I think the reason why people usually advertise "Indians" or Filipinos" only is that they would like to share the room or place with someone they would be comfortable (main reason) and with the rising rentals, no wonder people advertise "bedspace" available for Filipino or Keralites only....
I accept your arguments above regarding people wanting to live with others like themselves, however, I'm from England and if someone posted an ad stating that they wanted a specific race, then they may be charged with racism. We have disciminatory laws in the UK that do not allow ANY discrimination for gender, colour, religion or nationality!
I've been househunting for a week now and have yet to see an ad requesting English only!
I can understand advertising for a specific type of person to share under the same roof as yourself to make life easier. I have rented a room at my house to a female from Finland (annoying habit of throwing up all her food down the bathroom sink to stay thin); a male from Saudi Arabia (annoying habit of showering at 3am and waking me up at 4am with prayers); a male Korean (annoying habit of not being able to do a thing for himself and thought I was his servant, having to wake him up for school, and pack his lunch even though he was 25!) and now a Canadian Chinese (annoying habit yet to be discovered but I'm sure there will be one! - only moved in a couple of days ago). I concede that these habits were only annoying to me because I am different, but I still enjoy learning from other cultures and believe it makes me grow as a person to accept those differences. It is the heart of a person that is the important thing.
I enjoy reading what you all think and shit stirring each other!
Some people in any society are racist. Unfortunately it is part of the human condition. However, it seems to me that most things that are taken as racist are actually less about race and more about culture.
There are some things about foreign cultures that irritate and offend me such as honor killings or female circumcision. Equally, I am sure there are plenty of things about my culture that offends others.
I don't think think there is as much racism about as some people would like us to believe. It suits some people to be victims.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
"...being stinky or dirty has nothing to do with any nationality. "
I once had the embarrassing experience of working with some girls who thought our boss had a 'personal hygiene' problem ... they used to rush into his office when he left it to spray it with a fresh air spray! I'm sure he knew :(
I was mortified at the obvious way they did this and felt sorry for the guy, because I don't think it was that he didn't wash, just maybe he sweated a lot. I think that's a medical problem if it smells bad, isn't it?
Oh - just saw last comment from working mum. I agree, but I get really fed up washing my hub's shirts 'cos he wont wear the same one twice! grrrrrrrr
He asked us why Filipinos hair are always wet both men and women when they come to work and we told them we are taking shower everyday and he told us that he only take shower twice a week bwahahaha and he asked why we are changing our clothes everyday coz I noticed most of our middle eastern colleagues ( Lebanes, jordanian, palestinian they change their clothes every other day) I hope it is clear
I used to deal with him since we belong in one section that's why Medo should not tell that Filipinos are smelly lol coz his compatriot are also same hehehe
Desi maal...indeed it is...it always is very handy with a Gold Flake Kings...or a Wills Chota Gold Flake...LOL
Yeah right complaints,,, crap...dont under publicize my stance on QL alright...
Get your gaurd ready mate...and practice all that you can before I return. cos after that it is looking down the valley for you my friend...sorry to say...
looks like someone's been smoking some desi maal in India...all yacking and no smacking...bring it on, besides i've had a tough time handling all the complaints from the ladies about how u were handling them...dont come back and mess things up now.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
we're in a free world, we choose which ever nationalities we feel comfortable with. that's why i dont see choosing a certain nationality to be your flatmate or roommate falls into the category of being a racist.
Da Rude...I have been in India...or rather I m still in India paaji...so thats where I have been missing out..
Smokey...alright, I wouldn't have said it, but since you mentioned Coward, and also the fact that the ladies are doing fine in YOUR HANDS, I have gotto tell ya man, I have got my QTel Visa and I am returning on March 5th...and the line of ladies being fine makes me think twice on my return trip to pre-pone that date...LOL...
Will do buddy this time I return, it will be a new beginning, so would love to start that by thrashing your ***...
LOL...it always helps to start a new phase with a WIN you see...
Yes we should ALL say it. However, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. It doesn't help anyone if Owen and the rest of her building get kicked out on the street. Rather, they should ask someone non-Filipino to apply to live in the building, when they are turned down (preferably with the words, sorry Filipino's only) then THAT person should not only write to the Human Rights Organization, but perhaps, go to a lawyer. This way it protects the people in the building, and has more of an impact coming from the discriminated against person.
I'm never one to back down from a fight, but I'd rather do it smartly and make sure more people don't get hurt, then do it rashly and hurt more people.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
your buddy king is working his butt off over some IT Company....no time for QL...so we can ruin his reputation (little by little) without him knowing it...j/k....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Ksarat bhai....again u ran off this time out of the country without having that game of pool with me eh...COWARD!! but u have to return some time and i'll be waiting for you dude...take your time in returning the ladies are in safe hands....MY HANDS!! muahahahha
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
I m doing absolutely fantastic Buddy, it is always good to be home in India...so much to do and always fun...i know i m missing out of trips there in QL...but please be sure to hold a good outing when I return...(that is)...
Hows is my dear buddy, King...please give him my best regards and a big HI...
Not neccessarily Frog, if the Human Rights committee goes back to the landlord, they could all very well end up being evicted. :S
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
"You could make a complaint to the Human Rights department, however I don't know if it would do any good"
I'm amazed you said that ? a complaint against an abuse is always doing good. at least if there is no feedback it has the merit of informing the authorities and it demostrates that people are not being passive and that they're refusing to accept such actions without any reactions :)[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
I know many indian and many many filipino friends and i admire all of them
and really i see that is normal that indian like to share indian and fillipino like to share philpino as well as arab like to share arab, also many advertisments here ask for westren ppl, or arab, or muslim only
that is normal for pplyes i like to know many friends from many nationalities but still when i want to share my flat i will like to share with egyption
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
To be honest it is only those people who think they are above others that set that kind of example. Snobs are those who call others snobs because they themselves set the example. Racists are those who call others racists because they themselves want to be noticed.
However, amazingly enough you see only Indians and Philippinos advertising because they are the only one who will share with many people in one room. When it says bedspace it literally does mean bed space it means in one bed is free.
I was looking for a room in Dubai once and went to see one flat, the lady was offering bed space and to my great astonishment I was shown one room with 8 others - one bed was free.
gyps..that' what exactly is happening...we got nothing to do but to submit to this "weird" restrictions...sigh, if only we can and if only we could....(i know wishful thinking)....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
LOL Darude! That's not racism, that's fear for my hands!
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
I didn't say the residents of the building are racist, I meant the landlord is.
You could make a complaint to the Human Rights department, however I don't know if it would do any good. As expats we don't really have option of boycotting or protesting, as the government can just deport us. Also the landlord is completely within his rights to kick you all out on the streets if you do protest.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Gypsy, so what should we do, boycott and move out from his building because he is a certified arse racist? ...my goodness with all the housing (rent) rocketing high...but this does not qualifies that the residents on the building are likewise racist.....we just got limited options here... :)
lol frog...go on add more fuel....but i ain't responding to THE shallow minded user (not you of course)...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
froggy, that's why i was puzzled as well when i recently learned this....i'm only explaining that when you see in the classies here, some Indians or Filipinos just got no choice since the building owner declared this kind of restrictions...not necessarily because we Filipinos/Indians are flocking together (but some in all honesty do)....
and frog...with our food...hehehehehe admittedly most of them smell odd (i mean only the native dishes), but try to taste some...maybe (just maybe) you might like it..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
AH Ok Frog :) I thought you meant I'd lost the point of the conversation :P (quite possible as I haven't finished my first cup of coffee for the day).
Owen, ok, now THAT is racist! You can't stop someone living in a building based on race :S.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
lol hahahahaha no man she was not what you think she is :d and it's a bit insulting to both of us to say such a thing . I'm waiting for your apologies :d
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
don't you think he's been racist ? intruding himself into people's life , just because they're living in his building ????? doesn't he get a rent ? I'm simply disgusted. If someone dare telling me what to do in my own appart, I would turn his eyes blue.
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
guys given from my own situation...our landowner (the building owner) is one local-arab guy, he is the one who implement this rule that everyone to live on his building should all be Filipinos--no other nationality...so much as we want it to be like a "cultural-diversified" community, we could not do so....he even specified that whenever other nationality would visit the building it should be on broad daylight and the person (who visited) should be seen out of the building before night time...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
There's no difference in asking for a Filipino or Indian roomate then saying I'm looking for a single female, non-smoker, clean, quiet, no pets...etc etc. Does that mean that the person is racist against men, smokers, dirty, loud, pet people?
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
u know what , I said the same thing lol . I know fish are very healthy , but smells is really bad lol. Once I got some fried fish inside my car ( It was for cats beside my appart) My car smells terrible for two weeks :D
Medo_qatar ,
ow ow ???? I don't think so . I was examined by an Indian Doctor last time I had a health prob, and he didn't smell bas. I kissed a Philipino's girl on the neck and she smells like a sweet . So Medo u better shut up :DDDD lol
I think it has more to do with language and simple comfort level and common interests, and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's natural that we would feel more comfortable living with someone from our own culture. I think to many people cry racism far to quickly.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Its not a matter of being racist...people are free to choose whoever they would like to share their roof with, and in many cases each nationality would like a member of their own nationality for various reasons such as language, culture, religion etc. Mercia would u like to share your accomodation with an Indian?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
It annoys me that people are so racist, living in a multi cultural place you would think that people would want to mix with others, find out about their culture, their food etc. I would have loved the chance to share a place with any other nationality.
once a week my Philipino neighbor cook some meal that smells really terrible :d I don't know what are the ingredients, but I don't think I really wanna know lol ( no offense )
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
this is human nature. we tend to get along well when we among ourselves. nothing wrong with that. but people tend to forget also that diversity is challange and make life more beautiful.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
OwenWhen I read those classifieds of requesting Filipino workers or Indues. It reminds of slave shacks. Don't know why? but It just gives me a evil feeling about it.I would be more super careful, If anyone wishes to approach them. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
Ohhhh...sorry Mr. Paul, it's in fact Richard123....
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Because of freedom of speech and culture. Some lady cannot speak english they only speak their mother tongue so it becomes easy to mingle with same class
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Richard is a bloody Racist Yankee :)
I think the reason why people usually advertise "Indians" or Filipinos" only is that they would like to share the room or place with someone they would be comfortable (main reason) and with the rising rentals, no wonder people advertise "bedspace" available for Filipino or Keralites only....
I accept your arguments above regarding people wanting to live with others like themselves, however, I'm from England and if someone posted an ad stating that they wanted a specific race, then they may be charged with racism. We have disciminatory laws in the UK that do not allow ANY discrimination for gender, colour, religion or nationality!
I've been househunting for a week now and have yet to see an ad requesting English only!
I can understand advertising for a specific type of person to share under the same roof as yourself to make life easier. I have rented a room at my house to a female from Finland (annoying habit of throwing up all her food down the bathroom sink to stay thin); a male from Saudi Arabia (annoying habit of showering at 3am and waking me up at 4am with prayers); a male Korean (annoying habit of not being able to do a thing for himself and thought I was his servant, having to wake him up for school, and pack his lunch even though he was 25!) and now a Canadian Chinese (annoying habit yet to be discovered but I'm sure there will be one! - only moved in a couple of days ago). I concede that these habits were only annoying to me because I am different, but I still enjoy learning from other cultures and believe it makes me grow as a person to accept those differences. It is the heart of a person that is the important thing.
I enjoy reading what you all think and shit stirring each other!
Richard123, may i know where you originally from??? if you mind to tell me in here please do PM me. thanks
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Some people in any society are racist. Unfortunately it is part of the human condition. However, it seems to me that most things that are taken as racist are actually less about race and more about culture.
There are some things about foreign cultures that irritate and offend me such as honor killings or female circumcision. Equally, I am sure there are plenty of things about my culture that offends others.
I don't think think there is as much racism about as some people would like us to believe. It suits some people to be victims.
The time has come to substitute caution for courage. Martin Luther King, Birmingham, Alabama 1963
"...being stinky or dirty has nothing to do with any nationality. "
I once had the embarrassing experience of working with some girls who thought our boss had a 'personal hygiene' problem ... they used to rush into his office when he left it to spray it with a fresh air spray! I'm sure he knew :(
I was mortified at the obvious way they did this and felt sorry for the guy, because I don't think it was that he didn't wash, just maybe he sweated a lot. I think that's a medical problem if it smells bad, isn't it?
Oh - just saw last comment from working mum. I agree, but I get really fed up washing my hub's shirts 'cos he wont wear the same one twice! grrrrrrrr
He asked us why Filipinos hair are always wet both men and women when they come to work and we told them we are taking shower everyday and he told us that he only take shower twice a week bwahahaha and he asked why we are changing our clothes everyday coz I noticed most of our middle eastern colleagues ( Lebanes, jordanian, palestinian they change their clothes every other day) I hope it is clear
Have a nice day people....
I used to deal with him since we belong in one section that's why Medo should not tell that Filipinos are smelly lol coz his compatriot are also same hehehe
working mom how do u know about him not taking a shower? and what he does when he wakes up...something fishy there. lol
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
Out fo the topic but this is the place to get a good answer for my Question.
"I wanted to rent a spare BR to 1 or 2 PPs ladies. My wife gave me a frightening look and said big NO and it is final"
Why is that ?????????????
Ha Ha Ha Ha i have encounterd the same thing on numerous times :)
Working Mom,
It was so low. and you certainly know that being stinky or dirty has nothing to do with any nationality.
One last question .... How do you know all these about that man ? Were you married to him ? lol
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Medo how dare you to say that Filipino smells bad! If you are Arab specifically Egyptian sorry to tell this:
I have an Egyptian colleague and the tartar on his teeth is already 20 cms thick.
He used to repeat his clothes twice a day ( disgusting bwahahaha I could not imagine how itchy it is)
He will spray parfum( with disgusting smell) all over his body to cover his smell * ( wink)
He doesn't wash his suit instead he will just iron it for a week ( yuckie)
He rarely take shower. When he wake up he will just change and go to work
So there you go
Sorry guys!
Desi maal...indeed it is...it always is very handy with a Gold Flake Kings...or a Wills Chota Gold Flake...LOL
Yeah right complaints,,, crap...dont under publicize my stance on QL alright...
Get your gaurd ready mate...and practice all that you can before I return. cos after that it is looking down the valley for you my friend...sorry to say...
looks like someone's been smoking some desi maal in India...all yacking and no smacking...bring it on, besides i've had a tough time handling all the complaints from the ladies about how u were handling them...dont come back and mess things up now.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
we're in a free world, we choose which ever nationalities we feel comfortable with. that's why i dont see choosing a certain nationality to be your flatmate or roommate falls into the category of being a racist.
Da Rude...I have been in India...or rather I m still in India paaji...so thats where I have been missing out..
Smokey...alright, I wouldn't have said it, but since you mentioned Coward, and also the fact that the ladies are doing fine in YOUR HANDS, I have gotto tell ya man, I have got my QTel Visa and I am returning on March 5th...and the line of ladies being fine makes me think twice on my return trip to pre-pone that date...LOL...
Will do buddy this time I return, it will be a new beginning, so would love to start that by thrashing your ***...
LOL...it always helps to start a new phase with a WIN you see...
So whats been happening dude...
Yes we should ALL say it. However, sometimes discretion is the better part of valour. It doesn't help anyone if Owen and the rest of her building get kicked out on the street. Rather, they should ask someone non-Filipino to apply to live in the building, when they are turned down (preferably with the words, sorry Filipino's only) then THAT person should not only write to the Human Rights Organization, but perhaps, go to a lawyer. This way it protects the people in the building, and has more of an impact coming from the discriminated against person.
I'm never one to back down from a fight, but I'd rather do it smartly and make sure more people don't get hurt, then do it rashly and hurt more people.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
your buddy king is working his butt off over some IT Company....no time for QL...so we can ruin his reputation (little by little) without him knowing it...j/k....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Ksarat bhai....again u ran off this time out of the country without having that game of pool with me eh...COWARD!! but u have to return some time and i'll be waiting for you dude...take your time in returning the ladies are in safe hands....MY HANDS!! muahahahha
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
welcome back and where the hell have you been man
I m doing absolutely fantastic Buddy, it is always good to be home in India...so much to do and always fun...i know i m missing out of trips there in QL...but please be sure to hold a good outing when I return...(that is)...
Hows is my dear buddy, King...please give him my best regards and a big HI...
Gypsy ,
there is always a risk, but shouldn't we all say :
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Not neccessarily Frog, if the Human Rights committee goes back to the landlord, they could all very well end up being evicted. :S
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
hiya ksa!!!!!...we are all fine...(we'll speaking for myself, I am)....guys here are surviving with racism issues...nothing expats couldn't handle....
how are you????? :P
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
I guess I'm included in the "et all.." well segregation is also bad :d
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Very simple imagine what will happen if a monkey shares with a donkey lol
And for once, people talking about Racism, are speaking in a TEAM...not bad .., thats a development for QL...
And my dear dear folks at QL, hows everyone doing...and hows Qatar doing...
Whats been happening...what am I missing out of Qatar...
Gyps, Owen, Smokey, Da Rude PAaji, et all...
Aplogies accepted :D I knew you were being silly :d
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
"You could make a complaint to the Human Rights department, however I don't know if it would do any good"
I'm amazed you said that ? a complaint against an abuse is always doing good. at least if there is no feedback it has the merit of informing the authorities and it demostrates that people are not being passive and that they're refusing to accept such actions without any reactions :)[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Big Sorry for evrybody here
i was just joking
I know many indian and many many filipino friends and i admire all of them
and really i see that is normal that indian like to share indian and fillipino like to share philpino as well as arab like to share arab, also many advertisments here ask for westren ppl, or arab, or muslim only
that is normal for pplyes i like to know many friends from many nationalities but still when i want to share my flat i will like to share with egyption
Probably cheaper then a chiropractor DaRude. :P
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
next time no hand shake then a hug to squeeze your back :D
To be honest it is only those people who think they are above others that set that kind of example. Snobs are those who call others snobs because they themselves set the example. Racists are those who call others racists because they themselves want to be noticed.
However, amazingly enough you see only Indians and Philippinos advertising because they are the only one who will share with many people in one room. When it says bedspace it literally does mean bed space it means in one bed is free.
I was looking for a room in Dubai once and went to see one flat, the lady was offering bed space and to my great astonishment I was shown one room with 8 others - one bed was free.
gyps..that' what exactly is happening...we got nothing to do but to submit to this "weird" restrictions...sigh, if only we can and if only we could....(i know wishful thinking)....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
LOL Darude! That's not racism, that's fear for my hands!
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
accept it that you are a racist for not having dinner and drink with me :/
Owen I think somebody got dumped by a filipina???haha
I didn't say the residents of the building are racist, I meant the landlord is.
You could make a complaint to the Human Rights department, however I don't know if it would do any good. As expats we don't really have option of boycotting or protesting, as the government can just deport us. Also the landlord is completely within his rights to kick you all out on the streets if you do protest.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Gypsy, so what should we do, boycott and move out from his building because he is a certified arse racist? ...my goodness with all the housing (rent) rocketing high...but this does not qualifies that the residents on the building are likewise racist.....we just got limited options here... :)
lol frog...go on add more fuel....but i ain't responding to THE shallow minded user (not you of course)...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Frog...is seeing some action...good for you
but you could get whipped for your confession...lol
froggy, that's why i was puzzled as well when i recently learned this....i'm only explaining that when you see in the classies here, some Indians or Filipinos just got no choice since the building owner declared this kind of restrictions...not necessarily because we Filipinos/Indians are flocking together (but some in all honesty do)....
and frog...with our food...hehehehehe admittedly most of them smell odd (i mean only the native dishes), but try to taste some...maybe (just maybe) you might like it..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
AH Ok Frog :) I thought you meant I'd lost the point of the conversation :P (quite possible as I haven't finished my first cup of coffee for the day).
Owen, ok, now THAT is racist! You can't stop someone living in a building based on race :S.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Medo ,
lol hahahahaha no man she was not what you think she is :d and it's a bit insulting to both of us to say such a thing . I'm waiting for your apologies :d
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
tsk tsk medo_qatar stop being a trouble maker now. go to your room boy.
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
come on when philpina girl knows that she will be kissed or do .... she will use perfum, how she will got her money if she didn't satisfy the clients,
poor Owen, u have nothing to say
translation : Long time no see :)
don't you think he's been racist ? intruding himself into people's life , just because they're living in his building ????? doesn't he get a rent ? I'm simply disgusted. If someone dare telling me what to do in my own appart, I would turn his eyes blue.
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
your insinuations medo are poor....but that's you...so i will leave you at that....
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
owen dont forget to use barbeque sauce too :)
guys given from my own situation...our landowner (the building owner) is one local-arab guy, he is the one who implement this rule that everyone to live on his building should all be Filipinos--no other nationality...so much as we want it to be like a "cultural-diversified" community, we could not do so....he even specified that whenever other nationality would visit the building it should be on broad daylight and the person (who visited) should be seen out of the building before night time...
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
What? :S Didn't quite get that reference Frog.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Gypsy ,
wow , I checked on the last Episode of "lost" if you were on that Island :D
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
There's no difference in asking for a Filipino or Indian roomate then saying I'm looking for a single female, non-smoker, clean, quiet, no pets...etc etc. Does that mean that the person is racist against men, smokers, dirty, loud, pet people?
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
froggy..i will not...that's too shallow to take that you are one racist...:)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Smoke and Gypsy... exactly... thats what I mean.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
u know what , I said the same thing lol . I know fish are very healthy , but smells is really bad lol. Once I got some fried fish inside my car ( It was for cats beside my appart) My car smells terrible for two weeks :D
Medo_qatar ,
ow ow ???? I don't think so . I was examined by an Indian Doctor last time I had a health prob, and he didn't smell bas. I kissed a Philipino's girl on the neck and she smells like a sweet . So Medo u better shut up :DDDD lol
I think it has more to do with language and simple comfort level and common interests, and I don't see anything wrong with that. It's natural that we would feel more comfortable living with someone from our own culture. I think to many people cry racism far to quickly.
"I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do, I ain't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued. So put me down punk, I'm not a maiden fair, maybe there's a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." Ani Difranco
Its not a matter of being racist...people are free to choose whoever they would like to share their roof with, and in many cases each nationality would like a member of their own nationality for various reasons such as language, culture, religion etc. Mercia would u like to share your accomodation with an Indian?
Where there is Fire...There is Coke. Where there is Rum..There is Smoke - Sir Smoke-a-Lot
syamsat- i am sure u meant vegetarian and not vegetation (2 diff things there)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
i forget to say
People=Problems , if yu kno wmore people you will know more problems
indian and filipino they belive that the arabs and othere nationality smell bad, so they don't like to share houses with them
me also i belive that filipino & indian smell soooooo bad
Frog ...lol I heard it too...maybe its fish..
In Mumbai, thats exactly the opinion of my vegetarian neighbour when he smelled us frying fish.
He used to tell us "How can you eat something that smells so bad"....lol
Many indians are vegitatians. They can't stay in seafood smells..it might be the reason.
It annoys me that people are so racist, living in a multi cultural place you would think that people would want to mix with others, find out about their culture, their food etc. I would have loved the chance to share a place with any other nationality.
indians- race, hindu-religion, not all indians are hindus.....
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Red Pope I wonder why you keep refering to Indians as ...Indues...or Hindus!
Columbus already has placed us in America and cloured us Red!
once a week my Philipino neighbor cook some meal that smells really terrible :d I don't know what are the ingredients, but I don't think I really wanna know lol ( no offense )
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
Frog if you like noodles..you already like a part of Fillipino food....(its a Chinese influence).
Rice & Fish also plays a major part in their food.
this is human nature. we tend to get along well when we among ourselves. nothing wrong with that. but people tend to forget also that diversity is challange and make life more beautiful.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Owen :(
Wanna burn me alive because I said that I don't like Philipino's Food :(
[img_assist|nid=61287|title=|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0] Some are Wise ... Some are ...Otherwise
OwenWhen I read those classifieds of requesting Filipino workers or Indues. It reminds of slave shacks. Don't know why? but It just gives me a evil feeling about it.I would be more super careful, If anyone wishes to approach them. The Red Pope of Qatar Living
not only on the classifieds here....even in our office...we got one hell racist guy...i really wanted to burn him alive (sorry i know its too much)
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Ohhhh...sorry Mr. Paul, it's in fact Richard123....
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Not everybody, only MR. Paul is racist...
[img_assist|nid=52086|title=Life is never boring, but some people choose to be bored.... Boredom is a choice. - Wayne W. Dyer|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]
Yeah, I remember I used to get so mad with it, when I was looking for a house...
If you're looking for a problem, you're probably gonna find one.
Well said mohdkhan, i agree to it
Because of freedom of speech and culture. Some lady cannot speak english they only speak their mother tongue so it becomes easy to mingle with same class