Fasting in the Desert: Ramadan in Qatar

Here is a great article on Ramadan in Qatar that I found on Qatar Visitor:
As I write this, in Qatar, as in the rest of the world, we are entering the final stage of Ramadan, the Muslim fasting month. Muslims don’t, of course, fast at night, but from dawn to dusk. The last ten days are the most important to Muslims and a time of prayer and meditation for many.
The most important night is Lailut-Ul-Qadr, the 27th night of Ramadan, or the night of power, when the first verse of the Koran was revealed to Mohammad (PBUH). According to Mohammad (PBUH), this night is more important than a thousand months. Some Muslims spend the entire night in prayer.
Every day will start before dawn with Suhur, the pre-fast meal. During the day the devout will abstain not just from food, but also from drink, sex and other pleasures. Many Muslim friends have told me that the thing they find hardest is not smoking.
Click here for the rest of the article.
here's some info on Ramadan
Ramadan in Qatar
Mr. Q's Blog - A Qatari's view on Qatar.
Heero, fasting doesnt mean stop eating, here is how it works, people usually come home from work take a little nap, then wake up at prayer time, pray and eat light stuff like Diamond mentioned, then at night around 8 to 10 pm, they eat dinner and then in the morning at around 3 am, they eat the sohoor. It's the same thing as normal day but instead of eating in the day time we eat at night. 3 meals a day, just lighter or heavier depending on the person.
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
no worries me and you will fast togather and then go out for breakfast too.
Scarlett, guess you're right...I never did get anywhere banging my head against a brick wall.
...but the concentration of work whilst it still effective?
No wonder there's not much activities in major construction companies during Ramadan. That is hard labour, y'know?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
its going to be very hard to try to explain fasting to someone that doesn't want to accept that others do it for a reason..
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
It is possible to fast Heero...millions of people around the world do it...and we carry on with our daily life as well.
gone during the day without eating...and did just fine...actually have done it for 3 days straight and no ill effects, in fact, what I found is that you tend to really focus on what you are doing...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference. sundown I eat a light meal...laban and dates first followed by soup and a salad. Then I have dinner later in the evening and that is it until suhoor which is an early breakfast before sunrise.
Eating heavy meals is not recommended.
That's what I'm talking about!
How can one work properly when they do not eat the whole sun up? But we need to work to raise a salary, right? The concentration of work! That's what I'm talking about!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
to cleanse the body of toxins, show your appreciation for those who have nothing so you can feel a little of what they feel, or have the feeling of giving up something that your body so desires....I'm sure there are more reasons than just those 3..but from a lot of perspectives, those are the main ones.
As far as not knowing how people can go for that long without eating or drinking..basically its just a reversal of the bodily clock...instead of not eating during the sleep cycle, you eat...and not eat during the waking cycle. I'd be more wary of the people not getting enough sleep than I would be of not getting enough to eat so they can think during work..
I think the idea behind Ramadan originally is wonderful...
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Because I don't understand the idea of the fasting here...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
then you don't know ALL religions because there are some that do full fasting, of FOOD...look up all info before spouting off about a subject you know nothing about.
Grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked,the good fortune to run into the ones I do,and the eyesight to tell the difference.
...if they need to.
The only thing that must not do is a Moslem drinking water in front of the SAME Moslem...
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
heero, may be ur friend was drinking water in public during the fasting time. In GCC countries that are the rules, but in other muslim countreis like Pakistan, syria, jordan etc... they are not that harsh.
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
Coz sometimes I have friends who got spanked for drinking water whereas he really need it badly for their health.
At least now I understand that eating dates and water are alternative ways of 'digesting' your stomach properly within the coming days.
In a Christian fasting, they only fast or abstain a certain habit, but NOT eating.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
ever heard of the process when doctors use leeches on human body, acupuncturist use needles for treatment, surgeries etc.. Ramadan is something like that, its a 30 days procrastinating process which purifies human body physically. Don't believe everything that science says, try it out sometimes u will see the difference urself. Mulims are not the only ones that fast, even christians do and secondly dont generalize all the muslims with ur ignorance, there are alot of people in this world millions may be who break their fast with only a few dates and 2 glasses of water. Have an open mind and think outside the box before u come to a conclusion.
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
Right back at ya thexonic
Diamond Ramadan kareem to u too :)
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
I was thinking how an irregular dose of a person's meal (no eating or drinking water the whole sun up and full heavy meal at sundown) will affect the physical and/or mental ability. Heck! This is, like, 30 days!
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
Alexa, here's a little Arabic for you to practise...
Mabruk alaik/alaich ashahr Ramadan. (congratulations on the month of Ramadan)
This is how Qataris greet each other for the big month.
Thanks Alexa, wish you the same :)
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
Thanx Alexa,
ramadaan mubarak to you as well.
Thanx Alexa,
ramadaan mubarak to you as well.
AbsoluteJaguar, thats a great thing to do :), may God bless u :).
(Lebanon A piece of Heaven on Earth)
I know that Ramadan will start on Monday, ive noticed, some go fasting as early as now?
This is an interesting post and am actually thinking of giving up Alcohol completely for Ramadan, not coz I'm Muslim, but out of respect.
The thing that I don't understand about fasting is the excesses that comes after dark. I have heard that this is the time that most people gain weight due to eating, and the waste of food is also greater. If the idea of fasting is to prove yourself and be a pious person then this excess seems at odds with the aim. I would of thought a controlled diet of protein and carbohydrate to get you through the day would be better.
Sleeping all day and feasting all night also seems to also defeat the purpose.
At least down here the day is only approx 12 hrs long, in the UK and elswhere at the moment where I have several Muslim friends, daylight is approx 16 hours. More when Ramadan conicides with summer
Stress in Babel, I agree with u, but now a days I dont know why I dont like driving around DOha itself, its soo croweded and the stupid roads are closed to get to the other end, Ashgal took charge of fixing the stuff, but all they did is ruin and make things worse, in my neighborhood itself, they have soo many holes dug up for months and then they just bury the ditch with sand to ruin our tyres... someone should sue them for such things...
Thanks thexonic for the idea, although my house is 10 min from Aspire, sometimes I get crazy and bored and I like to go somewhere really far away, just enjoy driving till there and listening to music. Even if in Qatar nothing is really far away, no? :-)
Stress in babel, I was actually there last night thats y i said about walking, the weather was not bad, it was balanced. Corniche gets too humid and sticky icky lol.
IF u live near the airport, try going to warka beach aswell, its pretty close and they also have a small park there next to the beach.
yeah, thexonic, walking would be a really great idea, let's hope the weather will get better. I love to walk inside Aspire, it's all green and reminds me of parks in my country. Weather is also better there than inside the city, more windy and little fresh air. :-) The corniche is also a good place to walk, I just have a minor problem with the fish smell :D
Thanks Britexpat, how r u today ??? and how was the weekend?
Clear, simple and informative..
Stress in babel, ok first of all calling u that sounds wrong, I dont think that u r the stress in babel lol. Anyways, secondly, I am worried about my weight too. Although the weather wont be that hot at nights, going for a walk after iftar would be great idea.
this will actually be my second ramadan in qatar, the first one I was pergnant :D this time I have no excuse...just kidding, I think ramadan is quite meaningful and fun, the only problem is with the weight gain... :(
Stress in Babel, the pleasure is all mine :)
thanks thexonic for the info!
Brandy that wont be a problem, then u can eat in your compound aswell :D
just 4 villas in our compound and all UK so during the day there will just be us :)
Brandy in the evening, the fasting time is over, at that time they can have bbq, plus they can prepare BBQ in the afternoon. U wont be rude dont worry :).
Secondly if your compound has extremly religious people in it, then it might be a bit risky, but if not then they can have alcohol. Just let them becareful on the streets thou. If the cops catch anyone that could be dangerous. Other wise no problem.
I have my son and his wife here during Ramadan, will we be rude to BBQ in the evening?? Also, if they are in the compound during the day, can they partake in a little alcahol??