What are the requirements in getting a visit visa to Japan?

By bluer_than_blue •
We want to visit my sister in Osaka, Japan. I
Does anybody here know the procedure and requirements of getting a visit visa to Japan?
Japan Embassy , Qatar
Doha West Bay, Diplomatic Area
PO Box 2208
I got this info in google, can anybody confirm if this is where we're supposed to go for application? WOuld you know if they have online application? Thanks :)
I've been trying to call them but no one's answering. Ugh!
depends on which passport. most western passports dont need a visa. If you plan on taking train to another city make sure you get your Japan rail pass BEFORE you leave.
Cannot get it when you arrive. Even one trip on the shinkansen is worth it. rail pass also good on JR line within Tokyo. Good luck and dont let the drunk black suits fall over you on the trains late at night.
Why dont you call them???
they are on west bay next to the beach
Been there a few times and they are really polite and pleasant...
If you are visiting your sister then she should send some documents, Letter of invitation, reason of invitation, her bank statement copy, copy of her Alien Registration card.
You fill in the forms and when submitting the forms these documents should be included.
If you sister is not working and she is married then the husband can issue the above papers and then show the relationship (marriage cert).
Hope this will help.