Ethics... why we neglect them?

By learn.n.earn •
I was in city center the other day... few local women while moving around ... one of them ... a kid around 11~12 years old... accidently broke a cup... little girl was bit concerned about it... but one of the senior fellows asked her to keep moving...and when the sales-boy tried to mention it to her, she responded with just a very angry look... and went on. I was near and I asked him... dont you need to aks her for damage recovery?
What should he do? Was I right in asking him the question?
then ,we should treat these people the same way when they come to visit our country eh?..:)
thanks for bringing that up.
You find these sort of people everywhere, they not only in Qatar or the middle east.
Anyways, if i was in your shoes i would have said to this lady 'does islam say ok to what you did? and the obvious answer is NO, islam says No to stupid actions/ behaviours like that.
I'm a muslim and I apologise on behave of her.
But be sure not all Arabs/Muslims/ Qataris are like that OR behave in this way!
I'm a muslim living in Australia, I LOVE being here the rules are the rules and followed by everyone. But, guess what some Aussies are very rude to Muslims and refugees. So, what you see in qatar happens to them when they are in western society but in a different way sort of thing.
However, I say speak up when the jump up in the queue! Why let them get away with? Say islam says no to this (hopefully this gets them to think a bit more about their actions)
I thought we were talking about moral ethics.. But I ethics in general is vanishing..
Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him) taught us to have Ethics, Values, Manners etc.. we should be like him.
No offense for the arabs, arabs should be a role model for muslims and non muslim, let us show what islam really is...
Any way some of the qatari's are good but they are hiding hehehehehe....
I have only been here for 2 months so far and I have encounter this same problem endless time, qatari men & women jump the quee and ignore you like you are not even there and the staff only say sorry! This is not the way to behave here or in any part of the world, having manners is not too much to ask, wouldn't you agree?
And this woman should pay for the damaged for sure, not question about that and as a mother will be teaching the child at the same time...
Yes she should pay for the damage and first she should say sorry
This is unacceptable and bad manner
recently i went shopping at Mothercare (The Mall). After i've chosen the item, i went straight to the cashier. A filipino cashier let me wait for 5 mins while she was labeling some stuff. I put my stuff and $$ waitin for her to attend to me. Too my surprised a Qatari lady came and put her stuff infront of me and this cashier was abt to attend her . I told her off infront of the Qatari that 1st come 1st served. i was there b4 the qatari and she shld attend to me instead of her. Do not base customer on their nationality. She thought i was a filipino. The Qatari look at me as i'm a muslim and i wear hijab, after hearing me saying that, she walk and wait for her turn. The cashier appologised to me. I told her i'm from s'pore. I think these qatari lady was given too much priorty wherever they go... who're the ppl ... i dun have to mention it....
@bajesus, that was sarcasm. I'll try to end more of my sarcastic posts with "//sarcasm" to avoid any confusion for you in the future.
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well how old was the lady who ignored the broken cup? If it was a teenager, I would not be surprised at all. No matter where you go in the world, there are always self centered teenagers!
If it was an adult, well, then they need to grow up!
tra la la
Why the double standard? if you're going to lambast nouf for generalizing ( and I think what you said was spot on) then shouldn't you apply it yourself as well? as you or someone else mentioned it could have been any nationality wearing an abaya, it's not fair to say that about bedouin women.
you think I behave badly?
It's okay, I heard being bad is good!
spot on Alexa.
Personally, I dont wear a thobe that much (and neither do most of my friends), however I'll bet that nobody gives our kind attitude credit as Qataris :P
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where is ethic in here?
my friend and i were waiting a taxi, by the time we got one, a local lady just overtake us, smile and wave, then she got off she went! we cant just say anything...
although i met educated locals, clients who definitely have ethics...but for others, getting on their way is unacceptable!
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
@nouf, and it's people like you who love to generalize that help to PERPETUATE such actions.
People like you make Qatari's like me think "why are these expats so insulting to me". When it's NOT all Qatars.
I'm Qatari, I'm kind, I'm friendly, I try to help out when I can, I don't be rude to people. Guess I blew your whole theory of "ALL Qataris are rude' out of the water.
@eco, 10/10 for intelligence when it comes to the abaya statement.
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all the ME ladies are wearing black abaya.
anyways damaging property is their birth right You must have missed the scenes in sweets section where they open choco boxes, chips . Sometimes moms observe and buy the open product not always though. Most of the sales staff is frog hearted they hardly question them
it's usually Bedouine locals that have low ethics.
It disappoints me.
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"the manager should ask these local ladies for the damage cost." and get him Jobless :(
thats total discrimination. the manager should ask these local ladies for the damage cost. no question to ask whether she is local or not.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
well ethics has taken a free fall in this world of consumerism.
When the elders dont have it how can the young have it?
If you want business you need to grease the palms of the manager.
you need to get an urgent service, pay under the table and you go up the queue.
is this helping anyone?
is the end result showin up in these little things?