Can woman ride bicycle at corniche park next to sheraton hotel?

We went to corniche park - next to Sheraton hotel. Saw new "red coloured play ground" almost ready for use (I hope soon, my kids so anxious for waiting).
There some bicycle parked in a row. Are they for rent? the most important thing, does woman allowed to ride those rented bicycle in that park?
This park is the one accross the road, in front of Tornado tower.
Hope anybody can share their experience about those rented bicycle, cant wait to try them.
Nope, Biking is not allowed there.
Yes YOU can ride bicycle
Yes u can no issues,
why wouldnt they be able to?
yes, this is not a sexist country... kinda hahaha :P
no if u have radioactive lethal waves coming out of you otherwise i think its ok :)