Arabic Words - 17/07

By osamabawab •
6) Hazehe Akhbar Jameela
That's wonderful news
هذه أخبار جميلة؟
7) Hal takder an tadollany ala altareeq?
Can you guide me to the way?
هل تقدر أن تدلّني على الطريق؟
8) Hal yomken an Azhab ma’ak?
Can I go with you?
هل يمكن أن أذهب معك؟
What is the English meaning of the following Arabic Words?
Hammam = _____
Saboon = _____
Forshat Asnan = _____
Majoon Asnan = _____
Correct answers will be revealed after 1:00 pm
Correct answers are:
Thank you all and have a nice day :)
bathroomsoaptoothbrush (I asked my daughter)toothpaste(big shot in the dark!)
Kaikaf....... Shu Abkbarak
Anna Jawab......
Hammam = Bathroom
Saboon = Soap
Forshat Asnan = Tooth Brush
Majoon Asnan = Tooth Paste
Shukran Jedan... Ajmal Al-Taheyyat........
Anta Hakkan mofeed........ Ashoofak bokra
Tazkara = Ticket
Tazkera = Reminder
تذ كرة Could also mean reminder Brother Osama? Salaam.
painther: most of them were covered earlier, but we can repeat it for you in the next few days. :)
Flantop: tazkara = Ticket :)
"تذ كرة" Dear Osama what is english of this word
Osama, is it covered earlier? (if yes, ok, i'll search if not, it'll be good to have a session on these)
Standard & Colloquial names of--
Step brother/sister
Cousin (brother/ sister)
GradPa/ Maternal Grandpa
GradMa/ Maternal GrandMa
Uncle- mother’s brother, fathers brother, father’s sister’s husband, mother’s sister’s husband….
Sister in law- brother’s wife, wife’s brother’s wife….
Nephew/ niece
1:bathroom2:soap3:toothbrush4:toothpasteif i m not wrong....
Good work Osama!!
1. Bathroom
2. soap