Lost Passports in Wakra
Hi, My wife and daughter Indian passports got lost today in Wakra area. It was in a small black leather bag. Places they visited were near KFC, between Qtel roundabout to Baba Chachate-vasanta bhavan roundabout, ezdan 23. If anyone found them or get any info please contact me.
Please contact: 77629363
Thanks friends. I reported about the lost at wakra central security services and taken FIR. I have also informed in Indian embassy. Hoping to find it soon if not I have to pay penalty and apply for passports again. Will wait for two more days and then apply.
Thanks again....
Bird, It is strange ...... normally no body loose anything in Wakra ............. We return the lost items within seconds back to its real owners ............ be hopeful ...........
Contact your embassy as well, it might be sent there.