I was work at UAE till 2009 MAY month, and I lost my job there because of the crisis. My company not canceled my visa and I came to my home country. I had a credit card loan in UAE , I was paid that till I was in there and after lost my job I didn't pay that because I don’t have the money.
Thing is now I got a job offer from Qatar I heard first I have to cancel the UAE visa, without canceling i cannot get the Qatar working visa.
Still I have the UAE credit card but after May month I didn’t use those cards. Still those cards are active. i don't want to cheat.
I can send my passport to my UAE office. My problem is while do the cancellation will they can see my loan? Will they return my passport to my uae office? Problem is right now I don’t have money to pay. Anyway once I got money I will pay.
Please give me advice.
I would in the deposit of to agree with if in attendance is no incongruity with birthday messages my modus operandi of my prepared visa here in Doha Qatar. Thanks for this info.
how many months you are out of UAE Manish? if more than 6 months then that means its automatically cancelled.
if you are in your home country its better to get a new passport a clean one before entering Qatar to avoid teh hassles of questioning your unstamped cancelled UAE visa.
Is it possible to get Qatar Employment visa, if I am not canceling my UAE Work visa (Labour). Kindly clarify me. As i just 1 month to complet my 1year in UAE. and i got an offer now from qatar. but my company is not canceling my UAE visa yet. Kindly advise
I would like to corroborate if present is no disagreement with my procedure of my operational visa here in Doha Qatar.
I would like to corroborate if present is no disagreement with my procedure of my operational visa here in Doha Qatar.
Hi were are the same issue too but from my side i dont have any bank account un UAE nor Credit loans, I am a filipino holding a Dubai working Visa from my previous employeer last 2007-2009 but when they terminate me they sent me in our country without cancellation of my visa in UAE, they told me they will call me back anytime when company will resume the projects. And now, I am presently working now in doha qatar but my Pataka is still under process. I would like to confirm if there is no conflict with my process of my working visa here in doha qatar. I have finish my Medical and Finger Print procedure here in Doha Qatar but i want to clarify if there is any conflicts regarding with my issue.
I have no bank issue's nor credit card loans in UAE.
Respectfully yours,
same as personnal loans
i advise you to continue paying your credit cards just the minimum amount. gather some money to pay for the months you didnt pay including the charges for sure it is not that much just to keep you updated with your min payments. if you know some1 working in the bank dealing with credit cards, you may seek further advice. i heard a lot of people leaving dubai with their visas cancelled but left a lot of dues on credit cards.
I think warm_heart is right. Though as far as I know, if credit cards will not be paid in 3 months consecutively - that's the time bank will report to the police. Im not sure about it though nor the 6 months that warm_heart is telling. One thing for sure, I left Dubai with credit cards unpaid but got my visa cancelled. I worked in Dubai for 5 years by the way. You see, you do not have to pay your credit cards in full just pay the minimum amount every month and you can leave the country and come back freely. that is if you only have credit cards becuase banks are stricter on personal loans.
I agree with warm_heart, the loan has nothing to do with the cancellation of your UAE Visa unless your salary is transfered to that bank and your company requires a clearance from the bank before they cancell your visa. If not, contact them and inform them that you wanted your visa to be cancelled.
warm heart you talking nonsense........when the passport will be sent for visa cancelation.......the bank account needs to be closed also before the visa is cancelled so they can easily find out.
The man dosent have a problem he is a cheat ...who will do the same in Qatar and escape from here.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
U can call me i'll help u in all 3525489
u dont need to pay anything, there is nothing illegal and nothing against the law
Pleasr stop giving wrong information, the man has a problem and u r keeping giving ur wrong advices, u can have 2 visas, and u can send ur passport to cancel ur visa (IF) you trust ur company that they will send ur passport back but there is no issue about the loans and the credit card, anotherthing everybody can check ur name in the police there coz i dont think that there is a case, the banks dont file a case untile u stop paying for 6 months, and if ur credit card is still activated it means there is no issue at all!! i have experience with that, plz dont listen to the ppl who dont know
warm_heart tks for your reply,
i know Dubai is better than here. Nowadays Dubai very difficult to find the job. that's the main issue. that's why i came to here.
my Qatar employer they are not stamping the visa without cancel the Dubai visa.
Financially I’m stuck, that’s the main issue. Otherwise I will send my passport to cancel the visa and pay the loan.
If I want to stamp Qatar visa without cancel Dubai Visa how much I have to pay for that? Can you tell me?
i dont know from where u got this information?!!! i have cancelled many many visas in my company in Dubai although they had credit, can u tell me from where u get ur information?
few years later the fine will be so much on the outstanding amount that you will again not be able to pay, I haven't done anything illegal ever like this so can't tell you how to get Dubai Visa cancelled without paying the loan. Your company has to cancel your visa while removing you from your job, if thats not been done then mayb u simply maxed out your credit card and left dubai..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
i have 2 visas one in UAE and one in Qatar and i can use both at the same time, if u want to see my passport and the 2 visas you can call me 3525489 and by the way i'm going to get a new visa in Bahrain also, for ur loans issue you can make it a civil case that the bank will not ask you especially that u lost ur work there, belive me Dubai bettre than here 100000000000 times
hi sandeepkadian,
i will pay the loan, right now i don't have the money, that's why i'm telling. in feature i will pay, once i collect the then i will pay.
few years later i like to go back to Uae.. give give me idea how to get the Qatar visa.
hi every_mothers_nightmare,
don't say like that, if i have money i will pay, right now i don't have money.later i like to pay that payment.
feature i will like to go back to UAE, don't say i'm a cheater...
tell me how can i get Qatar working visa.. any other way?
Losing your job doesn't justify not paying back your loan.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
No you still cant enter.
looks like you dont want to pay your bank back.........i guessed it right!!
Yes you are a bad guy and a cheater.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Thanks for the reply’s,.
After 6 month UAE visa will be cancel automatically, after that possible to get the Qatar Visa without having any issues. (Guest I didn’t to pay that loan).
Guys give solutions I’m really stuck now. How to solve this issue. Help me to resolve this. I’m not a bad guy or cheater. This everything happened because of I lost my job.
Now I got a offer but I’m stuck here now.
there is no way your UAE visa will be cancelled with the outstanding dues and your passport returned.
Dont send your passport to UAE for cancellation unless you clear the pending amount.....they will not return your passport and you will be stuck in doha.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Thanks guys your reply, actually before I come from Dubai I went the bank and I told to them I’m going back to my home country. I will continue my loan from there, they said no. it’s not possible, after that I informed to the bank still my return date is not confirm when I’m leaving from here.
One day I will pay that money otherwise I cannot go back to UAE, this is not a time for me to pay that money. I need only QR 30000 to settle that loan. It’s not very big amount.
My family was with me in Dubai. I’m a married guy; now my family was in my home country
Still my uae credit cards are activated, but I didn’t use those cards after May month. If I want to cheat I can use those cards. I don’t want to do that.. please understand me.
My Qatar employer asking my Passport and UAE id card, they asked me to send it to UAE to cancel the visa.
Tell me what I shall do now, I can send that to uae, I’m not sure whether they return my passport.
Give me ideas.
I guess a lot of things went wrong here.
"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."
"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us."
Credit card debts are a pain...... the more time you take to repay the more the fine is imposed.
However for a Qatar RP to be stamped on your passport you need to get you UAE visa cancelled and it will not be cancelled until you clear you pending i dont see any other way of you getting a Qatar RP other than paying back you credit card dues and sending your passport to you previous company for cancelation.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
When a company fires you, they have to cancel the visa, I dont understand why they dint do it in first place.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
Sandeep i don't think you get his/her point. He can't cancel the visa unless he completely pays his credit card loan.
What i would suggest if you don't have the money is that you try to gather some from your mates around, possibly relatives and tell them that you can repay them very soon when you can gather the money from your new job.
"Everything is okay in the end, if it's not ok, then it's not the end."
"When one door closes, another opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that has opened for us."
It is strongly recommended by Indian Government that under no circumstances should u send the passport out of the country. Go to UAE yourself if possible and get Visa cancelled, You can't have residence permit of 2 countries in GCC at the same time. If you can't go to Dubai, Wait for 6 months to get your Dubai Visa automatically cancelled. Keep working on business visa meanwhile.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
Actually i'm in Doha now business visa, now almost 3 month i left form UAE. i came to Doha last month.still i'm in business visa.
thing is right now i don't have money to pay the UAE loan. if i have i pay.
i want to get the working visa, now i have issue, what shall i do now.
usually if you stay outside your country of residence for more than 6 months your RP will get cancelled you have pending CC dues i asume you will have problems to enter Qatar...or may be not.
Passport can be sent to cancell your RP no problems at all...but you need to clear your dues first.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
thanks your reply, what can i do now? how can i get the Qatar Visa?
Dont send your passport to UAE. Check out the last page of your passport, Under no condition are you supposed to send your passport outside the country of your residence.
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"