Muslim wife and non-muslim husband?

Hi everybody.
My wife and I both got offers (from different sponsors) to work in Qatar.
Now, my wife is a Muslim (her father was a Muslim) and I am not. We made a civil marriage (not in the church) in our country. Is this going to made any problems for us with getting a visa and working in Qatar?
Thank you all for your answers.
very well said!
"Anyway, OPINION is a really opinion... There is no right nor wrong."
But the marriage in Islam is NOT a matter for anyone to give an opinion over...
It's a fixed law. It's forbidden... So it's WRONG.. any "true" muslim wouldn't even dare to cross that line... but I assure you whoever did it.. they're muslims by name.. and I don't think they care to pray or fast...
If they fear God.. they wouldn't have done it...
I never heard any religion saying that if you LOVE someone, and because of you are JUST DIVIDED BY FAITH, loving him/her will give you one way ticket to HELL. Religion usually refers and teaches fairness, respect, truth, humility. So NO DISCRIMINATION of faith in marrying as per as I know. I have several friends married Muslim to a Non-Muslim, either way but the teachings of goodness manifest on how they apply towards other people and work, and not towards on what they are believing religion.
Anyway, OPINION is a really opinion... There is no right nor wrong. And we cannot further discuss if the basis is Holy Quoran and Holy Bible. We cannot justify arguments from different basis. They have both their own strong points, deal with it.
If the marriage documents are attested by the both consul, then I think there is no problem and big deal at all. This is just a discussion forum, don't use this as your actual reference. The best thing is to inquire your cases to Qatar Government Agency directly, you are not the only one who have this kind of problem anyway, I'm very sure there is always fair ruling that you can get from them. Good luck!
its not considered illegal as long as u have a marriage certificate attested from the embassy of the respective countries. They didnt even ask us abt our religion !
What about living together? You don't have any issues with that? Since it is considered illegal.
there is no problem .. all they are going to ask you is for the marriage certificate but since you both are under different sponsorships its not going to matter anyways .i am a muslim married to a non muslim ! they dont ask you abt ur religion while giving u visa etc...
saeed khan alwayssssss greate...........he has answer whatever the question ..............we must respect him.....i realy love u saeed khan ....
Thank you Dracula, glad you liked my photos. Thank you.
Thanks Dracula!
OK, bepsy!
Tak jsi z chorvatska ?
hello bepsy.. better to refuce the offer witch u got ........ther is fight started before u come....i cant imagine what will be happen after u come ............we dont want make trouble for ql members .............
If I may ask, Does your civil marriage certificate mention the religious background of your wife ? if not, I say attest it at the nearest Qatari embassy and you are safe to go, if your wife has a typical Muslim name so does Obama "Hussain".
Apologize them,bepsy!
BTW...nice photos, mate!
"Galeria Slika Fotografa bepsy"
Odlično ulovljeno!
According to your case . there is a lady working in a company and her company sponsored her . And her husband is working in another company as well so her company know that her husband in Qatar and has a sponsor .So they gave her one week to chnage her ponsorship to be under her husband's sponsorship. for sure they will ask about the marriage certificate as Qatar is an Islamic country ; it will be forbedin for Muslim Lady to marry from another religions.Therefore their might be a problem in your situation.
How is bepsy used in QL? This is my standard nickname in many forums.
I don't understand why username bepsy makes me a troll, but never mind...
Bepsy is a word used only in QL how come a new user knows this word..... You are a TROLL
Thank you all. You have give me more than enough information with your questions. This is going to be a difficult decision, since I don't consider converting to Islam as an easy option. Pretending to be something you are not and live like that every day is not something one should accept easily.
P.S. I don't understands why some of your think i am a trolling? :)
is that you exile?
so finally we are coming on track..
QL would not be able to answer these types of questions. I suggest asking an expert in the field.. I hope you come up with a viable solution..
tcom your spot on, a troll on the loose with a QL ID of bepsy... now where are my bobcorn..:)
last choice: DIVORCE!
I'm jockin' mate! :)
it would not be a problem since your state made your union legal..... it wont be an issue then....... advise me if am wrong.....
The best option is to convert to Hinduism to escape the tricky trap that you have laid.
no way ur wife can convert to Christian.
if ur converted to Muslim,yes of course you have to do all the muslim do.even good, u can take 2nd or third wife if u can afford it.thats the advantage of being a muslim..(peace..just telling the truth!)
If I do convert, how would that reflect on my everyday life in Qatar? Pray five times a day, fast at the time of Ramadan, etc.?
Can my wife convert from Muslim to Christian? Are there some other options?
Thank you!
sorry, misunderstood Op post
Go on, another fake conversion will just add to the numbers and won't really mean anything
There are a lot of inter faith marriages in my country and no body gives a damn. But here its a bit tricky with the govt having a say in such matters.
So try to legalize your marriage in terms of GCC rules and then you will be OK. Lots of people do that before they come out to the ME, it helps to avoid hassles later.
Okay, so I guess getting a working visa for us would not be a problem since there are two different sponsors.
But the fact that we would be doing something illegal concerns me. We would most definitely be living together and that should be considered illegal because of our muslim-christian marriage.
And on top of that, we could not get a housing from sponsor because our marriage is considered faulty.
Excuse me!
I only comment on the topic and tried to answer the question. The poster clearly mentioned WORKING W/ TWO DIFFERENT SPONSOR and asking if they can obtained visa w/o any problems. Who are you to tell me not to interfere in any topic here? Do u really understand what ur talking?
And btw, I know the truth and so I speak, whatabout you?
That's the only way to legalized your marriage and work and live in Qatar w/o the fear of being in trouble.
Thank you Fathima, this is the answer I was looking for. So if I convert and have legal documents with marriage certificate, there should be no problem? Our marriage would be legit in Qatar then?
Hmmm. Housing is provided by one of our sponsors, and i guess that is exactly where the problem arise.
After reading some of the replies here, I am aware that the fact that she is muslim and I am christian, and living together even after marriage is a big no no in Qatar.
P.S. to some of the people that think i am trolling, I am not.
he is one of the qler
My hubby is a convert and he had to have legal documents attesting his conversion,along with our marriage certificate, as he hasn't changed his name legally. Thus he has to prove he is a Muslim when applying for family status. So the sponsor will find out the OP's not a Muslim unless he has documents to prove he is a convert.
The question is about obtaining visa from two different sponsors while his wife is muslim and he is not.
Mega troll alert.
Bepsy gave you away...
But would the employer (if housing is provided) know that he is not Muslim (whether housing is provided by either employer)?
There be no problem in getting visa because you'll be working w/ different sponsors. You will only face problems when caught living together and/or if you change your wife's sponsorship under you. Because Islamically you are not legally married and Qatar is an Islamic country.
I know of a family whose family visa was rejected on the grounds that the marriage certificate(attested by the embassy) was not valid/legal. The wife was Muslim and the husband Christian.
Since you have been offered jobs by different sponsors visa might not be the problem. But I assume you will be living together so please look into the fact that your marriage will be considered legal/not.
If yer married then there is no problem..
I don't know - on some government paperwork they ask for the person's religion - as I understand it (and I may be wrong) Muslim women in Islam are NOT allowed to marry non-muslim men (however Muslim men are allowed to marry non-muslim women).
Whether this will be an issue in Doha is a question - would your marriage be recognized by the state IF it was known she is Muslim and you are not? I don't know
bepsi thats amazing. Good luck troll
from different no problem....
I don't think so......