Family safety

By Gypsy_2222 •
I heard that common sense will keep most women traveling alone safe from harassment and (God forbid) rape.
What is the kind of attitude you see in the street toward mommys with their babies and nannies. What about pregnant ladies? Would it be relatively safe to travel with my 8 month old son?
Thank you
Do not worry, I travel alone all over this city and have never had a problem. Keep your head up, act confidently, use common sense (just like anywhere else. Qatar is one of the safest places you will ever come to.
come visit me in my home... i would so love to have visitors... yallah come, my daughter is flying in 2mrw evening... im excited!!!
the same good sense that you use back home will work here. Only here you are probably much safer!
Shale is correct in that the folks here LOVE children!! You will be very safe with the baby carriage/stroller..and the Corniche is a great place to walk the children..everyone else does!! Also..the hosptials have such a wonderful system for pregnant ladies and delivery..Al Ahli is absolutely fantastic..have had several friends who've delivered there and loved the staff and the way they were treated.
You are safe!
My wife and I came here with a 3 month old, he's now 7 months old. Everyone loves kids here and you'll find people smiling at you and very friendly. I'm not sure where you are planning on walking but we spend time on the Corniche, downtown and the malls as well as Al Khor and we've never had any hint of a problem.
Just be smart, there are a lot of places that are dangerous, from my experience, Qatar isn't one of them.