Please give me advise about NOC or RELEASE

Dear QL Advisors,
Please help me to give some advise HOW OR WHAT TO DO to get NOC or RELEASE from my current sponsor.
I am sorry if my english grammar or spelling is wrong.
I am a LOCAL hire here in Doha. I was hired here last august 2009, then i recieve a TERMINATION LETTER from HR last week.They grounds me ABSENTISM. Almost 10 months i've working to them even they are not support me specialy transportation because i asign in RAS LAFFAN. Since i was started in this company i did not avail the benifits according to my contract agreement because i was living outside the company accomodation provided by the company.My manager and the management is agreed to live outside with my wife and my relatives. But the problem is they are not suppoort me during i'm working in ras laffan specially transportation from Doha to Ras laffan vise versa. Now i ask NOC to seek other company to fit my expences.But they refuse insted they want me to send in my country and cancel my visa.
What i do and how is possible to grant me NOC?
Last 2004 to 2007 im working here and my old RP number is same to use now.
I am very thank you all for the advise that you made in regards to my problem..I came back last two days ago here in Doha Qatar that i got NOC from my previous company in last minute before i exit. I'll do direct speak my CEO and luck he give me NOC.But they are already cancel my visa so i force to leave qatar and comeback in a new VISA.My coming sponsor is sending my working visa when i send to them the exit stamp in my passport from immigration in Qatar, so they are immediately apply a working visa for me. Please give me advise again if what is the requirements to proceed in RP issuance. Somebody advise me that i need the NBI clearance with Red Ribbon. It is true? I know that this requirements is needed for only transfer sponsor. But in my case my visa is fresh visa. Please advise me once more.
Thank you again and i very appreciate all your help and advise.
Drpost..whats the nationality of you and your CEO? If Indian then Im sure the Indian embassy can help you.
Please update things. We are hearing you. All of us are suffering with this type of slaver ism. Our company also refused the NOC. So we are waiting your solution...
I heard from another guy that if you start a business with a qatari, no one can cancel from this country. or purchase a property in qatar ( I mean in pearl qatar), no one can cancell you..
nothing happen......
what happen to your case plz advise.
Goodluck and pray for your battle..
thanks for your advice i hope this is works to get NOC or transfer in other sponsor and i hope i win this battle.
Drpost, its true. once the labor court send a summons to your employer they are required to present at court otherwise, they will be penalized and blocklisted. Go on with your plan, labor people are helpful.
I came in human rights and they send me in labour court that ill file a case agains to the company.If they are not attend or they ignour the hearing, labour court told me they give me release direct from them even the company not accept. I want it to know if this is true?Please give me some advice.
Apple help
Please relax we are discuss about the problem that need solution, dont argue in the matter of non sense or what? Pleasen help me....
no chance dude..
just read the qatar employee manual
its clearly mentioned everything...Section 3 appidex 2
If ill go to labour department or human rights, they have a chance to get my NOC?
Apple...heheheheheheh....can u define nonsense...:P
hope u get more angry now....
I dont talk nonsense, I'm outta here.^^
dropest u requested only 100 times..
Y cant u try one more 101.....? day the door will get open..
b confident
I have one more doubt,,,,One employe got termination and telling the reason that not satisfactory performance. In such case he can go to Labour court for release and NOC???
den u give a solution
Apple do onthing...Give some money from ur earnings to him..But shld give every month first weeek....agreeee?
We can advice easily...but think practically toooooo....
Keep your illegal advises in you, and take the risk alone.
hey,,,,,dudes....wat isn private taxi???If u stop in road side and calling some one, then only u will get catch.. I mean u just find out some regular customers, who really want transportation. I know many of such persons.If you drop a children to school the cid will not catch.. You can make such jobs and u can earn a good income monthly..
Apple this is BRAIN..
Or if u simply sit in home..nothing will get..
U shld take some risk
Where there is a will there is a way
How i can stay here to finish my 1 year, they cancel my visa and they want me to send in my country as soon as possible. Either they not grand me NOC even i request a hundred times? I dont want to make a move with the labour Department or Human rights. I want to move like a peace and nice step. Please advice what should i step to get NOC from sponsor?
I don't understand what you are saying, but again:
since you are only 9-10 months under your current sponsorship, the government most likely won't grant you permission to transfer your sponsorship, regardless to having NOC or not. There are 2 requirements for transferring a sponsorship: completion of 1 year with the same sponsor + NOC letter from this sponsor.
Since you haven't completed 1 year, you have to either stay with the same Company and to wait till you complete 1 year, or to start working with the other Company and to ask your sponsor to wait till you complete 1 year of sponsorship with him, and then to transfer your sponsorship under your new company.
spl, your advice is illegal. He cannot be in qatar on visit visa and do some "other things to earn money". It is punishable.
I wonder how SPL will help you if CID unfortunatley catched you. Maybe he will use his brain that time :P
except Baby sitting for only your kids,cooking only for your family.
Dont take risk of private taxi etc etc
I always do, SPL,....legally though ;)
Thanks for your advice, but do you know CID is very problem if you are coming to visit visa and then they catch you in working or doing part time.
Apple use ur brain...
YAAAA....but u can do it nicely....You can take order from frinds and all...means regular vice..I know many of them want transportation for going to work, droping and picking childrens in schools..You can make such 3 or 4 customers. You will get a nice income from that..May b more than ur present salary...
private taxi is illegal, if being caught :)
If u dont get NOC also there is nothing to worry. Becoz ur wife is working and u can come in her visa. But u cant work, but u can make soem other things to earn private taxi and all..
Before 2 months i will finish my 1 year in this sponsor, in this 2 months before 1 year do you mean?or after ill exit another 1 year again before i transfer in other sponsor? Please advice me i really need your advice. I dont know what ill do because i worried to my wife while she working here and she live alone.
I have one more doubt,,,,One employe got termination and telling the reason that not satisfactory performance. In such case he can go to Labour court for release and NOC???
I heard Qatar is going to make ban period is 6 months instead of 2 yr. Is it true?
well, in case your visa is cancelled, it still won't make 1 year with the same sponsor. The best way is a secondment. But your sponsor has to agree with it. First you have to get a NOC from him, second he shouldn't mind to keep you under his sponsorship another 3-4 months upto completion of 1 year, and let you work for another compnay. Then you can transfer your sponsorship under another company.
i understand what do you mean, if transfer of sposor is not possible i assume that NOC can make works for me even i exit here in Qatar, after a few months i can comeback instead of 2 years ban?
s_isale, i assume, his sponsor is the Company.
NOC has nothing to do with the way the person is hired, whether locally or overseas.
If it was only about caring the expenses, all the sponsor could do is to deduct the expenses from the employee's salary.
Now, drpost, even if you got your NOC, you won't be able to transfer your sponsorship until AT LEAST 1 year with the same sponsor is completed . Sometimes authorities require more than 1 year.
You keep complaining they don't support you with the transport. I am sure within Ras Laffan they would take care about your transfer. But this was your choice to live out of Ras Laffan. I don't think this is a valid reason for quitting a job.
try to meet the sponsor instead of the CEO.
im very serious because my family future is depend here so i do all to get NOC and find another job here in qatar. Please advice me what to do, to convince my sponsor to grand me NOC? i appreciate all advice from you guys, thank you so much.
Drpost- you serious? :D
you can not enter here for 2 years,try to get NOC, is ur wife on ur sponsership,if she is working with out ur visa then u can come back on her sponership on visit.A friend had same problem,he was here fr 2 years without job as on visit visa u can not work think that also.
Beter u get NOC
Can you tell me how i tell to them that grant me NOC so that i can comeback immediatly after they cancel my visa? how i approach to them in the nice way? Please let me know because i am agree to your advice.
Can you tell me how i tell to them that grant me NOC so that i can comeback immediatly after they cancel my visa? how i approach to them in the nice way? Please let me know because i am agree to your advice.
Apple... I agree. :-)
I always advise friends to fight for their rights so long they are within the proportion of the Law. But I do advise them too, to solve any problem in a nice, easy, possible way without involving the court unless it is necessary. The assurance of winning a case in the court against a company espcly on NOC matters is very slim.
If I were him, I will leave and seek NOC to return rather than to file case in the court. The most important thing for his company here is for him to exit so they can bring another visa in replaced of his slot. There maybe chances for him to obtained no objection to comeback without spending the 2yrs banned in his country, especially his wife and family are also here. I repeat, talk and explain nicely to your manager. Wish you goodluck!
Do you have some idea to grand me NOC? Please help me and advice me what to do..
drpost, you can complain to ministryof labor if your employer denied all the benefits stated in you contract. they can help you.
If you granted a release and transfered your sponship to another company, They may not" be granted of another visa from the Immigration.I think this is the reason to refuse this type of applications..What to do? ... ............ fate....
Apple... If the Labor Office advise someone to go to the Labor Court...that means there is some room. Its always better to fight for your rights rather quitting.
in case of a local can have a release. as my information.
Local hired or foreign hired, NOC is still on the discreet of your sponsor.
The Labor Office, will help you on benefits and salaries. But for NOC, they will tell you go to Human Rights and/or talk to your sponsor or go the court which probably takes a very loooong procedures without assurance to be granted of NOC.
thanks for your advice.
i send to you twice now
'am waiting...
As per my knowledge, in case of a local can have a release/NOC. Just pay a visit to the Labor Office and get their opinion on this. I am sure, they would be of some help.
Did you recieve my message as private?
Try talking politely with your manager to grant you NOC to come back in few months within the 2 yrs banned period, after you exit and your visa is canceled.
Most company, doesn't give NOC, because even if they granted you a release and transfered your sponship to another company/sponsor, "they may or may not" be granted of another visa from the Immigration, in replaced of your slot. That's the sad parts, for that reason most company dont wants to give NOC to their employees but rather canceled their visa.
there's no big difference of locally hired and foreign hired regarding NOC.
No Alumnar, sadly even though the company did not bear any expense to bring you over here, they still reserve the right to not give an NOC and send you back home.
please send it to me at [email protected]
No it isn't. Just that some employers 'oblige' you with an NOC if you are locally hired.
to FredUnicorn,
please send me your email so i can send you in private.
Isn't it different when you are taken on locally instead of being 'imported' to work here?
this is another form of modern slavery in this country the NOC!
Go to the Ministry of Labour and seek their advise..they may not be able to help but worth trying!
Good luck
telling me which company you work for via a Personal Message please?
But i have a lot of times i will speak the HR to grant me NOC because i cant going back in my country and also my wife is here, she come here because she know that i can protect her while we live together. My manager he told me, he dont have any objection about my NOC, but the problem is the CEO of the company is refuse my request.
Since your current employment is only since last August,your current employer has all the right to deny you an NOC ( as is the case here with most of the employers).
The only chance you have is to argue with the employer on the grounds of you having come with a release. There is a remote chance that they might accomodate your request on humane grounds. Try and speak to your HR about your family prioroties and request for release. I dont see any other way out.
All the best!