Wife visit for Nigerian

By muhammed47 •
I left my country 4th day after my marriage with the aim of inviting my wife here after a month but each time I went to the Emmigration office I always come back with Dis-aproval but all my required document are intact including bank statement.
Can Some 1 help me out with my wife visit visa to Qatar? am lonely
Friend, did you get the reason of rejection?
By the way Visit Visa is another option. You can apply for Visit Visa for your wife.
Document required: 1. Marraige caertificate
2. NOC from your sponsor.
3. Salary Certificate
For Visit Visa Minimum salary should be QR 4000/-
where as for family Visa Minimum salary should QR 7000/-
Documnets for family Visa:
1. NOC from your Sponsor
2. Salary Certificate
3. Bank Statement of last 6 Month
4. Marriage Certificate attested by MOFA
5. Education Certificate Attested by MOFA
6. Electric Bill or Tenant Contract paper of your accomodation.