Arabic Words - 04/06

By osamabawab •
Good Morning QL,
Based on the suggestion of our friend Qbianc, today I will list the Arabic words of some personalities / feelings:
Dahek = Dehk = Laugh = ضحك
Saeed = Farhan = Happy = سعيد = فرحان
Hazeen = Za’lan = Sad = حزين = زعلان
Zaky = Clever / Intelligent = ذكي
Wakeh = Rude = وقح
Shaaz = Weird / Abnormal = شاذ
Motaghatres = Arrogant = متغطرس
Moakkad = Mohannak = Sophisticated = معقد = محنك
All comments / queries are always welcome :)
nasty is still a knowledge.
This thread was suppossed to share knowledge of arabic with others.I hope it doesn't turn nasty!
Homar = Donkey / Jacka$$ = حمار
Motaghatres = Arrogant = متغطرس
know plenty of these on QL
Sorry, I am not the best person to teach that. we require someone who is using the vulgar words regularly so that he can translate it to us ;-)
when will the vulgar slang translation come :D
Thank u osama.
you are such a great help :)
baka=buka = cry=بكى