Do you really know some of Qatari culture?

It is really difficult to summarize the Qatari culture in one forum, but I would like to say and mention some of the important features.
A real Qatari guy is an open minded who understand how people are living and adapt him self when he go and study abroad.
Here in Qatar I say that we are enclosed community in the way we live which came from our religion, but this does not mean to not know what is happening around you, as a Muslim Qatari you should be aware on what is happening around you , for example all Qatari women wear the Abaiah (the national black dress) and here I remember one Italian friend who asked me why gulf women do not wear the same as European women and I told him if they do so, the gulf women will loose their identity.
The dress shows part of the respect and not all respect because respect comes from the way how you speak to people and how you treat them and how you maintain your promises?
What makes people different are many things these days, but the most important is the good manners.
Some people thinks that the man is more important than woman here in the Gulf and this is totally wrong, because without a woman you would have been born.
Women are our mums right, so why to ignore them? A Qatari guy never ignores or disrespect some body just like this.
Here in Qatar people goes to a place called majles and this majles is known as a living room where the men gathers and sit talk and meet each other, and normally they will be provided with the Arabic coffee and black tea and some times dates (Palm dates).
The majles still exist and it is existing in every Gulf country.
Generosity is another habit which is reflected here in Qatar, any guest should receive at least good dinner.
I will try next time to put interesting topics about Qatari culture or if you want something to know just let me know and I will try my best to answer it.
Khalid the tiger
Some people just mix and get their own formul and that is all
Ah good, I thought you didn't know where to get them.
When I was a little girl I used to love making my own perfume from rose petals. I tried to sell them. Years later I found out it was Mama and Papa that were buying them. It smelled awful by the way, but I loved doing it xxx
God does not believe in Athiests.
Alexa, just jump right a few bottles of oils and experiment...a good place for you to start is at Souq Waqif...also buy tiny little funnels which help with decanting.
Mostly both... My wife has 'recipies' handed down, and others from her own experimentation... They're not written down, and almost never shared (at least the best ones)