my wife recidence visa will expire 13.01.2010

By thasleem50 •
my wife residence visa will expire on 13.01.2010 but she is not in doha so can i renew the visa without her presence because she pregnant also doctor advise dont please give me an advice
I am on my way back to Doha right now because my RP expires Saturday and my husband's employer says I must be back in Qatar to renew it.
You are done man....If her passport had expired in her home country and her RP was still valid [say for 9 months] you could renew her passport and pay a fine of Qr 500/-and bring her back in say 8 months time without any hassle.
Now you have to re-apply for Family visa...tough luck....
She does not have to be in Qatar, but: you need her passport and her signature and a passport photo (2).
when you sent her home , did you not think about the expiry of her visa ?
before reaching the final stage of her pregrnancy / bedrest, you should have done things wisely. You should have broght her 3 months beofre, and stamped the visa
( Immigration dept will allow to stamp before 3 months )
now , i dont see any other way.
her visa may be cancelled
and you will have to go thru all those procedures, you got the visa for her
how do u renew her RP without original passpor
she has to be in Qatar for her RP to be renewed.