hi there, presently i am working in qatar for last 2 years,(work vis) my visa will expire next month, due to emergency i am going vaccation, if i cant able to come within the date my will visa will expire automatically, if expire can i come back with other visa or i can go for other gcc country? the cancellation of my old is neccessary if so can i make cancel in india, please tell me the processed of cancellation
Pay your loans off first, dont try to pull a quikie now.
Hi I am not sure about the consequences if you abscond but just wanted to share with you an article from The Peninsula Newspaper that from 15th of this month the visa would no longer be stamped on the passport. Instead there would be a card like the one which is presently for Qatar ID which will serve as a visa proof.
Once your visa is expired the renewed one would not be pasted on the Passport but instead a new card would be given.
Not sure if this info will help you but just wanted to share.