Please advice
Dear QL friends,
Anyone can advice please that is it possible to find a job in Bahrain on Visit Visa? If possible to find then is it possible to change the visit visa into job visa? My cousing brother wish to travel Bahrain from Oman with visit visa for searching job over there.
Please advice.......
My friendster Each of us living in this world have different destiny. If he have more positive point of view for his future there is nothing to worry he will have a job their. Just believe to your self and your talent because I believe also as a human we can survive in any problem come to our live's.
Me I'm Starting into nothing but now look at me I'm happy.
I think there is possible to have a job there as a visit Visa if he find the high salary then transfer your visa for safety and legal. yhala!!!
But First he must think first if he really want to work there before any action.
Good LUck!!!!