Spelling mistake of Name in Passport?

Good morning QL folks,
Let me know how can I correct the spelling mistake in my name in passport?As it valid till 2014,is it possible to do from Qatar through related Embassy?would you mind to share with me the procedure to follow and what are the documents needed?
waiting for your helpful info...
Thanks n Regards..
well this is not an uncommon mistake..
so try through your embassy..
this happened to my friend too, he corrected it before it was too late..
thanks ahmed...
@soniya.. unfortunately i couldn't do this before.thanks
What were you doing all these years when PASSPORT issued to you?
Didn't you realize the SPELLING MISTAKE then??
Thank GOD, finally you woke up...
Embassies are always there to help out the poor SOULS like you.
Better approach them directly rather than asking childish question here...:)
go to indian embassy and produce the birth certificate or marriage certificat they can change the speeling mistake
sorry..I forgot to mention..I am Indian
Hi, depending on which passport you hold, I know with the British passport you can change mistakes within 6months of receiving it without charge, you need to send it with a new application stating the mistake along with your birth certificate. Maybe best to contact your embassy. Hope this helps.