RP to be cancel

By Cat Esteban •
Hi everybody need some info..my RP is going to be cancel by my company by end of this month..they gave me time to "look" for another job,(Un)luckily for me i found one but its just recently and some people in higher position in the new company which are to give final interviews/approval,and some HR advises are still not yet done because most of them are on Ramadan leave..im running out time...Now,for how long can i stay here in Qatar once my RP is cancelled and my original company didn't give an extension(mercy..huh!)..my RP will expires on Oct 2010...thank you for your help.
thank you so much to each of you,i really appreciate your good and helpfull advises..hope i can give others as such in the future..7 days i think is not enough(in my case only) considering that Eid holidays are getting closer & as we all knew most govt offices are close during that period..ohh by the way my "former" company just gave temporary NOC(english only)this day to show to my new company that they would not hold me up or maybe to start the transferring of my RP..incidentally my new company would be in the government which most employee will preparing the incoming festivities and not my personal case..huhuhu..just hoping my former company give consideration not to cancel my RP after the season of sharing and giving ends as surely i'll be forced to leave the country....again thank you
If you ran out of time and you are sent home, just tell your new company to send you a business visa so you can go back here and transfer to the new company. The important thing is the NOC, as long as your former company will give it, you'll have no problem transferring. You can even get your own visit visa and come back here to look for a new job if the first option will not work out.
Still u've time..Ramadan will get over by next month..Hope the higher authorities in ur new company would come back soon and hire u immediately before your RP gets cancelled...
7 days
If your company gave you time to "look" for another job, they would surely provide NOC...so no worries. You can come back anytime when you get job.
From what I know, one should leave the country within 7 days of cancellation of RP.