooooool mohdata thnx for the warm comments
Sure, some are rude on the road, but so is every other nationality. Flashing speeders are a global phenomenon and not only in Qatar. I saw flashing Audis and Beemers bullying people in the fast lane all the time in the UK, which is known to be a generally respectful country. With Qatar, I feel this rudeness results from frustration with traffic and the pathetic skills of some drivers; which brings me to my other point; as a driving enthusiast, I can vouch for the fact that most Qataris are much more skilled drivers than your average expat. Just get over it:-)
this thread to me only confirm what i've known my whole life:
1) there'll always be good people in the world; who unfortunately, will always be overshadowed by the bad.
2) most Persian Gulf Arabs are the most wonderful people ever. I've lived all over the GCC, and while I haven't gotten around to becoming close friends with the locals, I love them as my own brothers/country and feel personally insulted when someone speaks ill of them or Qatar.
we need more of these topics i quess?
Welcome : )
hAVE been helped by the local gentlemen countless times and this goes to show that there are good ppl out there. remember an incident where we approached a caucasian for help but he refused saying he was in a hurry- no worries wat goes around comes around for sure..........many thanks to those who have helped us when we were in need of help we really appreciate it
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Ohhh so much love in this thread. Isn't it beautiful?!!!
Last week a German woman was driving on the fast line in her 4x4 at about 140kms per hour i could smell the tyre starting to burn, actually i cannot beleive that the car didn't tip over. I was blowing my car horn and so were two really young qataris in their pick up. Both of us were driving alongside her car and singnaling that she should stop. As she stopped, and bare in mind this was in the early hours and it was dark, I got off the car and the two young men jumped off and we started helping the woman. I was interpreting. We explained to her that she put her life and others in danger because she was driving fast on a flat tyre, that she ruined the flat tyre.
I realised afterwards that she was afraid to stop and felt that she would be vulbnarable. I simply told her that in the Gulf a person in a situation like this will always get help especially from Locals. She then thanked me and the two lads and asked if she should give them anything. I said why not, I had no idea she mean't money. They litteraly ran away to thei pick and said: "we hope we made a good impression and what we did was our duty" I explained to the Lady that it is not customary to give money for help in the Gulf gifts instead are approriate.
Qataris are beautiful people.
Thanks all for the nice positive thoughts.
I'm off to bed new with a warm feeling.
I'm almost looking forward to breaking down.
Call me Maninibat!
I am surprised at some of the reactions of you. It is normal to help a person in need when they are stuck or having car problem. Specially in the desert. This is the rule of the desert. Help them. If you got lost in the desert and stumbeled upon a camp of Gulf people, you would immediately come under their protection. They will give you tea, feed you and help you. I dont remember the period of time. It is either 3 days or 7 days or 1 month. (my memory is failing, still on the pain killers)
Once I ran out of petrol, it was during the summer, hot and at 2.30pm. Nobody on the road of course. Here comes this Porche, the driver stops, asks me what my problem is and drives off. I was quite surprised at this cos I wanted to get out of the heat, no petrol - no ac! The guy just drove off! Can you believe that.
Well what I did not realize was, he had gone to a shop, got a bottle of water, emptied that, then drove to a petrol station, got petrol in the bottle,came back, put the petrol in my car. I wanted to thank him, pay him for the petrol or anything. But no. He said the next petrol station is there, gave me directions and drove off.
There are a lot of good Qataris around, but unfortunately being a foreigner you dont usually get to meet them.
you just can never it forward
Hi QT.
I read your comment on "Good Qatari" and I want to share my thoughts too.
My husband and I loves long drives. Last weekend we went to Sealine for a drive and to breath fresh air. On our way back, our car got stuck on the sand. We left the car and walked near the hotel, a few meters to the hotel, a Land Cruiser stopped, 2 Qataris were inside and asked us what was wrong. We pointed to our car and immediately they helped us by towing it. Then we thanked them, they were kind and they waited for us until we got to the main road. We got stuck twice. One of them drove our car to the hard road. We are so grateful to these Qataris because they helped us in our dire need, it was too late (1:10 am). To them, may God bless them always for having good hearts. mayo_dos
Qataris indeed are most people in the Gulf with extremely kind heart. Some may look rough, some drive crazily and many youngsters act irresponsibly (quite normal all over the world) but they’re unbelievably genuine, specially older people.
If you’re invited to their houses, they’ll fill you up with their generosity and hospitability even if they did not speak one word of your language and shared nothing with your culture.
I'm happy you’ve experienced it first hand…:)
to me few of times... I got stuck with my previous car couple of times.. and every time some nice qatari stops his car and helps me with the smile....
...and with his business card and phone number ready...well.. this is a different story...LOL..
..but i am always amazed how much sometimes they are inpatient with their "pushing and flashing" behind your car.. and how much they are helpful when you really need a help...
******* [img_assist|nid=94788|title=*******|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Sun and I
lets forget the bad ones,
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Well Imagine u were in umsaid and stuck in the sand.....
once it hapened to us and some young qatari guys were cruising by we didnt even ask for help we were diging to free the car from the sand and they came helped us diging then one of them drove the car out from there, we asked them if we can join them to show us was a realy great experince.
everywhere u will find good and bad peaple but here when u see how generous the locals are u will simply forget about the few bad ones...
may people like him grow more in qatar...
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
There are good people around.
[img_assist|nid=92055|title=BE HAPPY|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
yup... bless their soul for that kindness. i have my own experiences too. they are such helping people when it come to this thing or accident on the road.
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
So far i haven't met any unfriendly Qatari....
My experience with people in this country are so far so good.
I wonder why people are so suprised when another person helps out when he/she sees that you are in need of help.
Isn't it just normal to help some one who needs help??
Well it's just my way of thinking i guess...
Life is nothing without friends.... :)
find good Qataris around........
they are indeed in majority unlike rumoured around.....
Thanks for his good heart.
i've always believed that Qataris are friendly and very helpful people based on what i've seen here in my company...i dont judge the people of a country by the way they drive ;P however there will always be those bad experiences and some rotten apples here and there but hey which country doesnt have some of those. Thanks for letting people know about this but next time a Qatari helps u out see that u get his number, there no saying when i'll get stuck in the middle of no where with a flat tyre!! oh just the thought of this poor kat all alone in some dark place crying meow meow!
what a guardian angel....thanks for posting QT, its nice to hear positives and not just negatives...
I agree..too many negatives and hardly ever any positives about Qataris on here...but its like anything...word of mouth is usually negative and the positive tends to get lost...
QT, you have experienced the things Qataris are famous for...friendliness and helping people in need. Welcome to Doha!!! By the way...if you start talking to strangers, once you break the ice, most of them LOVE to talk and find out all about you and tell you about themselves...its such fun!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
There are many Qatari gentlemen. Impecable manners and many have a really giggly sense of humour..... quite charming.
QT - hope to meet you soon :)
I agree. Too many people want to point out the negatives, but fail to mention any positive experiences. I'm looking forward to my stay here!
You've already proved how good and helpful you are!
you will be surprise how good some people in Qatar actually are QT
he came, helped, was about to leave without even asking my name or saying his.. so i went and asked his name and whereabouts and then he left..
this has happened to me also ,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Qataris are generally very helpfull ,,,,, especially on the road ,,,,,,,,
kudos to all Qataris :)