Blackberry issue

By success 1980 •
The UAE and Saudi Arabia last week said they were blocking some functions of the Blackberry mobile phone, claiming security concerns...the measures taken by the two Gulf countries help preserve their Islamic identity and their special features...
What do you guys think of the procedures that Qatar may take on this issue; taking into consideration that Qatar is a GCC Country..
ya Maybe Qatar will block some functions of blackberry coz qatar is islamic country
the mobile SP's have been complaining about the revenue they have lost with sms, when BBM came into play... who needs texts when you can BBM for free?
That is very true, they cannot hold back the flood, King Canute is everywhere...
It only shows the insecurity of the non-elected dictatorian governments in the Gulf region. They have lost the battle against technology already.
i hope not...i just started using a BB... and lovin' it already...
Censorship is never good.
What is it about the BB, that in-dangers their Islamic identity?
I think it is more of an issue of being able to control or collect Taxes and fees on the use or fucntions. This is the reason that Skype is blocked in Dubai.
I think qtel is not going to block bbm service inshallah
I love mine...:). It's one good thing that happened in the mobile business...
Here is what i have heard in today's news in AL Arabiya channel,the Saudi authorities will allow the usage of the Blackberry smartphone in the kingdom amongst consumers.They have come to that decision based on an agreement between the Saudi goverment and Research in Motion,the Canadian company that manufactures the BlackBerry smartphone.
personally, i don't use Blackberry...and i don't care if they block this device...anyway, it's their country and they can do what they want and they do have the right to do what they want...i think everybody should understand and respect that....i just read an article abt same-sex marriage project law in California, US...I am against that and may be 99% of world's people are against that but we can do nothing......
that's good.
Anyways Qatar , Bahrain and Oman have made it clear they are not going to follow UAE.
I am enjoying it too, though it bugs you even while you are in the loo :) BB messenger is kewl.
i really hope so saeed.
agree arien.
A trip to the stone ages would be fun indeed.
QATAR should also have to block this black berry. the reason is not the some sites.
I believe most of the people sitting here will not understand the actual issue but IT people definately. I am also using this since two years but we all should have to under stand Security concern..... due to its data back ups.
It should have to be blocked immediately
i hope not. i'm loving my BB. :(