What would be the best option: to transfer my visa or just a NOC to work with the new company?

By no_kidding •
My current company is willing to give a No Objection Certificate after I finished my two-year contract. My boss asked me what kind of NOC--a NOC to transfer my visa with the new company or just a NOC to work with new company without transferring my Visa. So, what would be the best option or advantage/disadvantage of transferring and not transferring the visa to other company and just renew my working visa under the old company.
Please note that the new company has no problem whatever options I choose.
Please clarify and thanks in advance.
As adnan has suggested, you should always opt for transfer of your existing visa unless there is a good reason not to do so (this could be something like getting a better profession on the new visa as compared to your existing visa). Doing so will almost always entitle you (not in rules but by convention) to ask for your visa if you need to switch job in the future or your contract in terminated for any reason.
its better to transfer your visa to new company..so that you dont need to go out of country.For that you need the noc from your previous employer plus seal and signature in transfer form. You can check with your PRO regarding this form