Regarding the Medical test for visa
By Meenakshi123 •
15 years back my friend was affected by T.B , after that she took medicine and cured the disease, now she is in business visa soon going to get permanent visa, she afraid whether she can get problem in her medical test, currently she don't have any problem, pls advice her
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Your friend should have no issues at all . TB is completely curable provided the right medication was taken - and scars disappear over time ( assuming it was in the Lung). And you cant survive for 15 years with TB
guilt is right,dear QLer's, chances are quite slim to pass the medical test here in Qatar due to TB scar sometimes even if he had been cleared by medical tests in his home country. There are lot of cases like that in the past that they did'nt passed the medical here and immediately ordered to go back to their home country.
Last month she checked, currently she dont have problem, but the scar is there
she should've go to other clinics to check her condition before for medical check up...
please make sure by any one of the private clinics b4 going to govt authority to make sure that she wont effect it
T.B. is considered as one of the deadliest diseases and Qatar Health Authorities are so keen on checking it. If they find even a small evidence of T.B. in her x-ray the chance of passing the Medical test is very minimum.