visa 10 months waiting and still counting

I have worked for 3 yrs in the UAE and have traveled to other middle east countries as demanded by our previous projects. But after finishing the contract I resigned(with clean records) and now living in the Philippines(since Dec. 2010)to wait for my working visa in Doha. However due to an unseen reason the waiting time continued and at the moment its been 10(or so) months already. The offer letter was received last June 2010 and after i have sent all the necessary documents the application for working visa was initiated by the Doha company in July of last year. I'm sure some of the users here might have knowledge regarding certain cases that are similar to mine.
Please feel free to share your thoughts on my situation.
Thank you.
as you quite rightly said - he let's it unfold... which indicates he does not make the decisions - it is the people to whom he gave free will who are making decisions affecting you here... just a theoretical argument :o)
on a purely theoretical note (diverting from the topic slightly)... yes, I heard that apparently God makes things happen, but he also gave human kind the thing called free will which he will not interfere with, right? so how will that work? :o)
hi newcomer in doha,
I just wish to inform you that I did not took your advise to forget about the visa. whether or not you sincerely believe on what you said is really not important. I simply hope to convey that indeed good things come to those who wait and yet there is a merciful GOD who actually allows things to unfold. Thats why our parents taught us to pray intently so that in His time - He (not us) will make it happen.
thanks for the reply.
yes its true that 10 months requires an absurd sense of patience. considering that I have already gave all the required documents, and during my 7-month visit in Doha I was able to interview other employees who told me that some of them waited a year or so for their visas.
right now I am still in contact with HR and the Dept. Manager- they all said that CID(final stage of working visa release) is taking too long on my papers. And also fellow kabayans are assuring me that the position is vacant and more are needed. To consider another company means I have to start all over again since this is quite a good opportunity. However this door seems to be closing on me, and I may never understand whats preventing my visa from being approved. No matter- I must go find myself a job and avoid hitting the dead end. Still- just a slim chance maybe the visa will come soon.
you can go to classifieds and click Jobs but you should also check Kershaw Leonard website & Gulf Talent & Bayt. They've got a lot of vacancies there :) Happy job hunting :)
i don't think it will really take that long. my husband was offered a job in December and his visa was processed in January. But I have to mention that he was hired from UAE and not from Phils. In your case, since you are in Phils maybe there are more 'documents' that are required to process..but still, 10 months? my opinion, just forget about them!
Gulftalent, Bayt, Claredon parker, Key resources, are all good job sites.
Check under classifieds in jobs. You also can put in a advertisement in this section with what job you are looking for. Good luck
I agree with bea, i work in the HR and i know how visa transactions goes here. Usually it would take us a month or sometimes less than a month to issue the visa. Depending on how fast the hr and the PRO works for it. But 10 months, thats a loong wait.
sorry to say that, but if I were you, I would not wait for this job any more. never heard of visa for a Philippine national being processed for 10 months. yes, it can take longer in some cases, but NOT 10 months. most likely the employer either found someone else to fill this position and they're not telling you, or something happened and they're not that keen to fill it... either way - no way they'd be waiting 10 months for your visa!
How to find job on this website? since im new here sa QL? Thanks