Qatar Employment VIsas - Pakistan

Hi, Can any Pakistani National advise me if Pakistani officials don't allow to leave for Qatar prior to coming to Qatar with out clearing the medical in Pakistan.
I have been told that it's a new requirement that any person with Qatar employment visa must clear some medical in Pakistan prior to coming to Qatar.
Any one knows about this law or rule?
Thank You
yup... i did all this in pakistan... and airport, they will check your visa+passport, thats all here on arrival, but in pakistan, everything, medical, protector, police clearence, visa, passport, id card
bari maharbaani, did you do all of this in Pakistan or here?
did they check any of the documents on your arrival at qatar airport?
hmmmm,, everything will be fine.. i completed my all process within 6 days :-)along with attestation of my documents.. so don't worry at all.. every thing will be fine. just check timing of every office before you go there.. so that u don't waste your time
Lahore ----------------------
am trying to visit dubai and come back on new employment visa just to avoid other formalities coz it is an emergency, have worked here for 3 years & just now trying to come back on empl. visa, let's see how it will go, am afraid, hope everything goes fine...
welcome..and yup.. police clearence also :)its not only for our nationality.. its for all buddy...if u are visiting for the first time..1. do the medical,2. take police clearence certificate,3. apply for NICOP(oversease pakistani card) just apply for that and keep the copy.4. when u buy ticket, they will do the insurance as well(if first time coming to qatar) charges were 5000rupees last year.. its called protector (kinda insurance)(btw ur city?)best of luck...
Just a quick question, any idea if they require the police clearance certificate here for RP...???.....
thanks, looks like a big headech now to get a new RP, rules are getting tuffer and tuffer everywhere for our nationality.
I don't have time to go through this all as I need to go offshore. Just hoping that everything will go as planned.
Thanks again - bari maharbani
may be, before it wasnt present, but last year when i was coming here.. i did medical in pakistan, though they just checked it at airport in pakistan, then i kept it in my file thats all, cox when u come to qatar, they will do another medical test of you, passing that (and clearing criminal record) means you can get your RP
thanks mate,
bari maharbani
right - thankz,
i have been told to go to some other place and come here, coz i will be working offshore and olready have my medical fitnest test here which is almost the same as of the government tests here..
anyways to cut short when i first time came in 2009 March, there wasn't such thing called medical in my place...thank you for the info.
bari maharbani
this is not the new rule, last yr when i was coming, it was the same rule... and its better to do the medical there.. cox if u didnt passed the medical, but some how u came here...again here will be a medical, so failing this one mean go back to your home sweet home..