can a married man convert to islam in order to save himself from a criminal case, say rape or concubinage file

By joandarling •
can a married man convert to islam in order to save himself from a criminal case, say rape or concubinage filed against him while still a christian?
THANK YOU for the very helpful and shocked answers. i appreciate rimlaw also for understanding the way it is with our fellow idiotic countrymen, converting to islam in order to evade prosecution.
it just crossed my mind because, as i am working in court, a guy was arrested after hiding in saudi arabia where he converted to islam while his legal wife filed for a concubinage case in the philippines. so many men who are keeping concubines are coming out as converted muslims, and it seems their wives are helpless as soon as they become so and come out flaunting their new wives. it baffles me. is there a different islamic practice going on in our country that is so alien from the true islam?
there was also an american in our province who committed rape against all his housemaids. to evade prosecution, he married all of them, because philippine law absolves rape if the rapist marries the victim. the only way he could marry all of his victims is to convert to islam so he could have many wives in accordance with what we morons understand it.
that's why i believe there is a need for us christians to be enlightened by this kind of practice because it has become a "haven for criminality" if this trend goes on and on. i particularly despise the way it disempowers the offended party.
yes, i believe islam does not esteem sinful acts and provides for a more severe punishment... it's so sad and unfair that the misinformation is spreading out like a gangrene in our society...
"COMMON SENSE" it's simple!
NO way..
This approach has been done by many idiots from the Philippines who maintain a concubine overseas. These morons falsely believe that converting to Islam will save them from prosecution of concubinage.
Philippine criminal law states that crime is jurisdictional, if it didnt happen in the Phils, then these morons can escape prosecution, and the lawfully wedded wife is left in the Philippines holding an empty husband's underwear.
Since they are working in Islamic country, they also falsely believe that they (him and his paramour) can escape prosecution by the host country. Commission of a crime and prosecution thereof is subject to the laws enforced at the time of commission. If the guilty parties are not allowed by thier religion to contract more than one marriage at the time of the commission of the offense, then both are liable under the penal laws enforced in the host country. In other words, christian filipinos who commit concubinage in any Islamic country are always liable for prosecution.
Where both guilty parties are nationals of the same country, such as the Philippines, they can be both deported and prosecuted in the Philippines even if the crime is committed overseas if a bilateral treaty exist between the Phils and the offended state.
In the matter of rape, this is punishable everywhere, irrespective of religion or nationality, and Islamic laws prescribe more severe punishment on such crimes.
In Qatar in fact, its penal code even punishes rape, sexual lasciviousness, sexual harassment comitted by men against men, and the severest punishment can even be death.
So filipino morons, my fellow countrymen, its your choice.
How does converting help ? Can someone explain pls ? I didnt know that ignorance could reach such levels,how dare you suppose that you can commit such crimes and then....brush them off by saying you are a muslim.Islam is not a religion for criminals to escape what they committed.Shame on you even asking this question.
FYI ALL religion condemn such crimes.
a crime is a crime,no matter what religion ur in/have
It wouldn't save him, he did these acts while being non-muslim, if he claims to be a muslim now, it does him no good.
He should face the crimes he committed, even if he doesn't agree that they are crimes.
you sound desperate...GOOD LUCK!
The answer is a sure NO, not just in view of religion but of moral values. I am sure all the criminals in the prisons would love to do that, if that is the case
Talk about the WRONG reason for converting!!
If someone is guilty of those crimes then he should do the time...and not try to avoid justice.
NO he cant there is no excuse.
no it will not help. you will still be deported
There are people , who misuse CONVERSON as a ploy to evade their crimes.
A particular nationality from a Far East Country , has been using this , for their profssional / job reasons.
I heard so . I am not sure
Should one decide to convert, it should be for the right reasons and not to evade any wrongdoing. Conversion will not save him from any crime or case pending as he is still the same person who had been charged.
I find it perplexing that such a course of action is being considered so as to escape responsibility.