Work Visa
Hello every one
Please guide me to take a wise decision.
Thank you very much for your time and valuable suggestion.
I have a work visa (Not RP) to enter Qatar. This shall be my first visit to Qatar. If everything is in place, I shall travel in couple of weeks.
Few details on my work visa:
Place of issue: E-Government
Type of Visa: Work Visa
Duration of Residence: 2 Years
Validity: 6 months
No. of entries: Single
Format: Paper (No stamped visa on my passport)
Provided by my employer (sponsored by my employer)
My Problem Details:
I got an offer from another company and wish to go for it considering pay, profile, work environment, company, etc.
- The second employer cannot wait for 6 months (validity of visa)
1. How can I opt for the second company?
2. If I say NO to the first employer, can he impose ban or blacklist on my passport?
3. (a) Can I disclose about my work visa to the second employer?
(b) Is there any risk of losing the offer?
4. Can my second employer apply for work visa even though I have a active work visa?
5. (a) Can my second employer apply for another type of visa even though I have a active work visa?
(b) If yes, what type of visa is suitable for applying RP?
6. (a) Do I need to cancel the active work visa OR can I use it in any way?
(b) In the process of cancellation, is there any risk of Ban/Blacklisting?
(c) Is there any gap period to apply new visa after cancellation?
7. (a) In order to cancel the visa, can I travel with a return ticket and return the same day?
(b) To return back to India do I need to take exit paper from the sponsor?
(c) In this case is there any risk of ban/blacklisting by my sponsor?
8. In this kind of situations in general, does the sponsor be generous enough and allow to take up the second offer?
Thank you very much for your time and efforts
Thank you Mr. Kumar.
Second Employer will come to know even if you dont tell him, as when he will try to issue you a visa, he will come to know from Immigration that on your name visa is already being issue, and if you want to travel on same visa you can come and stay for a month , you dont need exit pass as it is not stamped and you dont have issued or RP stamp on your passport, come with return ticket and meet second Employer, dont give your passport to any one and your visa will expire as you go back to IOndia as it is for one Entry only, once you sit in a plane to india you have a exit stamp and your visa expires as you cannot enter with same visa again, so think visely weather you want to continue with the same or you can speak to the employer second and he can wait till you go back and come on his visa again. i came to my second employer after 10 day as i left first employer as i came first on bussiness visa and second time also came on same type of visa, and third time for permanent here now.